Title: Approaches to behavioral and psychological symptoms of Dementia
1Approaches to behavioral and psychological
symptoms of Dementia
- Marie-France Rivard, MD, FRCPC
- Division of Geriatric Psychiatry
- University of Ottawa
- Describe the causes of common psychological and
behavioral symptoms in dementia (BPSD) - Introduce the purpose of the PIECES program
- Identify appropriate interventions
- Advise on the role of pharmacotherapy
3Disclosure slide
- Over last 28 years, received honoraria for
Continuing education activities from most
pharmaceutical companies and some grants for
research. - Over last 7 years, no direct funding for research
or Continuing Education honoraria by organizing
committees who may have, in turn, received
un-restricted grants. - Currently Chair, Seniors Advisory Co to MHCC,
mostly volunteer work.
4Prevalence of BPSD
- 90 of patients affected by dementia will
experience Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms
of Dementia (BPSD) that are severe enough to be
labeled as a problem during the course of their
illness. - Agitation (75) Wandering (60) Depression (50)
Psychosis (30) Screaming and violence (20) are
most common
5Impact of BPSD
- 50 90 of caregivers considered physical
aggression as the most serious problem they
encountered and a factor leading to
institutionalization. (Rabins et al. 1982) - Front-line staff working in LTC report that
physical assault contributes to significant work
related stress (Wimo et al. 1997) - Agitation, depression, anxiety, paranoid ideation
cause significant suffering.
6BPSD Symptom Clusters
Pacing Repetitive actions Dressing/undressing Rest
Physical aggression Verbal Aggression Aggressive
resistance to care
Withdrawn Lacks interest Amotivation
Hallucinations Delusions Misidentification Suspici
Euphoria Pressured speech Irritable
Sad Tearful Hopeless Guilty Anxious Irritable/scr
eaming Suicidal
7Causes of BPSDWhat is P.I.E.C.E.S.
- Person-centered assessment and care planning
approach, using the care team to develop
hypotheses and test the implementation of
possible solutions. - An acronym that conveys the individuality and
importance of the various factors that contribute
to BPSD in dementia. - These factors are Physical, Intellectual,
Emotional, Capabilities, Environment and Social
- Taught in Ontario since 1998 to LTC registered
staff - From 1999-2007 expanded to include administrators
of LTC, unregistered staff, acute care hospitals,
CCAC case managers - 2007-08 PIECES program for physicians
- Soon available for distribution
- To be tested with family health teams and
utilized by Peer Presenters and Preceptors of
Ontarios Alzheimer strategy
9Why use the P.I.E.C.E.S. approach?
- Identification of target behaviors which present
risk or urgency - Flags possible delirium
- Framework for synthesis of non-pharmacologic
approaches - Nutrition, comfort, hydration, sleep, etc
- Environment, personhood, social, stimulation
- Guide the pharmacologic approach
10PIECES Template
- The Three Question Template
- 1. What has changed?
- 2. What are the RISKS and possible causes (using
the PIECES framework)? - 3. What is/are the action (s)?
11P - Physical
- Drugs
- Anticholinergics, benzos,
- Include OTC, alcohol
- Disease
- Atypical presentations, hypoxia, pain, infections
- Delirium 30 mortality if undetected
- Hypoactive and hyperactive
- Basics
- Hydration, bowels, bladder, fatigue, sleep
- I infectious
- W - withdrawal
- A acute metabolic, dehydration, renal, bowels
- T toxins, drugs
- C CNS pathology
- H hypoxia,
- D - deficiencies
- E - endocrine
- A acute vascular
- T - trauma
- H heavy metals
13Delirium work up and intervention
- History and physical
- Bowel/bladder/pain/mobility
- Caregivers re what has changed
- Review medications including prns
- Investigations to identify and correct underlying
causes - Vitals, O2 sat, glucose, chest X-ray
- CBC, Na, K, Creatinine, Albumin, Drug levels,
Ca, Mg, TSH, B12, Folate, Urine, etc. - CT head if warranted
14Intellectual/cognitive changes
- Memory loss, Amnesia
- Annoying repetitive questioning.
