Title: Mathematics for Economists
1Mathematics for Economists
- Nature of Dynamic Optimization
- HLMRS 25
2Example of a dynamic problem optimal investment
by the firm
- Suppose a firm uses a production function
Q Q(K,L) with positive but diminishing
marginal products. K capital, L labor - The firm maximizes the net present value of the
firm. This period profits are PQ(K,L) WL - mI,
where P is the product price, W is the nominal
wage rate, m is the cost of capital and I is
gross investment - I dK/dt ?K net investment plus depreciation
3Investment Example (2)
- Suppose the firm has a discount rate ?. We assume
exponential discounting exp(- ?t). Exponential
discounting leads to a fast decay at the
beginning of the period
4Investment Example (3)
- So the net present value of the firm is
- ? ? PQ(K,L) WL m(dK/dt ?K) exp(-?t) dt
- The problem with this objective function is that
it contains both K and dK/dt - We want to compute the optimal K and L
- L is not a big problem, but K is more complex
5Example 2 Ramsey model
- Population ( labor force) N grows with n
- Output Y is produced using capital K and labor N
Y F(K,N) C dK/dt C is consumption and
dK/dt is investment. We assume that there is no
depreciation - We go to per capita terms y Y/N,
k K/N, c C/N
6Ramsey (2)
- There is a transformation problem. How to go from
dK/dt to dk/dt? - dk/dt d(K/N)/dt dK/dt.N - KdN/dt/N2
dK/dt/N - (K/N)dN/dt/N dK/dt/N - k.n - So Y/N C/N dK/dt/N c dk/dt nk f(k)
- Inada conditions f(0) 0, f(0) ?, f(?) 0,
and k0 gt 0 - We assume that consumers optimize utility
U ?0? u(ct) exp(-?t) dt
7Ramsey (3)
- So maximize U ?0?u(ct) exp(-?t) dt
- Subject to c dk/dt nk f(k) and kt, ct ? 0
- Again, this is a nasty problem
- The Ramsey model is an optimal savings model and
currently a standard model of economic growth - It is rather easy to solve the investment model
that is what we do now the Ramsey-model needs a
more advanced technique (namely Optimal Control).
But first some general remarks on dynamic
8Dynamic optimization
- It applies to all problems that have an intrinsic
dynamic nature. The state of the world at time t
is connected with time t1, t2, etc. - This holds for all investment, growth,
investment, even consumption decisions and models - One can represent these problems as multi-staging
9Multi-stage decision making
10Continuous-variable version
11General Dynamic Problem
- Max V ? f(x,y,t)dt
- Subject to dx/dt g(x,y,t)
- And some beginning and ending restrictions on x
x(0) x0 and x(T) xT (see hereafter) - x state variable, y control variable
- We are going to weight the restriction by a
so-called co-state variable ?
12Alternative techniques
- Suppose there is no control variable in this
case Calculus of Variations (Euler equations) is
the appropriate technique - Otherwise we use (1) Optimal control using the
Hamiltonian approach, (2) Dynamic Programming
(Bellman equations) works for discrete problems
13Calculus of Variations
- Classical approach to dynamic optimization
- Dates back to Newtons Principia (1687) and e.g.
