Title: Botany Lecture 3
1Botany Lecture 3
Plant Nutrition
2Plant Nutrition
3What do plants need for healthy growth?
9 Macronutrients
4Where do Plants get their nutrients?
Nitrogen shortage is the single most common
problem in plants, symptoms include
Nitrogen deficient plant
6Most plants depend on bacteria to supply nitrogen
7Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation
A phosphorus deficient plant may have green leaves
Phosphorus deficient plant
Symptoms usually show up in older leaves first.
Potassium deficient plant
10Other Macro-Nutrients
Most plants have mycorrhizae
12Some Plants are Parasitic
Dodder on Pickleweed
Mistletoe on an Oak
13Carnivorous Plants
Venus Fly Trap
Round leafed Sundew
14Improving Protein Content
15Genetic Engineering
There are two main techniques used
16Products of Plant Biotechnology
Delayed ripening tomatoes Herbicide resistant
canola, soybeans, cotton, and other crops Insect
resistant corn, potatoes, and other crops Golden
Rice (vitamin A and beta-carotene enriched)
17Control Systems in Plants