Title: Graph Algorithms
1Graph Algorithms
- ECE573 Data Structures and Algorithms
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
- Rutgers University
- http//www.cs.rutgers.edu/vchinni/dsa/
2Graphs - Definitions
- Graph
- Set of vertices (nodes) and edges connecting them
- Write G ( V, E )
- V is a set of vertices
V vi - An edge connects two vertices e ( vi
, vj ) - E is a set of edges
E (vi , vj )
3Graphs - Definitions
- Path
- A path p, of length k, is a sequence of connected
vertices - p ltv0,v1,...,vkgt where (vi,vi1) Î
lt i, c, f, g, h gtPath of length 5
lt a, b gtPath of length 2
4Graphs - Definitions
- Cycle
- A graph contains no cycles if there is no path
- p ltv0,v1,...,vkgt such that v0 vk
lt i, c, f, g, i gtis a cycle
5Graphs - Definitions
- Spanning Tree
- A spanning tree is a set of V-1 edges that
connect all the vertices of a graph
The red path connects all vertices, so its a
spanning tree
6Graphs - Definitions
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Generally there is more than one spanning tree
- If a cost cij is associated with edge eij
(vi,vj) - then the minimum spanning tree is the set of
edges Espan such that - C S ( cij " eij Î Espan )
- is a minimum
The red tree is the Min ST
7Graphs - Kruskals Algorithm
- Calculate the minimum spanning tree
- Put all the vertices into single node trees by
themselves - Put all the edges in a priority queue
- Repeat until weve constructed a spanning tree
- Extract cheapest edge
- If it forms a cycle, ignore itelse add it to the
forest of trees(it will join two trees into a
larger tree) - Return the spanning tree
8Kruskals Algorithm in C
Forest MinimumSpanningTree( Graph g, int n,
double costs )
Forest T Queue q Edge e T
ConsForest( g ) q ConsEdgeQueue( g, costs
) for(i0ilt(n-1)i) do
e ExtractCheapestEdge( q ) while (
!Cycle( e, T ) ) AddEdge( T, e )
return T
9Kruskals Algorithm
- Cycle detection
- Uses a Union-find structure
- For which we need to understand a partition of a
set - Partition
- A set of sets of elements of a set
- Every element belongs to one of the sub-sets
- No element belongs to more than one sub-set
- Formally
- Set, S si
- Partition(S) Pi , where Pi
si - " siÎ S, si Î Pj
- " j, k Pj Ç Pk Æ
- S È Pj
10Kruskals Algorithm
- Partition
- The elements of each set of a partition
- are related by an equivalence relation
- equivalence relations are
- reflexive
- transitive
- symmetric
- The sets of a partition are equivalence classes
- Each element of the set is related to every other
x x
if x y and y z, then x z
if x y, then y x
11Kruskals Algorithm
- Partitions
- In the MST algorithm,the connected vertices form
equivalence classes - Being connected is the equivalence relation
- Initially, each vertex is in a class by itself
- As edges are added, more vertices become related
and the equivalence classes shrink - Until finally all the vertices are in a single
equivalence class
12Kruskals Algorithm
- Representatives
- One vertex in each class may be chosen as the
representative of that class - We arrange the vertices in lists that lead to the
representative - This is the union-find structure
13Kruskals Algorithm
- Cycle determination
- If two vertices have the same representative,they
re already connected and adding a further
connection between them is pointless - Procedure
- For each end-point of the edge that youre going
to add follow the lists and find its
representative - if the two representatives are equal, then the
edge will form a cycle
14Kruskals Algorithm in operation
All the vertices are in single element trees
Each vertex is its own representative
15Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The cheapest edge is h-g
Add it to the forest, joining h and g into
a 2-element tree
Choose g as its representative
16Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is c-i
Add it to the forest, joining c and i into
a 2-element tree
Choose c as its representative
Our forest now has 2 two-element trees and 5
single vertex ones
17Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is a-b
Add it to the forest, joining a and b into
a 2-element tree
Choose b as its representative
Our forest now has 3 two-element trees and 4
single vertex ones
18Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is c-f
Add it to the forest, merging two 2-element trees
Choose c (rep of one) as its representative
19Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is g-i
The rep of g is c
The rep of i is also c
\ g-i forms a cycle
Its clearly not needed!
20Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is c-d
The rep of c is c
The rep of d is d
c-d joins two trees, so we add it
.. and keep c as the representative
21Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is h-i
The rep of h is c
The rep of i is c
\ h-i forms a cycle, so we skip it
22Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is a-h
The rep of a is b
The rep of h is c
\ a-h joins two trees, and we add it
23Kruskals Algorithm in operation
The next cheapest edge is b-c
But b-c forms a cycle
So add d-e instead
... and we now have a spanning tree
24Greedy Algorithms
- At no stage did we attempt to look ahead
- We simply made the naïve choice
- Choose the cheapest edge!
- MST is an example of a greedy algorithm
- Greedy algorithms
- Take the best choice at each step
- Dont look ahead and try alternatives
- Dont work in many situations
- Try playing chess with a greedy approach!
