Title: Welcome to ACADEMIC SUPPORT
Period 1-Academic
Support (Buck) Advisory (Buck)
.2-Academic Support (Bear) 3-ELAG (Reykdal)
4-Academic Support (Buck)
Lunch5-ELAG (Buck) ..6-ELAG
(Buck) ..
Time 745-837842-915920-10
Period 1-Academic
Support (Buck) Advisory (Buck)
.2-Academic Support (Bear) 3-ELAG (Reykdal)
4-Academic Support (Buck)
Lunch5-ELAG (Buck) ..6-ELAG
(Buck) ..
Time 745-837842-915920-10
Period 1-Academic
Support (Buck) 2-Academic Support (Bear) 3-ELAG
(Reykdal) 4-Academic Support (Buck)
Lunch5-ELAG (Buck) ..6-ELAG
(Buck) ..
Time 920-9101005-11001105
Period 1-Academic
Support (Buck) Advisory (Buck)
.2-Academic Support (Bear) 3-ELAG (Reykdal)
4-Academic Support (Buck)
Lunch5-ELAG (Buck) ..6-ELAG
(Buck) ..
Time 745-837842-915920-10
Period 1-Academic
Support (Buck) 2-Academic Support (Bear) 3-ELAG
(Reykdal) 4-Academic Support (Buck)
Lunch5-ELAG (Buck) ..6-ELAG
(Buck) ..
Time 745-841846-9561001-1
7Academic Support
8Academic Support
9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday
- Boxed In restricted to instruction followed
by use of items and website use within the box of
the academic website front page (homework,
research or projects with teacher approval) - Teacher Instruction no headphones, focus
important, use the restroom only for emergency,
screens off - Your Time No downloading, email, chat room
use, web-posting, or changing of settings ----
it is your time if your math work is done
10(No Transcript)
11Rules Be responsible Leave the room cleaner
than you found it Demonstrate the six core
ethical values. Â My responsibilities as your
teacher To treat you with respect and care as an
individual To provide you an orderly classroom
environment To provide the necessary discipline
To provide the appropriate motivation To teach
you the required content Your responsibilities
as my student To treat me with respect and care
as an individual To attend classes regularly To
be cooperative and not disruptive To study and
do your work To learn and master the required
Six core ethical values
Fairness Trustworthiness Respect
Responsibility Citizenship Caring
Computer rules for students helping another
studentDont touch their mouse Dont touch
their keyboard Ask questions
12- Special Classroom Rules
- Music only by headphones and only when their is
no instruction - Please do not come out of other classes to use
the computers without a permission slip. - Grades are online by student number and updated
each week-end. - The only day you may be excused to get into this
class out of ISS is on Tuesdays. - Make a garbage check before you leave
- Food and coffee will only be provided on Friday.Â
This is a nice way to end the week with rewards. - Throw away pencils with dull tips.
- If you are called to the office, do NOT sign your
name on the whiteboard in the back. - Restroom privileges One person out of the room
at a time                                  Â
Sign out with your name on the white board in the
back.                                   Take
the pass with you.                             Â
      Emergency use only during instructional
13- Computer rules
- Follow the district computer-use policies
- Please, do NOT change any settings or desktop
patterns - Do not switch any peripheral wiring.
- No downloading off the internet
- No email or chat room use
- No web-posting.
- No music without headphones.
- Turn off computers at the end of each class
14Classroom Classroom activities are assigned
points each day. Current weekly scheduled
activities, information, and necessary links and
graphics will be posted on the classroom website
found at http//www.pasd.wednet.edu/school/hs/
Teachers/020Buck/indexBuck.htm  Check
the website daily for updates and current
information. Check the classroom white board
for current information. Students are
responsible for making up all classroom work.
10 will be taken off for unexcused late-work or
late tests. Classroom work below standard may be
redone to meet standard. Extra credit must meet
standard for ACADEMIC SUPPORT credit. Final
Grade  The final grade of a students for the
course, Academic Support, will be based on
passing work A (90) B (80) C
(70) D (60)
15Resistance to Change
Students today cant prepare bark to calculate
their problems. They depend upon their slates
which are more expensive. What will they do when
the slate is dropping and it breaks? They will
be unusable to write! Teachers conference, 1703
16Resistance to Change
Students today depend upon store bought ink.
They dont know how to make their own. When they
run out of ink, they will be unable to write
words or cipher until their next trip to the
settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern
times. Rural American Teacher, 1829
17Resistance to Change
Students today depend too much upon ink. They
dont know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a
pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the
pencil! National Association of Teachers, 1907
18Resistance to Change
Ball point pens will be the ruin of education in
our country. Students use these devices and then
throw them away! The American virtues of thrift
and frugality are being discarded. Business and
banks will never allow such expensive
luxuries. Federal Teacher, 1959
19Resistance to Change
Calculators will be the ruin of math education.
Students will never learn math concepts. How
will they calculate when they dont have their
calculators with them? Some teachers, Today
20Our Changing World
21(No Transcript)
221964 IBM System / 360 Mainframe
Central Units Memory 8 MB
23Number Crunching Information Processing
PowerMoores Law
24Employment 1970s
25Employment 1990s
Semi Skill
26Employment 2010
Semi Skill
27(No Transcript)
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30(No Transcript)