Molecular Fluorescence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Molecular Fluorescence


Types of Fluorescence/phosphorescence ... More often, molecular fluorescence (phosphorescence) occurs ... Phosphorescence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Molecular Fluorescence

Chapter 9
Molecular Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
Sources of Luminescence
  • Luminescence can be classifieds according to the
    source of excitation into
  • Photoluminescence deactivation takes
  • place after excitation with photons
  • 2. Radioluminescence ground state molecules are
    excited by collisions with high energy particles
  • 3. Chemluminescence ground state molecules are
    excitted by certain chemical reactions

Characteristics of Photoluminescence
Fluorescence is short-lived with luminescence
ending almost immediately. Phosphorescence
involves change in electron spin and may endure
for several seconds. In most cases,
photoluminescent radiation tends to be at longer
wavelengths than excitation radiation. Chemilumin
escence is based on an excited species formed by
a chemical reaction.
  • Types of Fluorescence/phosphorescence
  • Resonance radiation (or fluorescence)
    absorbed radiation
  • is reemitted without alteration.
  • More often, molecular fluorescence
    (phosphorescence) occurs
  • as bands centered at wavelengths longer than
  • line. This shift to longer wavelengths is
    Stokes shift.

Excitation and de-excitation process
Molecular Multiplicity, M
  • M 2S 1
  • S spin quantum number of the molecule
  • ? net spin of the electrons in the molecule
  • Most organic molecules have S 0 because
  • have even number of electrons thus the ground
  • must have all electrons paired
  • M 2 X (0) 1 1 Molecules in the ground
  • mostly have a singlet state, So. S1 and S2 for
    first and
  • second excited states

  • While molecules in the excited state, one e- may
  • reverse its spin
  • S (1/2) (1/2) 1
  • M 2(1) 1 3 Triplet State T1
  • A molecule with an even number of e- can not
    have a ground triplet state because the spins of
    all electrons are paired
  • Molecules with one unpaired electron are in
    doublet state (organic free radicals)

Spin Orientations
  • The allowed absorption process will
  • result in a singlet state.
  • A change in electron spin is, technically,
  • a "forbidden" process
  • Forbidden" process according to
  • quantum mechanics means unlikely, not
  • absolutely cant happen

Electronic States Singlet State electron spins
paired, no splitting of energy level. May be
ground or excited state. Doublet State free
radical (due to odd electron). Triplet State
one electron excited to higher energy state,
spin becomes unpaired (parallel).
Difference between triplet and singlet states
  • Molecule is paramagnetic in the T excited state
  • diamagnetic in the S excited state
  • 2. S T transitions (or reverse) are
    less probable than S S
  • Thus average lifetime of T excited state
    (10-4 s) is longer than the S excited state (10-5
    - 10-8 s)
  • Also absorption peaks due to S-T
    transitions are less sensitive than S-S
  • When an excited triplet state can be
    populated from
  • an excited S state of certain molecules, a
    phosphorescence process will be the result

Energy of a Molecule (Jablonski energy-level
Energy Levels for Luminescence Transitions
Fluorescence in the Jablonski energy-level
Interpretation of the Energy Diagram
  • Absorption Ground state to Excited state
  • (10-15 sec)
  • Relaxation Excited state to Ground state
  • Internal Conversion (IC)
  • nonradiative (thermal, collisional) relaxation of
    electrons through vibrational states (10-12 -
    10-14 sec)
  • Emission
  • fluorescence (spontaneous emission 10-10 - 10-8
  • phosophorescence (10-3 - 10-0 sec)
  • phosphorescence requires intersystem crossing
    (flip of electron spin)
  • Ground state singlet
  • Excited state singlet
  • Spin flip (now in Triplet state)
  • intersystem crossing
  • Need another Spin flip to be allowed to go back
    to Ground state singlet

  • Once in the triplet state, de-excitation to the
    ground singlet state is forbidden.
  • Consequently, the molecule "hangs" in the triplet
    state for a considerably longer period of time
    than it would otherwise. When the emission
    finally comes, it is called phosphorescence.

Deactivation Processes
  • The molecule can rapidly dissipate excess
  • vibrational energy as
  • heat by collision with solvent molecules through
  • vibrational relaxation process
  • 2. EMR
  • Internal Conversion IC
  • Inter System Crossing ISC
  • - Quenching
  • - Fluorescence
  • - Phosphorescence

Rates of Absorption and Emission
  • The rate at which a photon of radiation is
    absorbed is enormous, the process requiring on
    the order o f 10-14 to 10-15s.
  • Fluorescence emission, on the other hand, occurs
    at a significantly slower rate.
  • Here, the lifetime of the excited state is
    inversely related to the molar absorptivity of
    the absorption peak corresponding to the
    excitation process.

  • The favored route to the ground state is the one
    that minimizes the lifetime of the excited state.
  • Thus, if deactivation by fluorescence is rapid
    with respect to the radiationless processes, such
    emission is observed.
  • On the other hand, if a radiationless path has
    more favorable rate constant, fluorescence is
    either absent or less intense.

