ALLIANCE: An Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multirobot Cooperation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ALLIANCE: An Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multirobot Cooperation


The impatience motivation enables a robot to handle situations when other robots ... Robot Impatience ... t): the rate of impatience of robot ri concerning ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ALLIANCE: An Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multirobot Cooperation

ALLIANCE An Architecture for Fault Tolerant
Multirobot Cooperation
  • L. E. Parker, 1998
  • Presented by Guoshi Li
  • April 25th, 2005

Presentation Outline
  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Alliance
  • Results
  • Conclusion

  • For smaller-scale applications, the single robot
    approach is often feasible
  • A large number of the human solutions to these
    real world applications of interest employ the
    use of multiple humans supporting and
    complementing each other
  • The use of robot teams for automated solutions to
    some real applications is feasible and necessary

  • Advantages to using a distributed mobile robot
  • Reduce the total cost of the system
  • Increase the robustness of the system by taking
    advantage of the parallelism and redundancy of
    multiple robots
  • Accomplish a mission which requires the use of
    multiple robots working simultaneously on
    different aspects with time constraints

  • Challenges of the use of multiple robots
  • May actually increase the complexity of an
    automated solution
  • Achieving coherence
  • Determining how to decompose and allocate the
    problem among a group of robots
  • Determining how to enable the robots to interact

  • Fault tolerance
  • The ability of the robot team to respond to
    individual robot failures of failures in
  • Adaptivity
  • The ability of the robot team to change its
    behavior over time in response to a dynamic
    environment, changes in the team mission, or
    changes in the team capabilities or composition

  • Cooperative mobile robotics
  • Swarm-type cooperation
  • Intentional cooperation
  • Swarm-type cooperation
  • Deals with large numbers of homogeneous robots
  • Useful for nontime-critical applications
  • Globally interesting behavior can emerge as a
    result of the local interactions of the robots
  • A key research issue determining the proper
    design of the local control that will allow the
    collection of robots to solve a given problem

  • Intentional cooperation
  • Deals with a limited number of typically
    heterogeneous robots
  • Has to address some sort of efficiency constraint
  • Usually require that several distinct tasks be
  • Key issues include robustly determining which
    robot should perform which task so as to maximize
    the efficiency of the team and ensuring the
    proper coordination among team members

  • Two bodies of previous research are particular
    applicable to intentional cooperation
  • Developing control algorithms and implementing
    them either on physical robots or on simulations
    of physical robots
  • Noreils sense-model-plan-act control
  • Caloud et al. another sense-model-plan-act
  • Asama et al. decentralized robot system called
  • Wang the use of several distributed mutual
    exclusion algorithms
  • Cohen et al. hierarchical subdivision of
    authority to address the problem of cooperative

  • Distributed Artificial intelligence (DAI)
  • Produced a great deal of work addressing
    intentional cooperation among generic agents
  • Typically software systems running as interacting
    processes to solve a common problem rather than
    embodied, sensor-based robots
  • Use a distributed, negotiation-based mechanism to
    determine the allocation of tasks to agents

Motivations for ALLIANCE
  • Earlier DAI approaches typically either make no
    serious effort at achieving fault tolerant,
    adaptive control or assume the presence of
    unspecified black boxes that continually
    monitor the environment and provide recovery
  • Control architecture must explicitly address the
    dynamic nature of the cooperative team and its
    environment to be truly useful in real-world
  • The earlier approaches break the problem into a
    traditional AI sense-model-plan-act decomposition
    rather than the functional decomposition used in
    behavior-based approaches
  • A behavior-based approach to cooperation should
    be used to increase the robustness and adaptivity

Assumptions of ALLIANCE
  • The robots on the team can detect the effect of
    their own actions, with some probability greater
    than 0
  • Robot i can detect the actions of other team
    members for which i has redundant capabilities,
    with some probability greater than 0
  • Robots on the team do not lie and are not
    intentionally adversarial
  • The communications medium is not guaranteed to be
  • The robots do not process perfect sensors and
  • Any of the robot subsystem can fail, with some
    probability greater than 0
  • If a robot fails, it cannot necessarily
    communicate its failure to its teammates
  • A centralized store of complete world knowledge
    is not available