- Are often difficult to prove
- because of their naive approach
- what if we made this other (more expensive)
choice now and later on ..... ???
25Proving Greedy Algorithms
- MST Proof
- Proof by contradiction is usually the best
approach! - Note that
- any edge creating a cycle is not needed
- Each edge must join two sub-trees
- Suppose that the next cheapest edge, ex, would
join trees Ta and Tb - Suppose that instead of ex we choose ez - a more
expensive edge, which joins Ta and Tc - But we still need to join Tb to Ta or some other
tree to which Ta is connected - The cheapest way to do this is to add ex
- So we should have added ex instead of ez
- Proving that the greedy approach is correct for
26MST - Time complexity
- Initialize forest O( V )
- Sort edges O( ElogE )
- Loop
- Check edge for cycles O( V ) x
- Number of edges O( V ) O(
V2 ) - Total
O( VElogEV2 ) - Since E O( V2 ) O( V2 logV
) - Thus we would class MST as O( n2 log n ) for a
graph with n vertices - This is an upper bound,some improvements on this
are known ... - Prims Algorithm can be O( EVlogV )
using Fibonacci heaps - even better variants are known for restricted
cases, such as sparse graphs ( E V )
27Key Points
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Spanning Tree of minimum cost
- Cost measure may be anything!
- Operation
- All vertices into single element trees,
- Sort edges,
- Add next cheapest edge unless it forms a cycle
- Finish when weve added V-1 edges
- Greedy algorithms
- Dont look ahead ..
- Make a naive choice at every step
- Sometimes difficult to prove
- Usually proof by contradiction employed
- Efficient Algorithms
- Divide and Conquer
- Dynamic
- Greedy
28Equivalence Classes
- Cycle Determination in MST
- Relies on Union Find structure
- Lists pointing to a representative
- Vertices are partitioned into equivalence classes
- Equivalence relation a path connects them
- Edge creates a cycle if both its end-points
- have the same representative
- are in the same equivalence class
29Program verification
- Experienced Software Engineers
- Include special values also
- Boundaries
- Identities - 0 and 1
- Never choose boundaries, identities, etc as a
representative - Even though this might be formally OK!
- Dont forget
- Nulls
- Specification should tell you what will happen on
empty or degenerate data sets - Empty lists, single node graphs, etc.
- Illegal input
- Violates pre-conditions
- Should raise assertions!
30Graphs - Data Structures
- Vertices
- Map to consecutive integers
- Store vertices in an array
- Edges
- Adjacency Matrix
- Booleans - TRUE - edge exists FALSE - no edge
- O(V2) space
- Can be compacted
- 1 bit/entry
- If undirected, top half only
31Graphs - Data Structures
- Edges
- Adjacency Lists
- For each vertex
- List of vertices attached to it
- For each edge
- 2 entries
- One in the list for each end
- O(E) space
- Better for sparse graphs
Undirected representation
32Graphs - Traversing - Depth-First
struct t_graph int n_nodes graph_node
nodes int visited AdjMatrix am
static int search_index 0 void search(
graph g ) int k for(k0kltg-gtn_nodesk)
g-gtvisitedk 0 search_index 0
for(k0kltg-gtn_nodesk) if (
!g-gtvisitedk ) visit( g, k )
Graph data structure
Mark all nodes not visited
Visit all the nodes attached to node 0, then ..
33Graphs - Traversing - Depth-First
void visit( graph g, int k ) int j
g-gtvisitedk search_index
for(j0jltg-gtn_nodesj) if ( adjacent(
g-gtam, k, j ) ) if ( !g-gtvisitedj )
visit( g, j )
Mark the order in which this node was visited
Visit all the nodes adjacent to this one
34Graphs - Traversing - Depth-First
Adjacency List version of visit
void visit( graph g, int k ) AdjListNode
al_node g-gtvisitedk search_index
al_node ListHead( g-gtadj_listk ) while( n
! NULL ) j ANodeIndex( ListItem( al_node
) ) if ( !g-gtvisitedj ) visit( g, j )
al_node ListNext( al_node )
Assumes a List ADT with methods ListHead
ANodeIndex ListItem ListNext
35Graphs - Traversing - Depth-First
- Adjacency List
- Time complexity
- Visited set for each node
- Each edge visited twice
- Once in each adjacency list
- O(V E)
- O(V2) for dense E V2 graphs
- but O(V) for sparse E V graphs
- Adjacency Lists perform better for sparse graphs
36Graph - Breadth-first Traversal
- Breadth-first requires a FIFO queue
static queue q void search( graph g ) q
ConsQueue( g-gtn_nodes ) for(k0kltg-gtn_nodesk
) g-gtvisitedk 0 search_index 0
for(k0kltg-gtn_nodesk) if (
!g-gtvisitedk ) visit( g, k )
37Graph - Breadth-first Traversal
void visit( graph g, int k ) al_node
al_node int j AddIntToQueue( q, k )
while( !Empty( q ) ) k QueueHead( q )
g-gtvisitedk search_index al_node
ListHead( g-gtadj_listk) while( al_node !