Vibrational Relaxation
  • This relaxation process is so efficient that the
    average lifetime of a vibrationally excited
    molecule is 10-12s or less, a period
    significantly shorter than the average lifetime
    of an electronically excited state.

Internal Conversion
  • The term internal conversion describes
    intermolecular processes by which a molecule
    passes to a lower energy electronic state without
    emission of radiation.
  • These processes are neither well defined nor well
    understood, but it is apparent that they are
    often highly efficient, because relatively few
    compounds exhibit fluorescence

  • Predissociation
  • As a result if internal conversion, electron
  • may move from a higher electronic state to
  • an upper vibrational level of a lower
  • state in which the vibrational energy is enough
  • to cause rupture of a bond
  • In a large molecule there is an appreciable
  • probability for the existance of bonds with
  • sterngths less than the electronic excitation
  • energy of the chromophores

  • Dissociation
  • The absorbed radiation excites the electron of
  • a chromophore directly to a sufficiently high
  • vibrational level to cause rupture of the
  • chromphoric bond. That is no internal
  • conversion is involved.
  • Dissociation processes also competes with the
  • fluorescent process

External Conversion
  • Deactivation of an excited electronic state may
    involve interaction and energy transfer between
    the excited molecule and the solvent or other
  • These processes are called collectively external
    conversion, or collisional quenching.
  • Evidence for external conversion includes the
    marked effect upon fluorescence intensity exerted
    by the solvent furthermore, those conditions
    that tend to reduce the number of collisions
    between particles generally lead to enhanced

Intersystem crossing
  • Intersystem crossing takes place from excited
  • singlet to excited triplet state.
  • Transition occurs between the singlet ground
  • state (electrons are anti-parallel paired)
    to an
  • excited state(electrons are parallel
  • Return to ground state is much slower process
    than fluorescence, or Phosphorescence.
  • Emitted radiation is of an even longer wavelength
    because the energy difference between the two is

De-excitation can occur via a radiative decay,
i.e. by spontaneous emission of a photon. The
radiative de-excitation process can be described
as a monomolecular process The vibrational
relaxation of any electronic state is always much
faster than photon emission. Therefore, all
observed fluorescence normally originates from
the lowest vibrational level of the electronic
excited state.
Electronic excited state
Electronic ground state
Most of the fluorescence spectrum is shifted to
lower energies (longer wavelengths), compared to
the absorption spectrum.
Furthermore, the shape of the emission spectrum
is approximately the mirror image of the
absorption spectrum, providing that the ground
and excited state have similar vibrational
Electronic excited state
Electronic ground state
Mirror Image Spectra
The above spectra are plotted as amplitude versus
wave number. When plotted versus wavelength
the mirror effect is not as pronounced.
  • The shortest wavelength in the fluorescence
    spectrum is the longest wavelength in the
    absorption spectrum

  • Deactivation of electronic excited states may
    also involve phosphorescence.
  • After intersystem crossing to a triplet state,
    further deactivation can occur either by internal
    or external conversion or by phosphorescence.
  • External and internal conversions compete so
    successfully with phosphorescence that this kind
    of emission is ordinarily observed only at low
    temperatures, in highly viscous media or by
    molecules that are adsorbed on solid.

Phosphorescence occurs when a forbidden spin
exchange converts the electronic excited singlet
state into a triplet state The triplet state
relaxes rapidly to the v0 vibrational level,
which has lower energy than the corresponding
excited singlet state. The transition to the
electronic ground singlet state with the emission
of a photon is spin-forbidden. Therefore the
molecule gets trapped in the triplet state.
Electronic excited state
Electronic ground state
In practice, the emission of a photon and the
recovery of the ground state occurs, but with low
efficiency. Since the triplet state has
generally lower energy than the excited singlet,
phosphorescence occurs at longer wavelengths
(lower frequencies) and can easily be
distinguished from fluorescence. The
de-excitation of molecules due to phosphorescence
is described by
Electronic excited state
Electronic ground state
Being spin-forbidden, the transition from the
excited triplet to the ground singlet occurs very
slowly, with a radiative lifetime in the order of
seconds, or longer. Phosphorescence can be
observed only when other de-activating processes
have been suppressed, typically in rigid glasses,
at low temperature and in the absence of oxygen.
In solution other de-excitation processes, such
as quenching are much more efficient, and
therefore phosphorescence is rarely observed.
  • Energy gets transferred to the quencher, usually
  • through collisions with a nearby residue or
  • This reduces photon emissions and decreases
  • fluorescence intensity.

  • Two processes can diminish amount of light energy
  • from the sample
  • Internal quenching due to intrinsic structural
    feature e.g. structural rearrangement.
  • External quenching interaction of the excited
    molecule with another molecule in the sample or
    absorption of exciting or emitted light by
    another chromophore in sample.
  • All forms of quenching result in non-radiative
    loss of energy.