one of the Swiss Bernoulli brothers - We transform the problem into
max V ? f(t, x, dx/dt) dt - Subject to begin and end restrictions on x
x(0) x0 and x(T) xT - We need the functional to be integrable,
continuous, and differentiable. Note that V
depends on x and dx/dt
14Euler equation
- max V ? f(t, x, dx/dt) dt
- Euler equation fx d(fdx/dt)/dt
- So we need a couple of steps
- Take the first-order derivatives of f with
respect to x an dx/dt - Take the time derivative of fdx/dt
15Calculus of Variations intuition
x(t) x(t) ah(t) pertubation
x(t) optimal path
h(t) pertubation function
16Calculus of Variations intuition
- V depends on given x(t) and h(t) and an unknown
a - For small a x(t) goes to x(t). Given x(t) and
h(t) we need to have that dV/da 0 for an
extremal value of V - Note that the pertubation function h(t) needs to
have the properties h(0) 0 and h(T) 0 - Also note that we do not know too much about a or
h(t). Calculus of variations helps we formulate
the Euler condition, which is a convenient way of
expressing dV/da 0 at values of a close to 0 - In doing so we need to know how to differentiate
an integral
17Integration tricks
- Suppose we have I(x) ?ab F(t,x) dt. Leibnizs
rule dI / dx ?ab Fx(t,x) dt - Or denote I(a,b) ?ab F(t,x) dt
- Then dI / da -F(a,x) and dI / db F(b,x)
- Integration by parts
?ab f(x)g(x) dx -?ab f(x)g(x)dx f(x)
g(x) ab
18Application to the pertubation integral
- Va ?0T f(t,xa,dxa/dt) dt
- dVa/da ?0T df/dx (dxa/da) df/d(dxa/dt)
(d(dxa/dt)/da) dt ?0T fxh(t) fx h(t) dt
since we have xa(t) x(t) ah(t) and dxa(t)/dt
dx(t)/dt adh(t)/dt - Note that the last expression still contains the
unknown h(t) and h(t). Now we use integration by
parts on the last terms - ?0T fx h(t) dt - ?0T h(t) d(fx)/dt dt
19The Euler condition
- So we get ?0T fxh(t) fx h(t) dt
?0T h(t)fx - d(fx)/dt dt 0 for all
h(t), so - fx d(fx)/dt for all t in 0,T
- Special case 1 (no x) suppose we have
f(t,dxa/dt). We will get d(fx)/dt constant - Special case 2 (no t) f(x,dxa/dt).
We get f dxa/dt fx
20Example Investment
- ? ? PQ(K,L) WL - m(dK/dt ?K)
exp(-?t)dt - d?/dL PQL - W exp(-?t) no dynamics L
- d?/dK PQK - m ? exp(-?t)
- d?/d(dK/dt) -m exp(-?t)
- So d/dt d?/d(dK/dt) ?.m exp(-?t)
- The Euler-condition for K
PQK - m ? exp(-?t) ?.m.exp(-?t) or
QK (? ?)m / P
21Summary so far
- Dynamic problems are abundant in economics all
decisions depend on future expectations. Famous
examples optimal savings, investment, and growth
models - Without control variables, calculus of variations
in general and the Euler condition in particular
are useful techniques - With control variables we need to extend the
model to optimal control problems
22Again Ramsey
- So maximize U ?0?u(ct) exp(-?t) dt
- Subject to ct dkt/dt nkt f(kt) and kt, ct
? 0 - The problem is difficult due to dkt/dt
- The Ramsey model is an optimal savings model and
currently a standard model of economic growth - We need an advanced technique namely the Theory
of Optimal Control. - First we review the solution to the Ramsey
problem in full and after that we return to the
techniques used
- We use the so-called Hamiltonian
Ht u(ct) exp(-?t) ?tf(kt) nkt -
ct - Note that the costate variable ?t (associated
with the single state variable kt) is time
dependent ct is the control variable.
Trick use ?t ?t exp(?t) and get Ht u(ct)
?t (f(kt) nkt - ct) exp(-?t) - We forget for the moment the non-negativity
constraints on kt and ct
24Optimum (2)
- We use the so-called Maximum Principle
- Condition 1 Hc 0, so u(ct) ?t
- Condition 2 d?t/dt -Hk
- d?t/dt d?t/dt exp(-?t) - ?t ? exp(-?t), and
Hk - ?t (f(kt) - n), so
d?t/dt ?t ? n - f(kt) this
is the equation for the law of motion of the
costate variable - Condition 3 lim kt ?t 0 if t??
25How to translate these conditions into economics?