NULL ) j ANodeIndex(al_node) if
( !g-gtvisitedj ) AddIntToQueue( g, j
) g-gtvisitedj -1 / C hack, 0
false! / al_node ListNext( al_node )
Put this node on the queue
38Graphs - Shortest Paths
- Application
- In a graph in which edges have costs ..
- Find the shortest path from a source to a
destination - Surprisingly ..
- While finding the shortest path from a source to
one destination, - we can find the shortest paths to all over
destinations as well! - Common algorithm for single-source
shortest paths is due to Edsger Dijkstra
39Dijkstras Algorithm - Data Structures
- For a graph, G ( V, E
) - Dijkstras algorithm keeps two sets of vertices
- S Vertices whose shortest paths have
already been determinedV-S Remainder - Also
- d Best estimates of shortest path to
each vertexp Predecessors for each
40Predecessor Sub-graph
- Array of vertex indices, pj, j 1 .. V
- pj contains the predecessor for node j
- js predecessor is in ppj, and so on ....
- The edges in the predecessor sub-graph are
( pj, j )
41Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
- Initialize d and p
- For each vertex, j, in V
- dj
- pj nil
- Source distance, ds 0
- Set S to empty
- While V-S is not empty
- Sort V-S based on d
- Add u, the closest vertex in V-S, to S
- Relax all the vertices still in V-S connected to u
Initial estimates are all
No connections
Add s first!
42Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Relax the node v attached to node u
Edge cost matrix
If the current best estimate to v is greater than
the path through u ..
relax( Node u, Node v, double w ) if dv
gt du wu,v then dv du
wu,v piv u
Update the estimate to v
Make vs predecessor point to u
43Dijkstras Algorithm - Full
- The Shortest Paths algorithm
Initialise d, p, S, vertex Q
Given a graph, g, and a source, s
shortest_paths( Graph g, Node s )
initialise_single_source( g, s ) S 0
/ Make S empty / Q Vertices( g ) /
Put the vertices in a PQ / while not
Empty(Q) u ExtractCheapest( Q )
AddNode( S, u ) / Add u to S / for
each vertex v in Adjacent( u ) relax(
u, v, w )
While nodes in Q Greedy!
Update the estimate of the shortest paths to all
nodes attached to u
44Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Source Mark 0
Distance to all nodes marked
45Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Relax vertices adjacent to source
Red arrows show predecessors
46Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Sort vertices and choose closest
Source is now in S
47Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Relax u because a shorter path via x exists
Relax y because a shorter path via x exists
Source is now in S
48Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Change us predecessor also
Relax y because a shorter path via x exists
Source is now in S
49Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Sort vertices and choose closest, y
S is now s, x
50Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
Relax v because a shorter path via y exists
S is now s, x
51Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
S is now s, x, y
Sort vertices and choose closest, u
52Dijkstras Algorithm - Operation
S is now s, x, y, u
Finally add v
Predecessors show shortest paths sub-graph
53Dijkstras Algorithm - Proof
- Greedy Algorithm
- Proof by contradiction best
- Lemma 1
- Shortest paths are composed of shortest paths
- Proof
- If there was a shorter path than any sub-path,
then substitution of that path would make the
whole path shorter
54Dijkstras Algorithm - Proof
- Denote
- d(s,v) - the cost of the shortest path from s
to v - Lemma 2
- If s...uv is a shortest path from s to v,then
after u has been added to S and relax(u,v,w)
called,dv d(s,v) and dv is not changed
thereafter. - Proof
- Follows from the fact that at all times dv ³
d(s,v) - See Cormen (or any other text) for the details
55Dijkstras Algorithm - Proof
- Using Lemma 2
- After running Dijkstras algorithm, we assert
- dv d(s,v) for all v
- Proof (by contradiction)
- Suppose that u is the first vertex added to S for
which du ¹ d(s,u) - Note
- v is not s because ds 0
- There must be a path s...u, otherwise du
would be - Since theres a path, there must be a shortest
56Dijkstras Algorithm - Proof
- Proof (by contradiction)
- Suppose that u is the first vertex added to S for
which du ¹ d(s,u) - Let sxyu be the shortest pathsu, where x is
in S and y is the first outside S - When x was added to S, dx d(s,x)
- Edge xy was relaxed at that time, so dy
57Dijkstras Algorithm - Proof
- Proof (by contradiction)
- Edge xy was relaxed at that time, so dy
d(s,y) d(s,u) du - But, when we chose u,both u and y where in
V-S,so du dy (otherwise we would have
chosen y) - Thus the inequalities must be equalities
- dy d(s,y) d(s,u) du
- And our hypothesis (du ¹ d(s,u)) is
58Dijkstras Algorithm - Time Complexity
- Dijkstras Algorithm
- Similar to MST algorithms
- Key step is sort on the edges
- Complexity is
- O( (EV)logV ) or
- O( n2 log n )
- for a dense graph with n V