De-excitation can result from collisions with
other solute molecules (Q), capable of accepting
the excess energy and therefore of quenching the
excited states
Usually Q is in large molar excess over the
excited state and the observed kinetic is a
pseudo-first order. Oxygen is an efficient
quencher, with quenching rates limited basically
by diffusion. At millimolar oxygen concentration
this means
Rate Constants and Quenching
  • The rate constant for fluorescence is roughly
  • to the molar absorptivity
  • e 104 103 102
  • kf 109 108 107
  • The rate constant for intersystem crossing
    depends upon
  • the singlet-triplet gap, the smaller the gap
    the larger the
  • rate constant
  • The rate constant for intersystem crossing is
  • with Br and I substitution into the double
    bond structure
  • During the lifetime of the excited state a
    molecule can
  • loose energy via collisions, this is called

common quenchers are oxygen, molecules with heavy
atoms, and molecules with unpaired spins
Kinetics of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
Intensity of absorbed light ?I Io - IT
Where ?I is known also as Rate of absorption
That is exactly equal rate of deactivation ?I
(kIC kISC kf kQ Q) S1 kIC kISC
kf kQ are the first-order rate constants of
the corresponding deactivation processes. kQ
is the second-order quenching rate constant, Q
is the quencher concentration S1 is the
concentration if S1 molecules Vibrational
relaxation has been included in kIC
  • Efficiency of fluorescence is measured
  • in terms of the fluorescence quantum
  • yield, ?f
  • ?f of photons emitted
  • of photons absorbed
  • Rate of fluorescence If ?I ?f kfS1
  • ?f (kIC kISC kf kQ
    Q) S1
  • ?f kf / (kIC kISC kf kQ Q)

Fluorescence Quantum Yield
  • The higher the value of ?f the greater will be
  • the observed fluorescence.
  • If the rate constants relative to other de-
  • excitation processes are small compared to kf
  • then the compound will have a value of ?f
  • So by definition a non-fluorescent compound
  • has a value of ?f 0, where all energy
  • absorbed by the molecule is lost via non-
  • radiative processes such as collisional
  • deactivation.

  • The quantum yield of a compound is usually
  • determined relative to a standard for which ?f
  • already known.
  • The intensity of fluorescence of a fluorophore
  • referred to as brightness the higher this
    is, the more
  • extinction coefficient (?) and the quantum
    yield (?f ).
  • ?f allows a qualitative interpretation of many
    of the
  • structural and environmental factors that
  • fluorescent intensity
  • The variables that lead to higher kf values and
  • values to the other k terms will enhance

  • To obtain a large quantum yield
  • ? find a molecule with a large molar absorptivity
  • substitute a highly symmetric molecule with a
  • group having a lone pair of electrons (-OH or
  • NH2)
  • ? keep oxygen and free radicals out of the
  • don't use molecules with heavy halogens
  • ratio naphthalene 1-fluoro 1-chloro
    1-bromo 1-iodo
  • fp/ff 0.093 0.068
    5.2 16.4 gt1000

  • The lifetime of the S1 state is given by
  • 1/ (kIC kISC kf kQ Q)
  • If all processes competing with fluorescence are
    absent, then
  • ?r (radiative lifetime) 1 / kf
  • Thus,
  • ?f ? / ?r

  • For Phosphorescence ?p 1/ (kp kVR kQP Qp
  • and ?p / ?t ?P / ?PR
  • Kp First order decay const of T1 to S0 state
  • kVR const. For vibrational relaxation of the
  • T1 state
  • kQP Qp pseudo first-order rate const. For
    quenching of the triplet state by impurity
    quincher, Qp
  • ?P and ?PR lifetimes in, respectively, the
    presence and absence of the competitive
    radiationless processes
  • ?t efficiency of formation of the triplet state

Effect of Concentration on Fluorescent Intensity
If ?I ?f ?f (Io IT) .(1) IT Io X 10
-?bc (2) Where ? is the molar absorptivity
of the fluorescing molecule. Substituting Eq 2
in Eeq 1 If ?fIo (1 10 -?bc ) . (3) The
exponential term in Eq 3 can be expanded as a
Maclaurin series to If ?fIo 2.303 ?bc -
(2.303 ?bc )2/2! (2.303 ?bc )3/3!.. ) Provided
2.303 ?bc lt 0.05, all of the subsequent terms in
the brackets become small with respect to the
first. Thus, we may write If 2.303 ?fIo ?bc Or
If kC. If VS C is straight line at low
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  • Factors responsible for non linearity
  • The concentration When 2.303 ?bc is more than
    0.05, the linearity is lost
  • Self quenching collisions between excited
  • Self absorption When the wave length of emission
    overlaps an absorption peak. Fluorescence is then
    decreased as the emitted beam traverse the

