Title: Fin500J%20Mathematical%20Foundations%20in%20Finance
1- Fin500J Mathematical Foundations in Finance
- Topic 1 Matrix Algebra
- Philip H. Dybvig
- Reference Mathematics for Economists, Carl Simon
and Lawrence Blume, Chapter 8 Chapter 9 and
Chapter 16 - Slides designed by Yajun Wang
- Definition of a Matrix
- Operations of Matrices
- Determinants
- Inverse of a Matrix
- Linear System
- Matrix Definiteness
3Matrix (Basic Definitions)
An k n matrix A is a rectangular array of
numbers with k rows and n columns. (Rows are
horizontal and columns are vertical.) The numbers
k and n are the dimensions of A. The numbers in
the matrix are called its entries. The entry in
row i and column j is called aij .
4Operations with Matrices (Sum, Difference)
Sum, Difference If A and B have the same
dimensions, then their sum, A B, is obtained by
adding corresponding entries. In symbols, (A
B)ij aij bij . If A and B have the same
dimensions, then their difference, A - B, is
obtained by subtracting corresponding entries. In
symbols, (A - B)ij aij - bij .
5Operations with Matrices (Scalar Multiple)
Scalar Multiple If A is a matrix and r is a
number (sometimes called a scalar in this
context), then the scalar multiple, rA, is
obtained by multiplying every entry in A by r. In
symbols, (rA)ij raij .
6Operations with Matrices (Product)
Product If A has dimensions k m and B has
dimensions m n, then the product AB is defined,
and has dimensions k n. The entry (AB)ij is
obtained by multiplying row i of A by column j of
B, which is done by multiplying corresponding
entries together and then adding the results i.e.,
7Laws of Matrix Algebra
- The matrix addition, subtraction, scalar
multiplication and matrix multiplication, have
the following properties.
8Operations with Matrices (Transpose)
Transpose The transpose, AT , of a matrix A is
the matrix obtained from A by writing its rows as
columns. If A is an kn matrix and B AT then B
is the nk matrix with bij aji. If ATA, then A
is symmetric.
- Determinant is a scalar
- Defined for a square matrix
- Is the sum of selected products of the elements
of the matrix, each product being multiplied by
1 or -1
- Mijdet(Aij), Aij is the (n-1)(n-1) submatrix
obtained by deleting row i and column j from A.
- The determinant of a 2 2 matrix A is
- The determinant of a 3 3 matrix is
11Inverse of a Matrix
- Definition. If A is a square matrix, i.e., A has
dimensions nn. Matrix A is nonsingular or
invertible if there exists a matrix B such that
ABBAIn. For example.
- Common notation for the inverse of a matrix A is
- The inverse matrix A-1 is unique when it exists.
- If A is invertible, A-1 is also invertible ? A is
the inverse matrix of A-1. - (A-1)-1A.
- If A is an invertible matrix, then (AT)-1 (A-1)T
12Calculation of Inversion using Determinants
Def For any nn matrix A, let Cij denote the
(i,j) th cofactor of A, that is, (-1)ij times
the determinant of the submatrix obtained by
deleting row i and column j form A, i.e., Cij
(-1)ij Mij . The nn matrix whose (i,j)th entry
is Cji, the (j,i)th cofactor of A is called the
adjoint of A and is written adj A.
13Calculation of Inversion using Determinants
Example find the inverse of the matrix Solve
Using Determinants to find the inverse of a
matrix can be very complicated. Gaussian
elimination is more efficient for high dimension
14Calculation of Inversion using Gaussian
- Elementary row operations
- Interchange two rows of a matrix
- Change a row by adding to it a multiple of
another row - Multiply each element in a row by the same
nonzero number - To calculate the inverse of matrix A, we apply
the elementary row operations on the augmented
matrix A I and reduce this matrix to the form
of I B - The right half of this augmented matrix B is the
inverse of A
15Calculation of inversion using Gaussian
I is the identity matrix, and use Gaussian
elimination to obtain a matrix of the form
The matrix
is then the matrix inverse of A
(ii)(-12)(i), (iii)(-3) (i), (iii)(ii)
The matrix
is then the matrix inverse of A
17Systems of Equations in Matrix Form
The system of linear equations
can be rewritten as the matrix equation Axb,
If an nn matrix A is invertible, then it is
nonsingular, and the unique solution to the
system of linear equations Axb is xA-1b.
18Example solve the linear system
- In Matlab
- gtgtxinv(A)b
- or
- gtgt xA\b
19Matrix Operations in Matlab
gtgt A2 3 1 1 1 0 A 2 3 1
1 1 0 gtgt B11 1 0 1 2 4 B1 1
1 0 1 2 4 gtgt B21 1 1 1 0
2 B2 1 1 1 1 0 2
gtgt AB1 ans 3 4 1 2 3
4 gtgt A-B1 ans 1 2 1 0 -1
-4 gtgt AB2 ans 5 2 8 2
1 3 1 1 1
Sum Difference Product
20Matrix Operations in Matlab
gtgt C' ans 1 12 3 1 2
4 1 -3 1 gtgt det(C) ans 35 gtgt
inv(C) ans 0.4000 0.0857 -0.1429
-0.6000 -0.0571 0.4286 1.2000 -0.0286
transpose determinant inverse
gtgt C1 1 1 12 2 -3 3 4 1 C 1 1
1 12 2 -3 3 4 1
21Positive Definite Matrix
22Negative Definite, Positive Semidefinite,
Negative Semidefinite, Indefinite Matrix
- Let A be an NN symmetric matrix, then A is
- negative definite if and only if vTAv lt0 for
all v?0 in RN - positive semidefinite if and only if vTAv 0
for all v?0, in RN - negative semidefinite if and only if vTAv 0
for all v?0, in RN - indefinite if and only if vTAv gt0 for some v in
RN and lt0 for other v in RN