Title: December 1, 2005
1The BYEF Experience
- Bart Nelissen
- Department of Chemistry
- University of York
- BioScience York 10th Anniversary
- December 1 2005
2Our Technology in a Nutshell
1 Select Molecular Target
3 Immobilise Best Receptor on Polymer Support
- High Capacity Selective Affinity Resins
- Potential Applications
- Therapeutics
- Separations
2 Design Small Library of Synthetic Receptors
3Current Therapeutic Targets
- Phosphate Lowering Medication
- End Stage Renal Failure Patients
- Supported by Wellcome Trust University
Translation Award (UTA) - Cholesterol Lowering Medication
- Supported by BYEF
4Bioscience Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowship
- A scheme by Yorkshire Forward to stimulate
Bioentrepreneurs in the Yorkshire area - Proof of Concept Funding for 1 year
- 15.000 to develop the science
- 15.000 to develop the business
- Monthly Workshops on topics such as IP, Finance,
Market Analysis - Network of Advice
- Learning how to translate a scientific idea to a
5BYEF Support
- Market Research
- Better understanding of how our product fits into
the future market - Patentability Study
- Take away concerns about infringements
- Student Support
- Two summer students for 8 weeks each to take the
science forward
6BYEF Support
- Tap into Local Network of Support
- Mentors Graham Fagg and Peter Bentley
- Exposure
- Personal Skills Development
- Commercially versed
- Better networked
7Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
WHO by 2010, CVD will be the leading cause of
death in developed countries
Biological Risk Factors
Changes in Lifestyle
8Current Therapies
- Statin Drugs
- Inhibit synthesis of cholesterol in the liver
- Bile Acid Sequestrants
- Inhibit re-uptake of bile acids produced by the
liver from cholesterol - Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors
- Inhibit the absorption of dietary cholesterol
9Anti-dyslipidemic Drugs Market
- Total value worldwide in 2004 25 billion
- Market dominated by statins
- Bile Acid Sequestrants only take 1 of the market
10Statin Drugs, Associated Problems
- Efficacy
- 60 of patients do not reach their cholesterol
Percentage of patients reaching goal
Risk Category
11Statin Drugs, Associated Problems
- Efficacy
- 60 of patients do not reach their cholesterol
goals - Dose-response curve for statins is non-linear
12Trend Combination Drugs
- Two drugs that lower cholesterol via
complementary mechanisms - Keeps dose of statin at a save but still
effective level - E.g. Statins Bile Acid Sequestrants
13Bile Acid Sequestrants, Materials
- Cross linked polymers
- Cationic ion-exchange resins
- (positively charged)
- Bind negatively charged bile acid
- (via electrostatic interactions)
14Bile Acid Sequestrants, Problems
- Dose
- High doses (multigram) needed because of low
affinity for bile acids cause constipation - Selectivity
- Potential removal of essential nutrients, e.g.
vitamins, because of lack of selectivity for bile
acids - Patient compliance
- Materials are gritty resins and swell when taken
with water
15Our Approach
- Requirements
- Higher affinity for Bile Acids
- Selectivity for Bile Acids
- Enhanced Material Properties
- Solution
- Develop synthetic receptors for Bile Acids
- Incorporate units into cross linked polymer
network - Control Material Properties
16Our Approach
Current Bile Acid Sequestrants
Our Receptor Containing Bile Acid Sequestrants
17The Near Future
In Vitro Data
In Vivo Data
Preclinical Safety
Phase I