Excitation and Emission Spectra
  • Fluorescing molecules are characterized by two
  • of spectra
  • Excitation Spectrum
  • Fluorescence intensity is observed as a
    function of
  • exciting ? at some fixed emission ?
  • 2. Emission (Fluorescence and phosphorescence)
  • Emission intensity is measured as a function
    of emitted ?
  • at fixed exciting ?
  • 3. Emission spectrum is usually used for
    analytical applications
  • 4. Excitation spectrum is run first to confirm
    the identity of
  • the substance
  • 5. Fluorescence Spectrum occurs at ? longer than
    does the
  • excitation (absorption) spectrum

6. Only the longer ? band of absorption and the
shorter ? band of fluorescence will generally
overlap 7. Since the vibrational spacing in the
ground state So and the first excited
singlet state S1 will often be similar for
large molecules the fluorescence spectrum is
often mirror image of the absorption
spectrum 8. Because phosphorescence emission
occurs from the triplet state there is no
mirror relationship with the absorption band
of the lowest excited singlet 9. Since emission
almost always occurs from the first excited
state, the emission spectrum is independent of
? of excitation 10. Since the quantum yield of
emission is generally independent of ? of
excitation thus the excitation spectrum
is independent of the emission ? monitored
  • In order to scan the two types of spectra, tow
  • are used Excitation monochromator and
  • monochromator
  • Excitation spectrum is recorded when the
    emission monochrom.
  • is set at fixed ? max (fluor. or phosph.) and
  • excitation monochromator is allowed to vary.
  • It is used when the compound to be studied for
    the first
  • time
  • Emission spectrum is recorded when the
  • monochromator is set at a fixed ? (?max of
  • and the emission monochromator is allowed to
  • (This is usually used for analytical

Fluorescent Excitation and Emission Spectra
Fluorescent Excitation and Emission Spectra
Excitation Spectrum Observe Emission at single
wavelength while scanning excitation wavelengths
Emission Spectrum Observe Emission spectrum
while keeping excitation at a single wavelength
Sample Spectra Excitation (left), measure
luminescence at fixed wavelength while varying
excitation wavelength. Fluorescence (middle) and
phosphorescence (right), excitation is fixed and
record emission as function of wavelength.
Electronic Transition Types in Fluorescence
  • Seldom to have fluorescence by absorbing Uv at lt
    250 nm
  • At this range of ? deactivation of excited
    state may take
  • place by predissociation (Rupture of bonds
    after IC) or
  • dissociation (bond rupture after absorption)
  • Thus, Fluorescence due to ? - ? transition
    is seldom
  • observed
  • Fluorescence is limited to the less energetic
    ? - ? and
  • ? - n transitions depending upon which is
    less energetic
  • Fluorescence most commonly arises from
    transition from
  • the first excited state to one of the
    vibrational levels of the
  • ground state.

Quantum Efficiency and Transition Type
  • ?f (? - ?) gt ?f (? - n) transition
  • ? for ? - ? transition is 100 1000 fold
    greater and
  • this is a measure for transition probability
  • Thus, the lifetime of ? - ? is shorter than
    ? - n
  • and kf is larger
  • The rate constant for ISC is smaller for ? - ?
  • because the energy difference for
    singlet/triplet states
  • is larger. That is more energy is required to
  • the electrons of the ? excited state. Thus,
    overlap of
  • the triplet vibrational levels with those of
    the singlet
  • state is less and the probability of ISC is

  • In Summary
  • Fluorescence is more commonly associated with
    ? - ?
  • transition state because
  • 1. ? - ? transitions possess shorter average
  • 2. Deactivation processes that compete with
  • are less likely to occur
  • Fluorescence is favored when
  • 1. Energetic difference between the excited
    singlet state
  • and triplet state is relatively large
  • 2. Energetic difference between the first
    excited state
  • and the ground state is sufficiently
    large to prevent
  • appreciable relaxation to the ground
    state by
  • radiationless processes

  • Variables that Affect Fluorescence
  • Structure and structural Rigidity
  • Temperature increased temperature, decreased
    quantum yield
  • Solvent Viscosity lower viscosity, lower
    quantum yield
  • Fluorescence usually pH-dependent
  • Dissolved oxygen reduces emission intensity
  • Concentration
  • Self-quenching due to collisions of excited
  • Self-absorbance when fluorescence emission and
  • wavelengths overlap.

Fluorescence And Structure
  • The most intense and the most useful fluorescence
    is found in compounds containing aromatic
    functional groups with low-energy ? to ?
    transition levels.
  • Compounds containing aliphatic and alicyclic
    carbonyl structures or highly conjugated
    double-bond structures may also exhibit
  • Most unsubstituted aromatic hydrocarbons
    fluoresce in solution the quantum efficiency
    usually increases with the number of rings and
    their degree of condensation.
  • The simple heterocyclics, such as pyridine,
    furan, thiophene, and pyrrole do not exhibit
    fluorescence on the other hand, fused ring
    structures ordinarily do.
  • With nitrogen heterocyclics, the lowest-energy
    electronic transition is believed to involve n to
    ? system that rapidly converts to the triplet
    state and prevents fluorescence.

