Title: What is a Virtual Enterprise
1What is a Virtual Enterprise ?
2Defining Virtual
- Different definitions of the concept of
virtual - Virtual means unreal, looking real
- Virtual means immaterial, supported by ICT
- Virtual means potentially present
- Virtual means existing, but changing
3Defining the Virtual Organization
- definitions of VO from literature
- "A Virtual Organization is an organization
network, which is structured and managed in such
a way that it operates vis à vis customers and
other external stakeholders as an identifiable
and complete organization".
4Defining the Virtual Organization
- "The Virtual Corporation is a temporary network
of independent companies linked by information
technology to share skill, costs and access to
one anothers markets. The companies quickly
unite to exploit a specific opportunity and will
disperse afterwards".
5Defining the Virtual Organization
- A Virtual Organization is a combination of
various parties (persons and/or organizations)
located over a wide geographical area which are
committed to achieving a collective goal by
pooling their core competencies and resources.
The partners in a Virtual Organization enjoy
equal status and are dependent upon electronic
connections (ICT infrastructure) for the
co-ordination of their activities.
6Defining the Virtual Organization
- "A virtual organization is primarily
characterized as a network of independent,
geographically dispersed organizations with a
partial mission overlap. Within the network, all
partners provide their own core competencies and
the co-operation is based on semi-stable
relations. The products and services, which a VO
provides, are dependent on innovation and
strongly customer based.
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8Different kinds of Virtual Organizations
- Internal VO
- This sort of VO applies to one organization which
aims at operating with internal teams. Such a VO
consists of several business units. The
management tasks are often carried out
decentralized by the autonomous teams. The
employees are available on many different places.
9Different kinds of Virtual Organizations
- Stable VO
- This sort of VO is based on the co-operation
between different organizations and aims at
contracting non core-competencies out by a
main-organization (often a core partner). These
non core-competencies are contracted out to the
several committed suppliers.
10Different kinds of Virtual Organizations
- Dynamic VO
- A dynamic VO co-operates on a large scale basis
with other organizations. The relations with
these other organizations are based on
opportunism and are always temporary.
11Characteristics of Virtual Enterprise
- no creation of a new legal entity
- limitation of scope (one or more specific
projects) - complementarity of partners
- use of information and communication technology
12Virtual Enterprise is...
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15How to regulate a Virtual Enterprise?
- The ways in which a Virtual Enterprise may be
structured are infinite. If Virtual Enterprise is
regulated by agreement only, subject to basic
contractual law, the parties can define the
arrangements to suit their particular needs. The
Virtual Enterprise agreement will serve as the
constitution for regulating the relationships
between the parties, covering not only activities
contemplated initially but future acts which may
not even be foreseen by the participants.
16Joint Venture
- There are at least three different structures
under which a joint venture may be established - Joint venture companies
- Corporate partnerships
- Contractual joint ventures
- Contractual Joint Ventures are probably the most
suitable form for Virtual Enterprise
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- Legal identification of Virtual Enterprise
- Legal validity of electronic communications
- Security and validity of electronic transactions
- Liability against third parties
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Computer crime
19Validity of electronic communications
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- Confidentiality of the information
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Term and termination
- Liability
- Governing law and jurisdiction
- Settlement of disputes