Title: Folie 1
1An Analysis of Business Relations in the German
and Polish Fruit Supply Chain
Kai Maack University of Hannover 15th Annual
Food Agribusiness Forum, Symposium and Case
Conference Re-Inventing the Food Chain New
Products, Consumers and Markets June 25-28,
2005 in Chicago, Illinois
2 Fig. Imports of strawberries to Germany
3- 1 Introduction
- Poland is the most important importer
- 1-5 of the berries were produced in Germany
- German production of berries are not feasible
- Procurement mainly on the spotmarket
- This study
- gives an missing overview of the market
structures of the German fruit processing
industry and of the Polish berry market. - analyses the business relations in the
procurement of berries
4- Outline
- Introduction
- Theoretical background
- Structures and developments
- Analysis of business relations
- Conclusions
5 Theoretical background
6- 2 Theoretical background
- Transaction cost economics
- Principal Agent-Theory
- Coase theorized that by internalizing
transactions, governance costs could be reduced
at times while, at other times, the market has a
valuable role to play in a firms ability to
compete. - In the 1970s Williamson used Coases theories as
the basis for transaction cost economics, adding
to them human elements such as opportunism and
bounded rationality
7 The Organisational Failures Framework
Human Factors
Environmental factors
Bounded Rationality
Information impactedness
Small numbers
Source Williamson, 1975
8 The continuum of governance structures
9- Structures and developments
10- 2 Structures and developments
- Fruitsector in Poland before 1989
- During socialist period 75 of land was in
private sector - Private farmers dominated fruit and vegetable
production - In 1988 140 horticulture cooperatives had a very
strong position on the home market. - Food-processing plants belonged to so called
socialized sector (which included cooperatives
and state-owned companies) - Distribution networks consisted both of private
and socialized sector
11Important relations in the Polish fruit supply
12- Processing industry in Germany
- The value of production of canned fruits, jam and
fruit preparations amounted to about 1.1 bn EUR.
Scarcely half of the amount was finished products
on the basis of berries. - Total supply needs are estimated to be
approximately 130,000 t per year. - Due to structural transformations, the number of
individual manufacturers of jam and canned fruits
has fallen in recent years to approximately 28 in
the year 2002. Two large manufacturers unite
approximately 70 of the jam market. - Different quality requirements The highest
quality is needed to produce canned fruits,
whereas fruit preparations are subject to less
restrictive quality requirements
13Production of canned fruits, jam and fruit
14 Import of berries for processing
15 Share of Berry Costs in Average Value of
16- Fruit processing industry in Poland
- Polish food processing industry has been
transferred successfully to private property. - This sector includes between 1400 and 1500
processing plants. - The most dynamic development was observed since
mid 90s due to increased foreign investment. - Traditional fruit and vegetable processing in
Poland is small-sized - In the Polish cold freezing industry about 200
enterprises are active, of which fewer than 100
enterprises freeze fruit. - Main problems
- shortage of domestic capital
- crop dispersion
- lack of cold storage
17- Intermediaries
- 3800 companies for which fruit and vegetable
trade is the main activity. - 300 exporting companies which compete strongly.
- Many traders organize collecting points.
- High bargaining power.
- Sales during the year to the German or Polish
processing industry.
18- Production sector
- The greatly dispersed structures of the land and
crop rotation remained excluded from large
changes. - The cultivation of berries plays an great
importance, with a share of about 40 of the
entire fruit cultivated area. - Strawberries dominate with 40-50, black
currants (30-40) and raspberries (approx. 15). - From about 800,000 farms, more than 90
cultivate an acreage under one hectare and only
about 2,000 enterprises own modern plants
(Makosz, 2003).
Source GUS, 2003 and IERiGZ, 2002
19- The border between self-sufficiency and market
production is still very low. - Difficult financial situation of most Polish
farms - Low use of inputs, in particular pesticide and
fertilizer - Heavy fluctuations in price and yields
- Lack of market information
- Low integration of small farms to vertical
chains - Low, but increasing horizontal cooperation
- Due to the difficult financial situation of most
Polish farms with a low use of inputs, a strong
reduction of the yield fluctuations or increase
of the productivity are not to be expected in the
foreseeable future (Makosz, 2004).