  • Fusion of benzene rings to a heterocyclic
    nucleus, however, results in an increase in the
    molar absorptivity of the absorption peak. The
    lifetime of an excited state is shorter in such
    structures fluorescence is thus observed for
    compounds such as quinoline, isoquinoline, and
  • Substitution of a carboxylic acid or carbonyl
    group on an aromatic ring generally inhibits
  • In these compounds, the energy of the n to ?
    transition is less than that of the ? to ?
    transition as pointed out earlier, the
    fluorescence yield from the former type of system
    is ordinarily low

Heavy Atom Effect
  • Halogens constituents cause a decrease in
    fluorescence and the decrease increases with
    atomic number of halogens
  • The decrease in fluorescence with increasing
    atomic number of the halogen is thought to be due
    in part to the heavy atom effect, which increases
    the probability for intersystem crossing to the
    triplet state.
  • Spin/orbital interactions become large in the
    presence of heavy atoms and a change in spin is
    thus more favorable
  • Predissociation is thought to play an important
    role in iodobenzene (for example) that has easily
    ruptured bonds that can absorb the excitation
    energy following internal conversion.
  • Substitution of a carboxylic acid or carbonyl
    group on an aromatic ring generally inhibits
    fluorescence. In these compounds, the energy of
    the n,? transition is less than that of the ? ,
    ? transition.

  • The electromagnetic fields that are associated
    with relatively heavy atoms affect electron spins
    within a molecule more than the fields associated
    with lighter atoms.
  • The addition of a relatively heavy atom to a
    molecule causes excited singlet and triplet
    electrons to become more energetically similar.
    That reduces the energetic difference between the
    singlet and triplet states and increases the
    probability of intersystem crossing and of
    phosphorescence. The probability of fluorescence
    is simultaneously reduced.
  • The increased phosphorescence and decreased
    fluorescence with the addition of a heavy atom is
    the heavy-atom effect.
  • If the heavy atom is a substituent on the
    luminescent molecule, it is the internal
    heavy-atom effect. The external heavy-atom effect
    occurs when the heavy atom is part of the
    solution (usually the solvent) in which the
    luminescent compound is dissolved rather than
    directly attached to the luminescent molecule.
  • The effect that the halides have upon a
    luminescent molecule is an example of the
    internal heavy-atom effect.

Fluorescence and Structure
Factors That Affect Photoluminescence
  • Photoluminescence is favored when the absorption
    is efficient (high absorptivities).
  • Fluorescence is favored when
  • 1. the energetic difference between the
    excited singlet
  • and triplet states is relatively large
  • 2. the energetic difference between the
    first excited singlet state and the ground
    state is sufficiently large to prevent
    appreciable relaxation to the ground state by
    radiationless processes.
  • Phosphorescence is favored when
  • 1. the energetic difference between the first
    excited singlet state and the first excited
    triplet state is relatively small
  • 2. the probability of a radiationless transition
    from the triplet state to the ground state is
  • Any physical or chemical factor that can affect
    any of the transitions can affect the
  • These factors include structural rigidity,
    temp., solvent, pH, dissolved oxygen.

Effects of structural rigidity
  • Photoluminescent compounds are those compounds in
    which the energetic levels within the compounds
    favor de-excitation by emission of uv-visible
    radiation rather than by loss of rotational or
    vibrational energy
  • Fluorescing and phosphorescing compounds usually
    have a rigid planar structure
  • the quantum efficiencies for fluorene and
    biphenyl are nearly 1.0 and 0.2, respectively,
    under similar conditions CH2 causes more rigidity

  • The rigidity of the molecule prevents loss of
    energy through rotational and vibrational
    energetic level changes.
  • Any subsistent on a luminescent molecule that can
    cause increased vibration or rotation can quench
    the fluorescence.
  • The planar structure of fluorescent compounds
    allows delocalization of the ?-electrons in the
    molecule. That in turn increases the chance that
    luminescence can occur because the electrons can
    move to the proper location to relax into a lower
    energy localized orbital.

  • Organic compounds that contain only single bonds
    between the carbons do not luminesce owing to
    lack of absorption in the appropriate region and
    lack of a planar and rigid structure.
  • Organic compounds that do luminesce generally
    consist of rings with alternative single and
    double bonds between the atoms (conjugated double
    bonds) in the rings.
  • The sp2 bonds between the carbons in the rings
    cause the desired planar structure, and the
    alternating double bonds give rigidity and
    provide the ?-electrons electrons necessary for

Temperature Effect
  • The quantum efficiency of fluorescence in most
    molecules decreases with increasing temperature
  • Due to increased frequency of collisions at
    elevated temperatures the probability for
    deactivation by external conversion is improved.

