Title: Tsunami: Dec' 26, 2004 Lessons for Public Health
1Tsunami Dec. 26, 2004Lessons for Public Health
Mark Oberle MD, MPH moberle_at_u.washington.edu http
2Surviving a Tsunami
- http//pubs.usgs.gov/circ/c1187/
3Second wave recedes from pool area
4Victims got splints and bandages in the lobby
5Buses and boats blocked streets
6Cars and steel slammed into buildings
7Cars and debris filled pools and rooms
8Rescue efforts
Rescuers hopped on debris to get between flooded
buildings, while smaller waves crashed into1st
9Water receding at our hotel
10Tourists and Thais waited for next tsunami on the
11Hourly panics gt stampedes from beach
12The search for the missing
13Identifying remains, December 2004
(Photo Mark Simmerman)
14Processing remains, December 2004
(Photo Mark Simmerman)
15Thailand casualty data, 4 January 2005
(Photo Mark Simmerman)
16Public Health Concerns
- Preparedness planning
- Treatment of acute injuries
- Food, shelter, safe water
- Person-to-person transmission
- e.g., measles
- Vector borne disease malaria, dengue (?)
- Rehabilitation medicine
- Mental health services
17Post-tsunami illnesses
- Source MMWR January 28, 2005 / 54(03)61-64.
18Lessons for all of us
- Tsunami warning signs
- Who are the first responders?
- Family Disaster Plan
- Communications
For more information on family disaster plans
20Large Tsunamis in Last 50 years
- Chile, 1960 9.5
- Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1964 9.2
- Indonesia, 2004 9.0 9.3
- Andreanof Islands, Alaska, 1957 9.1
21World Population Growth
23Tsunami Dec. 26, 2004Lessons for Public Health
Mark Oberle MD, MPH moberle_at_u.washington.edu http