Scheduling Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scheduling Theory


... a little algebra) that to minimize expected queueing delay, we should assign ... To minimize the average delay cost per customer, order the priorities so that. 13 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scheduling Theory

Scheduling Theory
  • J. M. Akinpelu

  • For the M/G/1 queue that we have considered, what
    things do we know about the system? What dont we
  • What are some service policies that are
    independent of service times?
  • FCFS
  • LCFS (Last Come First Served)
  • Random

Service-Time Independent Policy Results
  • All service policies that are independent of
    service times have the same limiting distribution
    for the number of customers in the system, and
    hence the same steady-state expected delay.
  • If W is the queue delay and ? is the server
    utilization, then

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Consider an M/G/1 queueing system with two types
    of customers, class 1 and class 2.
  • The interarrival times for class i customers are
    exponentially distributed with rate ?i.
  • The service time Si for class i customers has a
    general distribution.
  • Class 1 customers have higher priority than class
    2 customers and are served first.
  • If a class 2 customer is in service when a class
    1 customer arrives, the class 2 customer
    completes service before the class 1 customer is
    served. Preemption is not allowed.
  • Customers within a class are served on a FCFS
  • What is the expected delay experienced by each
    class of customers?

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Let WQ be the expected delay in the queue. By the
    Pollaczek-Khintchine formula, for any M/G/1 queue
    with arrival rate ? and service time S,
  • Another expression for WQ is given by

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Now consider an arbitrary class 1 customer.
  • from which it follows that

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • For an arbitrary class 2 customer,
  • so that

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • and finally we have

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • If we let ? ?1 ?2, then the expected queueing
    delay is
  • One can show (with a little algebra) that to
    minimize expected queueing delay, we should
    assign priorities so that ES1 ES2 in
    other words, the higher priority class should be
    the one with the smaller expected service time.
    This expected delay is smaller than the expected
    delay in the corresponding M/G/1 system with no

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Now consider an M/G/1 queue with n classes, where
    class j has higher priority than classes j1, ,
    n for j 1, , n?1. The expected delay in the
    queue experienced by class j customers is given

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • The expected queueing delay
  • is minimized by assigning priorities so that
  • ES1 ES2 ESn .

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Now assume that class j has a linear cost cj
    associated with the delay for customers in that
    class. To minimize the average delay cost per
    customer, order the priorities so that

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • Now consider an M/G/1 queue, and assume that
    there is some maximum service time Smax. Choose
    an integer n gt 1 and values t0, , tn such that
  • 0 t0 lt t1 lt t2 lt lt tn Smax.
  • Define class j to be all customers satisfying
  • tj-1 lt S tj.

Priority Queue Without Preemption
  • How should the customers be prioritized?
  • What happens as n ? ??
  • This leads to the Shortest Job First (SJF)
    scheduling policy. When preemption is not
    allowed, the SJF minimizes expected queueing

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • Consider an M/G/1 queueing system as follows
  • When working, the server breaks down at an
    exponential rate ? repair begins immediately.
  • The repair time R is a random variable that is
    independent of the number of times the server is
  • When the server is repaired, the interrupted
    customer goes back into service, and service
    resumes where it left off.

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • We want to determine
  • the expected amount of time T from when a
    customer first enters service until it departs
    the system.
  • the expected amount of time WQ that a customer
    spends waiting in queue before its service first

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • Let
  • N be the number of times that the server breaks
    down while the customer is in service
  • R1, R2, , RN be the amounts of time that the
    server spends in the repair facility on its
    successive visits repair times are independent
    of the customer service time.
  • Then

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • Conditioning on S, we get
  • and, using iterated expectations,

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • Similarly,

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • Using the law of total variance,

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • In summary,
  • It follows that

M/G/1 Queue With Server Breakdown
  • By the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula, for any
    M/G/1 queue with arrival rate ? and service
    time T,

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Again, consider an M/G/1 queue with n classes,
    where class j has higher priority than classes
    j1, , n for j 1, , n?1.
  • A class j customer in service is interrupted if a
    higher priority customer arrives, i.e., the
    customer in service is preempted.
  • A preempted customer resumes service when there
    are no longer any higher priority customers in
    the system.

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • The rate at which a class j customer is
    interrupted is
  • The preemption time Rj (aka repair time) for a
    class j customer is the time needed to serve all
    the higher priority customers.
  • It can be shown that

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • the mean amount of time T from when a class j
    customer first enters service until it departs
    the system is
  • and the expected delay in queue before service is

Comparing No Preemption with Preemption Resume
Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Some comments
  • The mean queue delay for a customer in class j in
    the preemptive resume case is the same as it
    would be for the non-preemptive priority case if
    the lowest n ? j priority classes did not exist.
  • When there are classes with priority lower than
    that of class j, the mean queue delay under
    preemptive resume is lower than that for
    non-preemptive priorities. However the time in
    the system after service starts is longer.

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Some comments
  • A variation on preemption resume is to allow a
    customer that is near completion to finish
    service. The semipreemptive priority policy
    determines a customers priority based on its
    remaining service time, so that customers change
    priority as the system evolves. In the limit, as
    the class intervals are made arbitrarily small,
    this policy becomes the Shortest Remaining
    Processing Time (SRPT) policy.