Solvent Effect
  • A decrease in solvent viscosity also increases
    the likelihood of external conversion and leads
    to the decrease in quantum efficiency
  • The fluorescence of a molecule is decreased by
    solvents containing heavy atoms or other solutes
    with such atoms in their structure carbon
    tetrabromide and ethyl iodide are examples.
  • The effect is similar to what occurs when heavy
    atoms are substituted into fluorescing compounds
    orbital spin interactions result in an increase
    in the rate of triplet formation and a
    corresponding decrease in fluorescence.
  • Compounds containing heavy atoms are frequently
    incorporated into solvents when enhanced
    phosphorescence is desired.

Effect of pH on Fluorescence
  • Fluorescence of an aromatic compound with acidic
    ring substituents is usually pH-dependent.
  • Both ? and the emission intensity are likely to
    be different for the ionized and nonionized forms
    of the compound.
  • The data for phenol and aniline shown illustrate
    this effect.
  • The changes in emission of compounds of this type
    arise from the differing number of resonance
    species that are associated with the acidic and
    basic forms of the molecules.
  • The additional resonance forms lead to a more
    stable first excited state fluorescence in the
    ultraviolet region is the consequence.
  • Thus, close control of pH is required for
    fluorescence studies

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Effect Of Dissolved Oxygen
  • The presence of dissolved oxygen often reduces
    the intensity of fluorescence in a solution.
  • This effect may be the result of a
    photochemically induced oxidation of the
    fluorescing species.
  • More commonly, however, the quenching takes place
    as a consequence of the paramagnetic properties
    of molecular oxygen, which promotes intersystem
    crossing and conversion of excited molecules to
    the triplet state.
  • Other paramagnetic species also tend to quench
  • fluorescence.

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Instruments
  • Design luminescence instruments
  • Filter fluorometers (fluorometers, flurimeters)
    and filter phosphorimeters
  • Work at fixed ?exc and fixed ?emi
  • Spectrofluorometers spectrophophorimetrs
  • Capable of ? scanning. Two monochromators
    are required

Features of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Almost same components as Uv-Vis instruments
  • Most of them are double beam configuration to
    allow compensation of power source fluctuations
  • Though fluorescence is propagated in all
    directions the most convenient one is that at
    right angles to the excitation beam.
  • At other angles scattering from solutions and
    cell walls may become appreciable
  • The use of attenuator helps reducing the power of
    the reference beam to approximately that of the
    fluorescent radiation beam

Components of Fluorometers and Spectrofluorometers
  • Sources
  • A source that is more intense than the tungsten
    or deuterium lamps employed for Uv-Vis.
  • The magnitude of the output signal, and thus the
    sensitivity, is directly proportional to the
    source power Po.
  • A mercury or xenon arc lamp is commonly employed
  • The most common source for filter fluorometers is
    a low-pressure mercury-vapor lamp equipped with a
    fused silica window.
  • This source produces intense lines at 254, 366,
    405, 436, 546, 577, 691, and 773 nm. Individual
    lines can be isolated with suitable absorption or
    interference filters.
  • Various types of lasers were also used as
    excitation sources for photoluminescence
  • Tunable dye laser employing a pulsed nitrogen
    laser as the primary source. Monochromatic
    radiation between 360 and 650 nm is produced.

Filters And Monochromators
  • Both interference and absorption filters have
    been employed in fluorometers.
  • Most spectrofluorometers are equipped with
    grating monochromators.

  • Luminescence signals are of low intensity thus,
    large amplifier gains are required
  • Photomultiplier tubes
  • Diode-array detectors
  • Cooling of detector is used sometimes to improve
    S/N ration

Cells and Cell Compartments
  • Both cylindrical and rectangular cells fabricated
    of glass or silica are employed for fluorescence
  • Care must be taken in the design of the cell
    compartment to reduce the amount of scattered
    radiation reaching the detector.
  • Baffles are often introduced into the
    compartment for this purpose.

Instrument Designs Fluorometers
  • The source beam is split near the source into a
    reference beam and a sample beam.
  • The reference beam is attenuated by the aperture
    disk so that its intensity is roughly the same as
    the fluorescence intensity.
  • Both beams pass through the primary filter, with
    the reference beam then being reflected to the
    reference photomultiplier tube.
  • The sample beam is focused on the sample by a
    pair of lenses and causes emission of fluorescent
  • The emitted radiation passes through a second
    filter and then is focused on the second
    photomultiplier tube.
  • The electrical outputs from the two detectors are
    fed into a solid state comparator, which computes
    the ratio of the sample to reference intensities
    this ratio serves as the analytical parameter.

