Title: Sociology Honours Library Tutorial
1Sociology Honours Library Tutorial
- By
- Hayati Abdul
- clbha_at_nus.edu.sg
- NUS Libraries
- To show you how to
- Search Sociology databases for Sociology related
information. - Access library services useful for honours
- Library services
- Search Strategy
- Search Databases
- EndNote
- Other Sources
- Handy Tips
4Library Services for Honours Students
Library services for honours students
- Document Delivery Service (DDS)
- 3 a year
- Request to Purchase Books
- One to one information finding sessions
- - Email or call for appointment
6Sources of Information
Overviews, detailed look
Information Sources
Latest research findings
Conference Proceedings
Papers presented
Statistical data
In-depth treatment of topics
8Search Strategy
9Evaluate Sources
Search Strategy
Accurate? Current?
Authors credentials?
Well supported by refs?Updated?
Information objective or biased?
Is info what you need?
10Some Fundamental Tools
Search Strategy
- List keywords synonyms to describe your topic
- Topic Finding love online
- Love - romance, dating
- Online - cyberspace, internet
- Combine keywords with Boolean operators
- Use truncation/wild card
- Group words to be searched together
How to search the above terms?
11Boolean operators
Search Strategy
- AND both terms must be present
(narrow/refine) - OR either of the terms may be present
(broaden/expand) - NOT excludes a search term
romantic love AND marriage
online OR internet
Search Strategy
- For variation in spelling
- gambl gambled, gambling, gamble
- parent parenthood, parenting, parents
- Note Different databases use different wildcard
symbols e.g. , ?, ! - Check database guides, help menu...
13Parentheses ( )
Search Strategy
- Control order of operations
- Terms within ( ) will be processed first
- (low income or single) and families
- low income families
- single parent families
- (teen or adolescen) and pregnancy
- teenage pregnancy
- adolescent pregnancy
14Sociology Databases
15Recommended Databases
- Scopus
- Sociological Abstracts
- Social Sciences Citation Index
- Proquest Theses Dissertations
- Expanded Academic
- Social Sciences Abstracts
- Communications Mass Media Complete
16Access Databases from Library Portal
18About Scopus
- Multidisciplinary database, 1966-
- Provides indexes, abstracts and links to
full-text - Includes open access journals, conference
proceedings, web sources, author homepages,
university sites, articles-in-press, preprint
servers - International coverage of journals.
19Lets Search
While religion has played an important role as
an agent of social control, certain forms of
religion have increasingly been seen as deviant
in contemporary societies. Discuss this
apparent paradox.
20Lets Search
21Lets Search
How do micro-level and meso-level models of
international migration contribute to
understanding the initiation and perpetuation of
foreign workers in Singapore?
foreign workers and singapore and migration
22Lets search Scopus
23Notes on Scopus
- Basic Search
- Build search in boxes with Boolean operators, OR,
AND, NOT - Search defaults to Article title, Abstract,
Keywords - Note Limit, Refine Search History features
- Select to cross-search
Sociological Abstracts. - Advanced Search
- Command line search not really recommended.
24Sociological Abstracts
25About Sociological Abstracts
- Provides indexes abstracts to journal articles,
book chapters, conference papers dissertations. - Coverage, 1979-
- Culture, social structure, social
differentiation, social psychology, sociology of
the arts, business, education, studies in
violence and power and more - Search LINC for full-texts of references
retrieved - Some overlap in literature coverage between
Scopus Sociological Abstracts
26Lets Search
Successful ageing for Singapore the roles of
the government and family
27Sociological Abstracts Search
Enter search terms
28Lets Search
How are surveillance technologies changing the
nature of the modern organization?
29PERINDPeriodical Index to articles relating to
Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei ASEAN
30About PERIND
- Good source for research relating to Singapore,
Malaysia, Brunei ASEAN, 1980s- - Index to journal articles, book chapters and
conference papers relating to humanities, social
sciences, business, architecture, building,
science, technology, law medicine - Uses Boolean operators, truncation (), drop-down
list to search on specific fields - Save selected records using IE function Filegt
Save asgtfilename...