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Some comments
  • When the number of classes is small, the
    semipreemptive priority policy may not produce
    lower expected total delay compared with the
    preemptive resume policy operating with the same
    classes. However, when the number of classes
    increases, the semipreemptive rule becomes
    relatively better, and in the limit the SRPT
    policy becomes optimal with respect to minimizing
    expected total delay.

Class Exercise
  • Give reasons why a manager of a non-preemptible
    queue may decide not to implement SJF.
  • Give reasons why a manager of a preemptible queue
    may decide not to implement SRPT.
  • Give an example in which the semipreemptive
    priority policy gives a worst mean delay than
    preemptive resume. (Note You may consider a
    finite set of customers.)

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Example in Which Semipreemptive Priority Policy
    Gives a Worst Mean Delay Than Preemptive Resume
  • Consider a queueing system with two priorities
  • Priority 1 0 lt S 2
  • Priority 2 2 lt S lt ?
  • Consider two customers
  • Customer 1 with S 5 arrives at time 0
  • Customer 2 with S 1 arrives at time 3

Priority Queue With Preemption
  • Semipreemptive Priority
  • Mean delay ½ (5 3) 4
  • Preemptive Resume
  • Mean delay ½ (6 1) 7/2

Other Scheduling Policies
  • Processor Sharing (PS)
  • the server is shared evenly among all customer
    classes with customers present (or individual
    customers) at every point in time.
  • Least Attained Service (LAS)
  • the customer with the least attained service
    (i.e., service already received) is served.

Multiserver Queues
  • Assumptions
  • There is a router which assigns customers to one
    of several servers.
  • There is no delay at the router unless there is a
    central queue.
  • Each server may have a dedicated queue in which
    customers routed to it wait for service
    alternatively, customers may wait for service in
    a central queue.

Multiserver Queues
  • Routing Policies
  • Round Robin
  • each customer class with customers present (or
    each individual customer) is assigned service
    time slices in equal portions based on some
    predefined order.
  • Join Shortest Queue
  • Least Work Left
  • Central Queue Shortest Job
  • Size Interval Splitting
  • Service times are divided into intervals that
    form customers classes (see chart 13) each
    server is assigned to serve one class of

Squared Coefficient of Variation
  • The squared coefficient of variation (SCV) for a
    distribution F is the ratio of its variance ? 2
    to the square of its mean ?
  • For the exponential distribution, SCV 1.
  • Distributions with SCV lt 1 are considered
    low-variance, while those with SCV gt 1 are
    considered high-variance.

Pareto Distribution
  • A R.V. X has a Pareto distribution if
  • where k gt 0 and xmin is the minimum value that X
    can take on.
  • X has a bounded Pareto distribution if X also has
    some maximum value.
  • Bounded Pareto distributions can have very large
    squared coefficients of variation.

Pareto Distribution
Pareto cumulative distribution functions for
various k  with xmin  1
Failure Rate
  • For a continuous distribution F with density f,
    the failure (or hazard) rate function of F, ?(t),
    is given by
  • In reliability theory, if the lifetime of some
    component has distribution function F, then ?(t)
    is the conditional probability that a component
    of age t will fail.
  • If the service time of a customer has
    distribution function F, then ?(t) is the
    conditional probability that a service sojourn
    that has reached age t will end.

Failure Rate
  • F is an increasing failure rate (IFR)
    distribution if ?(t) is an increasing function of
  • This is analogous to wearing out.
  • F is a decreasing failure rate (DFR) distribution
    if ?(t) is a decreasing function of t.
  • This is analogous to burning in.
  • The Pareto distribution is DFR, i.e., the longer
    a service time lasts, the more likely it is that
    it will continue.

Scheduling in Server Farms
  • View slides at

A Word About Fairness
  • So far our focus as been on expected delay, but
    decreasing overall delay may come at the expense
    of some customers.
  • Harchol-Balter and Wierman define fairness for
    scheduling policies and classify scheduling
    policies as
  • Always Fair (under all loads and service
  • Sometimes Unfair (under some loads and service
  • Always Unfair (under all loads and service

A Word About Fairness
  • Always Fair
  • PS
  • Sometimes Unfair
  • All service-based, non-preemptive policies (e.g.,
  • SRPT
  • Always Unfair
  • All non-service based, non-preemptive policies
    (e.g., FCFS, LCFS, random)
  • All service based, preemptive policies
  • All age-based policies (e.g., LAS)

A Word About Fairness
  • The above findings show that we are just
    beginning to understand unfairness in scheduling
    policies. This is a fertile area with many more
    properties yet to be uncovered.
  • Quote from Adam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter,
    Classifying Scheduling Policies with Respect to
    Unfairness in an M/GI/1, SIGMETRICS 03, June
    10-12, 2003.

  • Ross 8.41. 8.42, 8.44
  • Consider two classes of customers with respective
    discrete service time distributions (in minutes)
  • Class 1 arrivals and class 2 arrivals each have
    exponential interarrival times with rate 1/10
    customer/minute. Compute EWQ for both FCFS and
    SJF. (Assume that the jobs are not preemptible.)

  • Richard W. Conway, William L. Maxwell, Louis W.
    Miller, Theory of Scheduling, Dover Publications,
    Inc., 1967.
  • Michael L. Pinedo, Scheduling Theory, Algorithms,
    and Systems, Springer, 2008.
  • Sheldon M. Ross, Introduction to Probability
    Models, Ninth Edition, Elsevier Inc., 2007.
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