Title: The Ecological Restructuring of Germany
1The Ecological Restructuring of Germany
2The Limits to Growth / Die Grenzen des Wachstums
- Pessimistic report published by the Club of Rome
in 1972 - Predicted serious levels of pollution, erosion,
hunger, population explosion and migration - Questioned the wisdom of unchecked economic growth
3The Growth of Environmental Awareness - ein
Umweltbewußtsein entsteht
4Die Ölkrise 1973
- Following the second Arab - Israeli war when the
West generally sided with Israel, the
oil-producing countries reduced their output - Widespread shortages and an increased desire to
find secure sources for oil and gas (North Sea)
5Nuclear Energy / Atomkraft
- Seen as an alternative to coal/oil
- Research since the 1950s (EURATOM)
- Allowed Germany to be less dependent on
oil-producing countries - Massive building programme decided
6Beispiel AKW Brokdorf
7Gorleben (Endlagerstätte für nuklearen Müll in
8Proteste gegen Wackersdorf, eine geplante
Wiederaufbereitungsanlage (wie Sellafield in
Cumbria) sind so erfolgreich, daß die Anlage
NICHT gebaut wird
9Tschernobyl 1986
- Major ecological disaster with global effect
- Convinced SPD to include the Ausstieg aus der
Atomenergie in its party manifesto - Similar reactors in the GDR switched off after
10Recycling / Kreislaufwirtschaft
- A major project of the Conservative Government
- Recyling resources in an organised, profitable
way - Relies on carrot and stick
- Verpackungsgesetz 1991
- Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz 1994
- Nothing can make economic sense if it doesnt
make ecological sense
11Recycling, cont.
- The Grüner Punkt system is used to finance the
collection system Manufacturers declare that
their packaging is recyclable and pay a fee to
the Duales System Deutschland GmbH, then produce
as normal. - This packaging is covered and can go into the
yellow bag. The customer ultimately pays, and
also has to be coaxed - though this is not too
hard with law-abiding, environmentally friendly
Germans - into sorting.
12Recycling, cont.
- Meanwhile, everything finds a place somewhere
(corks from winebottles, batteries), and
packaging waste has reduced dramatically, so much
so, that the old infrastructure with
council-built local waste incinerators suffers.
13Erfolge der Umweltpolitik
14Von Bewegung zur Partei
- The destruction of the 'heile Welt' outside one's
own window (such as the discovery of secret toxic
waste dumps, poisoned rivers and the
Waldsterben due to acid rain) caused people to
voice their opposition to government and business
interests in Citizen's Initiatives
(Bürgerinitiativen), and in various 'green'
pressure groups in the 1970s.
15Die Grünen in der Opposition
- These were initially seen as magnets for
crackpots, extremists and hippies, but soon found
their way into local councils, regional
parliaments, and, as DIE GRÜNEN, into the German
parliament in 1983. The Green Party was seen as a
short-lived phenomenon, but has since generally
overtaken the liberals as the third largest
political party in Germany
16Die Bundestagswahl 1990
- While the candidate for the SPD, Oskar
Lafointaine, campaigned for an Ecological
Restructuring of Germany and a confederation of
the two German states, Chancellor Kohl for the
CDU campaigned for a swift unification process
he won by a landslide vote
17Die Rot-Grüne Regierung
- In 1998, when the electorate had tired of
Chancellor Kohl and his policies, the SPD formed
a coalition government with the Green party.
Chancellor Schröder was joined in cabinet by the
leader of the Green party, Joschka Fischer (as
foreign minister) and Jürgen Trittin (as minister
for the environment)
- One of the first measures taken by the new
government was the introduction of an eco-tax
to encourage energy saving
19The new government proclaimes the Ausstieg aus
der Atomenergie
20Against opposition, Castor transports of
nuclear waste continue
21The government introduces the Erneuerbare
Energien Gesetz
22Alternative Energien / Renewables
- Development/Installation of wind farms subsidised
by generous grants from the government - Guaranteed price for green energy (challenged
by European Commission) - Has now reached critical mass
- Renewables 2004 in Bonn
23Windenergie in Deutschland
- Major wind farms planned offshore
- Major energy companies involved
- Safe, clean energy, but still has people up in
arms because it spoils the landscape, creates
noise, has adverse effect on wildlife
25Die Debatte hält an
26Ende offen