Title: Life under Miliband
1(No Transcript)
2- What is reputation?
- Why does the reputation of your council matter to
you? - Who in your council is responsible for reputation?
3- Councils reputations as institutions lag behind
many of the services they deliver
4Overview our image is worse than our delivery
Sunderland 2001
Image Index
Service Index
5Few people are localgovernments advocates
1 Highly speak of them without being asked
15 Speak highly of them if asked
8 Critical of them without being asked
22 Critical if asked
53 would be neutral about them if asked
6Low Awareness
Q How much if anything, do you know about your
local council?
Dont know
Great deal
Fair amount
Hardly anything
Just a little
Base 1,758
7To be good at CPA, make sure comms are effective
who feel they are kept well informed about the
services provided by the council
Base All London Councils in ALG consortium
8To be good at CPA, make sure comms are effective
Excellent rated by Audit Commission
Base All 7 excellently rated London councils
9Cromer Road JMI SchoolHeadteacher Mrs P Jones
The sign says
10Where is the logo to link this with the council?
11Making the most of our assets
12At last! A council logo!
13Core actions developed with sounding group of
14Core Environmental actions
- Have a visible cleaning presence with a strong
link to the council - Remove gaps and overlap in cleaning and
maintenance contracts - Have one phone number for all streetscene
problems - Know your 'grot spots' and why they're there
- Set a 24-hour target for action on fly-tipping
and abandoned cars - A Green Flag award for at least one park
- Educate and enforce to protect the environment
15Core Comms actions
- Effective media management
- Deliver an annual A-Z guide of council services
to the door - Publish a regular council magazine/newspaper
- Branding - effective and consistent linkage of
council brand to services - Good internal communications
16Council newspapers / magazines
Q Have you ever seen a copy of the councils
recall council publication
MORI Normative data
17Council newspapers / magazines
Q Have you ever seen a copy of the Councils
MORI Normative data
recall council publication
Poor Performers
18Where are we now?
- 247 councils signed up
- Its about quality not just sign-up
- Sharing our experiences guidance and case
studies with the IDeA - Making the case for corporate comms