Nearly all fluorometers (spectrofluorometers)
are double-beam systems.
Fluorometer or Spectrofluorometer
Filter Fluorometer
  • spectrofluoters are capable of providing both
    excitation and emision pectra.
  • The optical design of one of these, which
    utilizes two grating monochromators, is shown
  • Radiation from the first monochromator is split,
    part passing to a reference photomultiplier and
    part to sample.
  • The resulting fluorescence radiation, after
    dispersion by the second monochromator, is
    detected by a second photomultiplier.
  • The emission spectra obtained will not
    necessarily compare well with spectra from other
    instruments, because the output depends not only
    upon the intensity of fluorescence but also upon
    the characteristics of the lamp, detector, and
  • All of these instrument characteristics vary
    with wavelength and differ from instrument to
  • A number of methods have been developed for
    obtaining a corrected spectrum, which is the true
    fluorescence spectrum freed from instrumental
    effects many of the newer and more sophisticated
    commercial instruments provide a means for
    obtaining corrected spectra directly


Spectrofluorometer based on Array Transducers
Transducer is a two-dimensional device that sees
the excitation and emission radiation in two
Observe Fluorescent Excitation and Emission
Spectra Simultaneously
Phosphorimeters Spectrophosporimeters
  • Instruments that have been used for studying
    phosphorescence are similar in design to the
    fluorometers and spectrofluorometers just
    considered, except that two additional components
    are required
  • Excitation must be gated in time to observe
    phosphorescence in the absence of fluorescence
  • A device that will alternately irradiate the
    sample and, after a suitable time delay, measure
    the intensity of phosphorescence.
  • The time delay is required to differentiate
    between long-lived phosphorescence and short
    lived fluorescence that would originate from the
    same sample

  • 2. Ordinarily, phosphorescence measurements
  • are performed at liquid nitrogen temperature
  • (-196oc) in order to prevent degradation of
    the output by collisional deactivation
  • Quenching effects are usually competitive enough
    to prevent phosphorescence observation at room
  • Thus, as shown in the Figure, a Dewar flask with
    quartz windows is ordinarily a part of a
  • At the temperature used, the analyte exists as a
    solute in a glass of solid solvent (a common
    solvent is a mixture of diethylether, pentane,
    and ethanol).

Rotating can and Dewar flask are used. Dewar is
placed inside the rotating can that has two
slits. As the slit moves into line with
excitation beam the sample is excited. The speed
of rotation is such that short lived
fluorescence is ceased before the slit moves
into line with the emission Detecor so that only
fluorescence is observed.
Applications of Photoluminescence Methods
  • Fluorescence and phosphorescence methods are
    applicable to lower concentration ranges and are
    among the most sensitive analytical techniques
  • The enhanced sensitivity arises from the fact
    that the concentration-related parameter for
    fluorometry and phosphorimetry can be measured
    independent of the power of the source Po.
  • The sensitivity of a fluorometric method can be
    improved by increasing Po or by further
    amplifying the fluorescence signal. In
    spectrophotometry, in conrast, an increase in Po
    results in a proportionate change in P and
    therefore fails to affect A.
  • The precision and accuracy of photoluminescence
    methods are usually poorer than those of
    spectrophotometric procedures by a factor of
    perhaps two to five.
  • Generally, phosphorescence methods are less
    precise than their fluorescence counterparts.

Fluorometric Determination of Inorganic Species
  • Inorganic fluorometric methods are of two types.
  • 1. Direct methods involve the formation of a
  • fluorescent chelate and the measurement of
  • emission.
  • 2. A second group is based upon the diminution
  • fluorescence resulting from the quenching
  • of the substance being determined.
  • The latter technique has been most widely used
    for anion analysis.

Cations that form Fluorescing Chelates
  • Two factors greatly limit the number of
    transition-metal ions that
  • form fluorescing chelates.
  • Many of these ions are paramagnetic this
    property increases the rate of intersystem
    crossing to the triplet state. Deactivation by
    fluorescence is thus unlikely, although
    phosphorescence may be observed.
  • Transition-metal complexes are characterized by
    many closely spaced energy levels, which enhance
    the likelihood of deactivation by internal
  • Nontransition-metal ions are less susceptible to
    the foregoing deactivation processes it is for
    these elements that the principal inorganic
    applications of fluorometry are to be found.
  • It is noteworthy that nontransition-metal cations
    are generally colorless and tend to form chelates
    that are also without color. Thus, fluorometry
    often complements spectrophotometry.

  • The most successful fluorometric reagents for
    cation analyses have aromatic structures with two
    or more donor functional groups that permit
    chelate formation with the metal ion.

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Fluorometric Determination of Organic Species
  • They are used for a wide variety of organic
    compounds, enzymes and coenzymes, medicinal
    agents, plant products, steroids and vitamins.
  • It is important for Food products,
  • clinical samples, and natural products.