Overview of ALLIANCE
  • Design goals create robot teams that are able to
    cope with failures and uncertainty in action
    selection and action execution, and with changes
    in a dynamic environment
  • A fully distributed, behavior-based software
    architecture which gives all robots the
    capability to determine their own actions based
    upon their current situation
  • No centralized control is utilized
  • Defines a mechanism that allows teams of robots
    to individually select appropriate actions

Overview of ALLIANCE
  • Low-level behaviors, or competences, corresponds
    to primitive survival behaviors such as obstacle
    avoidance, while higher-level behaviors
    correspond to higher goals such as map building
    and exploring
  • ALLIANCE delineates several behavior sets that
    are either active as a group or are hibernating
  • Action selection is controlled through the use of
    motivational behaviors, each of which controls
    the activation of one behavior set
  • Only one behavior set is active at any point, but
    other lower-level competences such as collision
    avoidance may be continually active

Overview of ALLIANCE
Motivational Behaviors
  • Motivation provides the robots the ability to
    respond to unexpected events and robot failures
  • Motivational behavior the primary mechanism for
    achieving adaptive action selection in the
  • Each motivational behavior receives input from a
    number of sources
  • The input is combined to generate the output of a
    motivational behavior
  • The output defines the activation level of its
    corresponding behavior set
  • When the activation level exceeds a given
    threshold, the corresponding behavior set becomes

Motivational Behaviors
  • Two types of internal motivations are modeled in
    ALLIANCE robot impatience and robot acquiescence
  • The impatience motivation enables a robot to
    handle situations when other robots fail in
    performing a given task
  • The acquiescence motivation enables a robot to
    handle situations in which it, itself, fails to
    properly perform its task
  • ALLIANCE utilizes a simple form of broadcast
    communication to allow robots to inform other
    team members of their current activities
  • The design of the motivational behaviors in
    ALLIANCE also allows robots to adapt to
    unexpected environmental changes which alter
    sensory feedback

Motivational Behaviors
  • The parameters controlling motivational rates of
    robots under the ALLIANCE architecture can be
    adapted over time based on learning
  • L-ALLIANCE, an extension to ALLIANCE, provides
    the mechanisms for accomplishing parameter
  • ALLIANCE architecture is developed to explicitly
    address the issue of fault tolerance amidst
    possible robot and communication failures
  • While some efficiency may be lost as a
    consequence of not negotiating the task
    subdivision in advance, robustness is gained if
    robot failures or other dynamic events occur at
    any time during the mission

Formal Model of ALLIANCE
  • Problem definition
  • Let the set Rr1, r2, ,rn represent the set
    of n heterogeneous robots composing the
    cooperative team, and let the set Ttask1,
    task2, , taskm represent m independent subtasks
    which compose the mission
  • High-level task-achieving function corresponds
    to the functions possessed by individual robots
  • In the architecture, each behavior set supplies
    its robot with a high-level task-achieving
  • The high-level task-achieving functions, or
    behavior sets, possessed by robot ri is referred
    to the set Aiai1, ai2,.
  • The set of n functions h1(a1k), h2(a2k),
    ,hn(ank) is defined, where hi(aik) returns the
    task in T that robot ri is working on when it
    activates behavior set aik.

Formal Model of ALLIANCE
  • Threshold of Activation
  • The threshold of activation of a behavior
    set is given by one parameter ?. This parameter
    determines the level of motivation beyond which a
    given behavior set will become active
  • Sensory Feedback
  • Provides the motivational behavior with the
    necessary information to determine whether its
    corresponding behavior set needs to be activated

Formal Model of ALLIANCE
  • Inter-Robot Communication
  • ?i the rate at which robot ri broadcasts
    its current activity
  • ti the period of time robot ri allows to
    pass without receiving a communication message
    from a specific teammate before deciding that
    that teammate has ceased to function
  • Suppression from Active Behavior Sets
  • When a motivational behavior activates its
    behavior set, it simultaneously begins inhibiting
    other motivational behaviors