20 Producer prices and acreage of strawberries
21- Specific characteristics of the cultivation of
strawberries - The cultivated area changed very markedly, often
within a short time, between 40,000 and 65,000
ha, with strong fluctuations of the yields. - Profitability varies sharply from year to year.
The degree of cost coverage varies from 40 to
170 - Ideal and almost exclusively used variety is
senga sengana. - This variety is characterized by low yields,
small fruits und a low resistance to diseases. - Its share of the entire acreage of strawberries
has fallen in the last 5 years from 80 to about
60. - Polish farmers are aware that fresh table
varieties attract higher prices - High initial investment and an unproductive first
year of cultivation
22 Farmers
- Small-sized farms
- Low horizontal cooperation
- High uncertainty in price and yield
- Increasing specificity
- High initial investment
- Lack of market information
- High uncertainty in price and amount
- High strategical meaning
- Increasing specificity
- Increasing quality requirements
23Analysis of the business relations
24- Analysis of the business realtions
- Farmer Polish processing industry/
intermediaries - The main distribution channels are usually
trading companies. - Farmers are reluctant to build up long-term
relationships. - Industry are seen as unstable partner (Halicka,
2001). - Payment delays is one of the biggest problem.
- Hold-up problems.
- Larger fruit-growing producers tend to sell
berries directly to the processing industry. - Many berries producers prefer to sell to traders
since transport costs are lower and they receive
earlier their payment.
- German processor Polish processing industry/
intermediaries - German industry procure their berries almost
exclusively from traders or Polish processing
industry. - Procurement during the year
- Purchases mainly on spotmarket
- German processor Polish Farmers
- German industry tend to increase the direct
relations to the farmers. - Also their contractual procurement.
- Try to increase the control and influence in the
cultivation. - Better coordination of the time scheduling
relating the deliveries. -
- One indispensable condition is a minimum
27- Example for a closer coorperation
- In the late 90s, a German company and an
association of 150 farmers have set up a
contractual agreement - This cooperation was initiated the German fruit
processing enterprise. - Cultivation of the strawberry variety senga
sengana were agreed upon firmly for the entire
4-year contract period. - Average yield increased by over 10t/ha, through
the support of the industry with the credit
intake, the common use of machines and consulting
for cultivation. - This example shows very obviously that a closer
cooperation can increase the productivity
considerably and that such a cooperation can be
profitable for both sides.
28- Conclusion
- Berries are an important raw material for the
German processing industry - The procurement of berries is characterized by an
uncertain supply situation and rising procurement
costs for years. - The berry production in Poland is characterized
by highly fluctuating prices and yields, unstable
production conditions, high level of competition
and problems with marketing of their products. - A vertical cooperation may solve some of these
problems. - German industry is interested in a closer
cooperation. - One indispensable condition is a minimum
29 Thank you for your attention!
30Distribution channels of fruit and vegetable
producer groups, thier change after access to the
group and their share of contractual sales (in )
Source Lemanowicz, M., 2004
31Producer groups
- At 13 May 2005, the database of the Agency for
Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture
contains - 30 fruit and vegetable producer groups granted
preliminary recognition, - 8 recognised fruit and vegetable producer
- Specifics in the Agricultural sector
Perishability and high asset specificity (Masten,
2000) - Agricultural transactions display a broad range
of governance structures, including the
location-specific nature of the investments
required and the temporal specificities
associated with the perishability of agricultural
products (Walker and Weber, 1987). -
33- Institutional strategies for the polish fruit
sector - Information system
- Quality monitoring
- Financial support
- Horizontal cooperation
34- Evaluation of the German industry to a close
vertical cooperation - Increasing interest in a close vertical
cooperation - Certain procurement
- Reliable calculation basis
- Exertion of influence in the cultivation
- Better coordination of the time scheduling
relating the deliveries - Reducing of transaction costs
- One indispensable condition is a minimum quantity!