Applications of Phosphorimetric Methods
  • Phosphorescence and fluorescence methods tend to
    be complementary, because strongly fluorescing
    compounds exhibit weak phosphorescence and vice
  • " For example, among condensed-ring aromatic
    hydrocarbons, those containing heavier atoms such
    as halogens or sulfur often phosphoresce
    strongly on the other hand, the same compounds
    in the absence of the heavy atom tend to exhibit
    fluorescence rather than phosphorescence.
  • Phosphorimetry has been used for determination of
    a variety of organic and biochemical species
    including such substances as nucleic acids, amino
    acids, pyrine and pyrimidine, enzymes, petroleum
    hydrocarbons, and pesticides.
  • However, perhaps because of the need for low
    temperatures and the generally poorer precision
    of phosphorescence measurements, the method has
    not found as widespread use as has fluorometry.
  • On the other hand, the potentially greater
    selectivity of phosphorescence procedures is

  • Development of phosphorimetric methods that can
    be carried out at room temperature took two
  • The first based upon the enhanced phosphorescence
  • that is observed for compounds adsorbed on
    solid surfaces, such as filter paper. In these
    applications, a solution of the analyte is
    dispersed on the solid, and the solvent is
    evaporated. The phosphorescence of the surface is
    then measured. Presumably the rigid matrix
    minimizes deactivation of the triplet state by
    external and internal conversions.
  • The second is based on room-temperature method
    that involves solubilizing the analyte in
    detergent micelles in the presence of heavy metal

Lifetime Measurements
  • The measurement of luminescence lifetimes was
    initially restricted to phosphorescent systems,
    where decay times were long enough to permit the
    easy measurement of emitted intensity as a
    function of time.
  • For analytical work, lifetime measurements
    enhance the selectivity of luminescence methods,
    because they permit the analysis of mixtures
    containing two or more luminescent species with
    different decay rates.

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  • The number of chemical reactions that produce
    chemiluminescence is small, thus limiting the
    procedure to a relatively small number of
  • Nevertheless, some of the compounds that do react
    to give chemiluminescence are important
    components of the environment.
  • Chemiluminescence is produced when a chemical
    reaction yields an electronically excited
    species, which emits light as it returns to its
    ground state.
  • Chemiluminescence reactions are encountered in a
    number of biological systems, where the process
    is often termed bioluminescence.
  • Examples of species that exhibit bioluminescence
    include the firefly, the sea pansy and certain
    jellyfish, bacteria, protozoa, and crustacea.
  • Several relatively simple organic compounds also
    are capable of exhibiting chemiluminescence. The
    simplest type of reaction of such compounds to
    produce chemiluminescence can be formulated as

where C represents the excited state of the
species C. Here, the luminescence spectrum is
that of the reaction product C
Measurement of Chemiluminescence
  • The instrumentation may consist of only a
    suitable reaction vessel and a photomultiplier
  • Generally, no wavelength-restricting device is
    necessary, because the only source of radiation
    is the chemical reaction between the analyte and
  • Several instrument manufacturers offer
    chemiluminescence photometers.
  • The typical signal from a chemiluminescence
    experiment as a function of time rises rapidly to
    a max

  • The typical signal from a chemiluminescence
    experiment as a function of time rises rapidly to
    a maximum as mixing of reagent and analyte is
    complete then more or less exponential decay of
    signal follows.
  • Usually, the signal is integrated for a fixed
    period of time and compared with standards
    treated in an identical way.
  • Often a linear relationship between signal and
    ,concentration is observed over a concentration
    range of several orders of magnitude.

A good example of chemiluminescence is the
determination of nitric oxide NO O3
NO2 O2 NO2
NO2 hv    (? 600 to 2800 nm)
spectral distribution of radiation emitted by the
above reaction
Analytical Applications of Chemiluminescence
  • Chemiluminescence methods are generally highly
    sensitive, because low light levels are readily
    monitored the absence of noise.
  • Furthermore, radiation attenuation by a filter or
    a monochromator is avoided.
  • Detection limits are usually determined not by
    detector sensitivity but rather by reagent

Analysis of Gases
Determination of nitrogen monoxide
  • Ozone from an electrogenerator and the
    atmospheric sample are drawn continuously into a
    reaction vessel
  • Luminescence radiation is monitored by a
  • photomultiplier tube.
  • A linear response is reported for nitrogen
  • concentrations of 1 ppb to 10,000 ppm.
  • Instrumentally, for determination of nitrogen
    in solid or
  • liquid materials containing 0.1 to 30
    nitrogen. The
  • samples are pyrolyzed in an oxygen atmosphere
  • conditions whereby the nitrogen is converted
  • quantitatively to nitrogen monoxide the
    latter is then
  • measured by the method just described.

Analysis of Inorganic Species in the Liquid Phase
  • Many of the analyses carried out in the liquid
    phase make use of organic chemiluminescing
    substances containing the functional group

  • These reagents react with oxygen, hydrogen
    peroxide, and many other strong oxidizing agents
    to produce a chemiluminescing oxidation product.
  • Luminol is an example of these compounds. Its
    reaction with strong oxidants, such as oxygen,
    hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite ion, and
    permanganate ion, in the presence of strong base
    is given below.
  • Often a catalyst is required for this reaction to
    proceed at a useful rate.
  • The emission produced matches the fluorescence
    spectrum of the product, 3-aminophthalate anion
    the chemiluminescence appears blue and is
    centered around 425 nm.

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