Title: Learnerships
1Frank Groenewald October 2003
Learnerships Addressing multiple stakeholder
2- Today's Business
- Strategy
- Structure
- Process
- Current status
3The Strategic Context Different Stakeholders
Different Needs
4Learnerships Problem statement
- In the context of transformation imperatives,
jobless sector growth, pressure on internal
training costs, the challenge is to conceptualise
and implement a learnership strategy that will
enable sector learner targets to be met. - The strategy must add business value, satisfy
political imperatives, minimise negative business
impact, comply with legislative requirements, be
economically practicable, and must be implemented
in short time-frames.
5- The strategy must
- add business value,
- satisfy socio-economic imperatives,
- maximize positive and minimise negative business
impact, - comply with legislative requirement,
- be economically practicable, and
- must be able to be implemented in short time
- Focus learnerships on areas where demand for
skilled staff is highest as a consequence of
scale and labour turnover - Accommodate learnership recruits within existing
recruitment patterns as far as possible, such
that learnership candidates meet real staffing
needs. - Focus national need learnerships on a small
number of generic learnerships with large numbers
of learners
7BANKSETAs Strategic Objective
- To facilitate the rapid scaling up of
learnerships in the sector to meet identified
demands, such that negative business impact is
minimised and business benefit is maximised. - To achieve the above within the constraints of
available funding.
This objective can be achieved by applying
strategic principles
8Different categories of learnerships and of
learners exist
9From a numbers point of view, transformation
learnerships are a subset of the national need
National need n5000
Transformation n1250
Niche n?
10Strategic Principle 1 Focus for impact
Large numbers can be absorbed more easily using
this approach. A key question is however whether
the numbers committed to are to be considered to
be over and above normal recruitment intake.
11Strategic Principle 1 Focus for impact
Unique leverage point for driving numbers focus
Limited leverage point for driving unique value
focus here
Limited leverage point for driving NSDS targets
12Strategic Principle 2 Minimise negative
business impact
Centralised support will create efficiencies and
economies of scale, keeping unnecessary work out
of the banks themselves. The support could be
provided to all learnerships, not only the large
13- Principle 2 presents two implementation options
The cost factor is likely to be the overriding
14Employment Skills Development Agency (ESDA)
- Centralised support function
- Create efficiencies and economies of scale
- keeping learnership-associated responsibilities
within the banks to a minimum. - Leverage funds available from the BANKSETA
- To facilitate the rapid scaling up of
learnerships. - To minimise negative impact and
- To maximise potential benefits
15Strategic Principle 3 Make the detail work,
not the concept
Outsourced resources should be used in order to
achieve focus, appropriate competency deployment,
and quick turnaround.
16 17Funding
- The initial projection..R267 000 000.00
- 50 .
- 80 of the sector strategic fund over a three
year period ( Approved) - R6 000 000.00 from the 2002/3 sector strategic
fund ( approved) - 50.
- The BANKSETA will seek a grant from the NSF for
the remaining cost R138 000 000.00 - ( in process R 25000.00 per learner)
- Graduates subsequently employed by the banks will
incur a cost.
19Agreements thus far
- The Accelerated Learnership Initiative will
- Develop 5000 learners over a 3 year period
- Develop Matriculants and Graduates at a 75 to
25 ratio - Focus on whole qualifications and not Unit
Standard based qualifications - Source qualifications in line with the sector
priority skills need - Ensure the inclusion of entrepreneurial and
generic business skills in the qualifications to
allow for cross sector deployment of learners on
20Agreements thus far(continued)
- The BANKSETA will facilitate the process on
behalf of the banking sector by - Obtaining commitment for the project targets from
all stakeholders (DONE) - Assisting the Institute of Bankers (IoB) to be
registered as an Employment and Skills
Development Agency (ESDA) (In process) - Agreeing with the banks to provide for the
workplace component of the learnership. (DONE) - Accepting overall responsibility for project
delivery. (DONE) - Allow for changes in banking operating
- Way forward
- Time lines
- Process agreements