Title: The Connecting Lemmas
1The Connecting Lemma(s)
- Following Hayashi, WenXia, Arnaud
2Pughs Closing Lemma
- If an orbit comes back very close to itself
3Pughs Closing Lemma
- If an orbit comes back very close to itself
- Is it possible to close it by a small pertubation
of the system ?
4Pughs Closing Lemma
- If an orbit comes back very close to itself
- Is it possible to close it by a small pertubation
of the system ?
5An orbit coming back very close
6A C0-small perturbation
7The orbit is closed!
8A C1-small perturbation
No closed orbit!
9For C1-perturbation less than ?, one need a
safety distance, proportional to the jump
10Pughs closing lemma (1967)
If x is a non-wandering point of a diffeomorphism
f on a compact manifold, then there is g,
arbitrarily C1-close to f, such that x is a
periodic point of g.
- Also holds for vectorfields
- Conservative, symplectic systems (PughRobinson)
11What is the strategy of Pugh?
- 1) spread the perturbation on a long time
interval, for making the constant ? very close to
For flows very long flow boxes
12For diffeos
132) Selecting points
14The connecting lemma
- If the unstable manifold of a fixed point comes
back very close to the stable manifold
- Can one create homoclinic intersection by
C1-small perturbations?
15The connecting lemma (Hayashi 1997)
By a C1-perturbation
16Variations on Hayashis lemma
x non-periodic point
Arnaud, Wen Xia
17Corollary 1 for C1-generic f,H(p) cl(Ws(p)) ?
18Other variation
x non-periodic in the closure of Wu(p)
19Corollary 2 for C1-generic fcl(Wu(p)) is
Lyapunov stable
Carballo Morales Pacifico
Corollary 3 for C1-generic fH(p) is a chain
recurrent class
2030 years from Pugh to Hayashi why ?
Pughs strategy
21 This strategy cannot work for connecting lemma
- There is no more selecting lemmas
Each time you select one red and one blue
point, There are other points nearby.
22Hayashi changes the strategy
23Hayashis strategy.
- Each time the orbit comes back very close to
itself, a small perturbations allows us to
shorter the orbit - one jumps directly to the last return nearby,
forgiving the intermediar orbit segment.
24What is the notion of  being nearby ?
Back to Pughs argument
For any C1-neighborhood of f and any ?gt0 there
is Ngt0 such that
For any point x there are local coordinate
around x such that
Any cube C with edges parallela to the axes
and C?f i(C) Ø 0lti?N
25Then the cube C verifies
26For any pair x,y
27There are xx0, ,xNy such that
28The ball B( f i(xi), ? d(f i(xi),f i(xi1)) )
where ? is the safety distance
is contained in f i( (1?)C )
29Perturbation boxes
- 1) Tiled cube the ratio between adjacent tiles
is bounded
30The tiled cube C is a N-perturbation box for
(f,?) if
for any sequence (x0,y0), , (xn,yn), with
xi yi in the same tile
31- There is g ?-C1-close to f,
- perturbation in C?f(C)??fN-1(C)
32There is g ?-C1-close to f, perturbation in
33There is g ?-C1-close to f, perturbation in
34The connecting lemma
- Theorem Any tiled cube C,
- whose tiles are Pughs tiles
- and verifying C?f i(C) Ø, 0lti?N
- is a perturbation box
35Why this statment implies the connecting lemmas ?
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42x0y0f i(0)(p) x1y1f i(1)(p) xnf i(n)(p)
ynf j(m)(p) xn1yn1f -j(m-1)(p) xmnymn
f j(0)(p)
By construction, for any k, xk and yk belong to
the same tile
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44For definition of perturbation box, there is a g
C1-close to f
45 Proof of the connecting lemma
46Consider (xi,yi) in the same tile
47Consider the last yi in the tile of x0
48And consider the next xi
49Delete all the intermediary points
50Consider the last yi in the tile
51Delete all intermediary points
52On get a new sequence (xi,yi) with at most 1 pair
in a tile
x0 and yn are the original x0 and yn
53Pugh gives sequences of points joining xi to yi
54There may have conflict between the perturbations
in adjacent tiles
55Consider the first conflict zone
56One jump directly to the last adjacent point
57One delete all intermediary points
58One does the same in the next conflict zone, etc,
until yn
59Why can one solve any conflict?
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61There is no m other point nearby!?the strategy
is well defined
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