Formal Model of ALLIANCE
  • Robot Impatience
  • ?ij(k,t) gives the time during which robot ri is
    willing to allow robot rks communication message
    to affect the motivation of behavior set aij
  • d_slowij(k,t) the rate of impatience of robot ri
    concerning behavior set aij while robot rk is
    performing the task corresponding to behavior set
  • d_fastij(k,t) the rate of impatience of robot ri
    concerning behavior set aij in the absence of
    other robots performing the task hi(aij)

Formal Model of ALLIANCE
  • Robot Acquiescence
  • ?ij(t) the time that robot ri wants to maintain
    behavior set aij activation before yielding to
    another robot
  • ?ij(t) the time robot ri wants to maintain
    behavior set aij activation before giving up to
    possibly try another behavior set
  • Motivation Calculation

Parameter Settings
  • The parameter settings in ALLIANCE strongly
    influence the global performance of the system
  • The desirable characteristics of fault tolerance
    and adaptivity that are present in ALLIANCE
    should not be sacrificed while enabling increases
    in robot team efficiency
  • L-ALLIANCE provides mechanisms that allow the
    robots to dynamically update their parameter
    settings based upon knowledge learned from
    previous experiences
  • Assumptions
  • A robots average performance in executing a
    specific task over a few recent trials is a
    reasonable indicator of that robots expected
    performance in the future
  • If robot ri is monitoring environmental
    conditions C to assess the performance of another
    robot rk, and the conditions C change, then the
    changes are attributable to robot rk

  • Incorporates the use of performance monitors for
    each motivational behavior
  • Robot ri programmed with the b behavior sets
  • Aai1,ai2,,aib,
  • also has b monitors
  • MONimoni1,moni2,monib
  • Monitor monij observes the performance of any
    robot performing task hi(aij)
  • Monitor monij uses a mechanism to update the
    control parameters of behavior set aij based on
    the learned knowledge

Action Selection Algorithm
Parameter Settings
  • The ALLIANCE architecture has been successfully
    implemented in a variety of proof-of-concept
    applications on both physical and simulated
    mobile robots
  • Over 60 logged physical robot runs of the
    hazardous waste cleanup mission and over 30
    physical robot runs of the box pushing
    demonstration were completed to elucidate the
    importance issues in heterogeneous robot

Hazardous waste cleanup
  • The Robots
  • Three R-2 robots purchased commercially from IS
  • Mechanical drift and failure can cause them to
    have quite different actual abilities
  • A radio communication system allows robot team
    members to communicate with other
  • The Mission
  • Two artificially hazardous waste spills in an
    enclosed room to be cleaned up
  • The distinct tasks locating the two waste spills
    find-locations moving the two spills to a goal
    location move-spill (left) and move-spill
    (right) periodically reporting the team
    progress to humans monitoring the system

Hazardous waste cleanup
  • Behavior sets
  • find-locations-methodical
  • find-locations-wander
  • move-spill (loc)
  • report-process
  • avoid-obstacles

  • Three robots are referred as GREEN, BLUE, and

Experiments no robot failure
  • RP report-progress MS(L) move-spill (left)
    MS(R) move-spill (right)
  • FLW find-locations-wander FLM

Experiments interfere with GREEN
Experiments interfere with GREEN
Experiments removal of BLUE
Experiments removal of BLUE
  • The cooperative team under ALLIANCE control is
  • The cooperative team is able to respond
    autonomously to many types of unexpected events
    either in the environment or in the robot team
    without the need for external intervention
  • The cooperative team needs not have a priori
    knowledge of the abilities of the other team
    members to effectively accomplish the task
  • The primary weakness of ALLIANCE is its
    restriction to independent subtasks

  • ALLIANCE is a fully distributed, behavior based
    architecture which facilitates fault tolerant
    mobile cooperation
  • ALLIANCE allows the robots to handle the
    environmental changes fluidly and flexibly
  • ALLIANCE also allows robot team members to
    respond to their own failures or to failures of
    teammates, leading to adaptive action selection
    to ensure mission completion
  • ALLIANCE further enhances team robustness by
    making it easy for robot team members to deal
    with the presence of overlapping capabilities on
    the team

Final word
  • Thank you
  • and
  • Have a great new week!
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