31Lets search PERIND
Analyze either the gender or class dimensions of
Singlish and its relationship with the
formation of Singaporean identity.
(gender or class) and (singlish or singapore
english) and identity
32PERIND search
33Search Newspapers
- International local newspapers
- New York Times, Asian Wall Street Journal,
Business Times, The Straits Times, more - Two major databases
- Factiva
- Lexis/Nexis Academic
Click to view E-newspapers
Access Factiva directly
35Factiva training accounts
- URL https//global.factiva.com
- User_ID academic38 to academic 67
- Password retriever
- Name_Space 16
36Lets Search
Discuss the extent to which the Workfare Income
Supplement scheme reflects a major change in the
social policy of the government.
37Lets Search..
Why do people use/not use public transport in
demand OR prefer OR usage OR choice
(demand OR prefer OR usage OR choice) AND
public transport AND singapore
- Press Clippings
- In-house collection of articles from Straits
Times and Business Times - Articles about Singapore, Malaysia, ASEAN
- Check LION under Press Clippings Collection -
Subject Headings List - Available from Singapore-Malaysia Collection
(SMC) - Microfilms
- The Straits Times from 1880 -
39Search Theses
40NUS Theses Academic Exercises
- Search LINC by keywords
- ph d
- m soc sc
- academic exercise
41NUS Theses Academic Exercises
- Search LINC, by call no, HM15 200
- (for 2000-) in Theses Collection.
42Foreign Theses
- ProQuest Dissertations Theses Database
- Index to Theses with Abstracts Accepted for
Higher Degree by the Universities of Great
Britain Ireland - Australian Digital Theses Database
43ProQuest Dissertations Theses Database
- Interdisciplinary
- Provides abstracts, citations some full-text to
Masters theses and doctoral dissertations - Mainly North American but some from Europe,
Australia, etc. - Coverage 1861- present
44Other Useful Sources
45Statistical Sources
- EIU Country Data
- Inter-University
- Consortium for Political Social Research
- SingSTAT Time Series
- Statistics on Singapore
- World Development Indicators
- Yearbook of statistics, Singapore
46What about Google Scholar?
Google Scholar
- Attempts to provide a single search engine for
scholarly literature. - Note Not all results come from scholarly
sources. - Good for quick research.
- May offer a number of versions of the same
article depending on where it was found. - Search results may include links to full-text
articles freely available on the Internet. - Many links take you to publishers' websites where
access requires a subscriber login. - Use the PROXY BOOKMARKLET to access full-texts.
- Note It works only for source
- titles subscribed by NUS Libraries
47Proxy Bookmarklet
Use Library Proxy Bookmark to access Full-text
48What is a Proxy Bookmarklet?
- Inserts the NUS library proxy stem
(libproxy1.nus.edu.sg) into the URL of the
I want article X
I want article X
NUS Library Proxy server
Okay you are recognized, here is article X.
Here is article X
49How to install the Proxy Bookmarklet in my
- Click on the link below and follow the
instructions - http//bit.ly/nuslibproxy
50 Search Plugins
For Internet Explorer 7 Firefox 2.0 (beta)
51What are Search Plugins?
- Allows you to do a direct search from your
internet browser search box - Saves time from having to visit a page then
inputting your search query - How to install these plugins?
- http//www.lib.nus.edu.sg/lion/p/srchplugin/search
52 Library Catalogue
53Library INtegrated Catalogue
- Use it to view
- Table of Contents
- E-Journals
- E-Books
- Digitized videos
- Use it to check
- Books
- Journals
- Microfilms
- Multimedia
- Newspapers
- Theses
54- Finding Articles Made Easy!
- Federated search engine
- Search across multiple databases simultaneously
- Allows you to search by keyword, title, author or
subject - Allows you to choose databases
56EndNote X2
EndNote Training session for FASS hons
students 24 Sep 2009, 2-4pm, LT14 Look out for
events announcements in Library portal
57 Where to get HELP
58Library Instruction ONline
59Subject Guides
- Good starting point for research in Sociology
60We are here
- Advisory Service atInformation Desk,Central
Library,Level 5. - Email us askalib_at_nus.edu.sg
- Tel 6516 2028