- We combine the first two into
- (d u(ct)/dt) / u(ct) ? n - f(kt)
- Define 1/?(ct) -u(ct)ct/u(ct) elasticity of
substitution (or the curvature of the utility
function). For linear functions this ? is very
large. We get - dct/dt ?(ct) f(kt) - ? - n this is an Euler
condition. It is the so-called Keynes-Ramsey
rule. If productivity of capital is high,
consumption will be increasing along the optimal
26Economics (2)
- The transversality condition
lim kt ?t 0 if t??. Use ?t u(ct) exp(-?t) - At the end of the planning period if
u(ct) exp(-?t) were positive, it is not optimal
to end with a positive capital stock (one could
have increased consumption!)
27Steady State and Dynamics
- Three key equations
- dct/dt ?(ct)f(kt) - ? - n
- dkt/dt f(kt) - nkt - ct
- lim kt u(ct) exp(-?t) 0 if t??
- So the steady state is described by f(k)
? n and c f(k) - nk the modified golden
28Dynamics of capital and consumption
DD saddle point path
29Transitional Dynamics
- How does the model behave outside the steady
state? We linearize the model around the steady
state. - dc/dt f(k) c ?(c)k - k -?k - k
- dk/dt -c - c (f(k) - n) k - k
- These can be combined into
- d2k/dt2 - ?(dk/dt) - ?k - ?k
- This differential equation has one positive and
one negative root this implies Saddle point
30Lessons from the example
- Important to be able to set up the so-called
Hamiltonian - Use the Maximum conditions, derive the Euler
equations, take care of terminal conditions - Give an economic interpretation to the transition
equations - Analyze the steady state and the transitional
dynamics - Now we go to the more formal theory
31Theory of Optimal Control The Maximum Principle
- Max J ?0T f(x(t),y(t),t) dt
subject to dx/dt g(x(t),y(t),t),
x(0) x0 gt 0, x(T) is free (this is an
assumption that will be changed) - Hamiltonian
H f(x(t),y(t),t) ?(t) g(x(t),y(t),t) - x state variable, y control variable, ? is
the costate variable
32Pontryagins Maximum Principle
- Optimality conditions are
- Hy 0 control variable is chosen to maximize H
- -Hx d?/dt path for the costate variable
- dx/dt H? g(x,y) this is the constraint!
- x(0) x0 and ?(T) 0 two boundary conditions
33Mangasarian Theorem
- The necessary conditions are sufficient if
- If f(x,y,t) is concave in x and y and g(x,y,t) is
linear in x and y - If f(x,y,t) is concave in x and y and g(x,y,t) is
also concave in x and y and ?(t) ? 0 - If f(x,y,t) is concave in x and y and g(x,y,t) is
also convex in x and y and ?(t) ? 0
34Example Investment again
- Production Q K aK2, a gt 0
- dK/dt I - ?K, ? gt 0
- Costs I2
- Profits ? K aK2 - I2
- Max ?0T (K aK2 - I2) dt , subject to
dK/dt I - ?K and K(0) K0
35Solution (1)
- Hamiltonian H K aK2 - I2 ?(I - ?K)
- H is concave in I HI -2I ? 0, so
I(t) ?(t)/2 is a solution - d?(t)/dt -HK - (1 - 2aK - ??)
- dK/dt ?/2 - ?K
- This is a system of differential equations!
- Determinant of the coefficient matrix is
negative Saddle-point equilibrium
36Solution (2)
- ?(t) C1 exp(r1t) C2 exp(r2t) ?p
- K(t) (r1 - ?)/2a C1 exp(r1t)
(r2 - ?)/2a C2 exp(r2t) Kp - Steady state values can be computed
- ?p ?/(?2 a) and Kp 1/(2(?2 a))
- ?(t) is the shadow price (or imputed value) of
the state variable at time t - So 2I 2? represents marginal costs equal
marginal returns to investment