- Accusing others of not telling them about
upcoming events. - Being uncooperative with previous requests.
- Agnosia
- Accusing family member of being an imposter when
cannot quite recognize face - Failing to recognize ones image in the mirror.
- Utilizing objects inappropriately.
15Intellectual/cognitive changes
- Apraxia
- Dressing inappropriatelyupset with assistance
provided/required - Needing assistance to eat
- Aphasia
- Frustration/anxiety
- Inappropriate requests/comments
- Reacting concretely to abstract concept
16Intellectual/cognitive changes
- Anosognosia
- Not recognizing that one is no longer knows about
or how to do some things, being unaware of
deficits and need for help - Impaired executive functions
- poor planning/initiation
- unable to appreciate consequences of things said
or done before saying/doing them, impulsive
behavior - Return to a place back in time
17Intellectual/cognitive changes
- Perceptual difficulties (distances, depth, time
elapsed, gaps) - Resisting a bath or toileting, running over
others. - Apathy and perseveration
- May be confused with depression or ill-will.
- Return of primitive reflexes, perseverative
behaviors - Grabbing caregivers clothing or body part and
being unable to let go.
18E - Emotions
- Delusions/Hallucinations/agitation
- Dopamine and cholinergic mediated
- Depression/irritability/anxiety
- Serotonergic, adrenergic, cholinergic mediated.
- Adjustment Disorder
- Reactivation of past psychiatric illness with
stress of dementia, placement - Emotional Memory, past trauma, losses
19C - Capabilities
- Balance of Physical Demands and Capabilities
- Capacities too low to do a task?
- Resistive behaviours, Frustration
- Catastrophic reactions
- Withdrawal
- Able to do more but assumed incapable
- Boredom, attention-seeking behaviors
- Be sensitive to changes in function
- Acute change rule out reversible component
- Gradual change Adapt care to progression of
20E - Environment
- Environmental structure
- design, lighting (glare), physical space,
temperature - Ambience
- Sounds, smells, colour, noise
- Familiarity
- Noise excessive, distressing, confusing,
unfamiliar - Over/under stimulation
- Changing environment
- Relocation, routines, caregivers
21S - Social
- Life story, life accomplishments
- All about me, personhood
- Social network
- Relationships of family
- Lifelong coping strategies
- Interactions with caregivers who may not know you
as a person - Interaction with other residents, roommates,
others with dementia
22P.I.E.C.E.S. tools
- Daily Observation Sheet (DOS), A-B-C charting
- Shows frequency, severity, patterns of
behaviours, can be individualized - Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI)
- Identifies behaviours and severity over 7 day
period - Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
- Delirium screen
- MMSE, MOCA, Clock
- Sig E Caps, Cornell Depression Scale
23DOS Behavior Map
24Other Common Tools
25Caregiver Scales
- Useful for patients in the community
- Self report can be used in office setting or home
visit - Allow caregivers to identify behaviours they may
not be comfortable talking about in front of
their loved one - ie - Kingston Behavioural Assessment
26Pharmacological treatment
- Clear indication, potential benefits
- Expected time to response
- Risks associated with and without Rx
- Appropriate dose range
- Monitoring for side effects and response
- When to consider dose reduction, discontinuation.
27Top Ten Behaviors not (usually) responsive to
- Hiding/hoarding
- Pushing wheelchair bound co-patient
- Eating in-edibles
- Inappropriate isolation
- Tugging at/ removal of restraints
- Aimless wandering
- Inappropriate urination /defecation
- Inappropriate dressing /undressing
- Annoying perseverative activities
- Vocally repetitious behavior
28Top Ten Behaviors responsive (perhaps!) to
- Physical aggression
- Verbal aggression
- Anxious, restless
- Sadness, crying, anorexia
- Withdrawn, apathetic
- Sleep disturbance
- Wandering with agitation/aggression
- Vocally repetitious behavior
- Delusions and hallucinations
- Sexually inappropriate behavior with agitation
29Pharmacological treatmentWhen (indications)
- Behaviors that have not responded to
non-pharmacological treatment. - Persistent despite P.I.E.C.E.S. approach
- Imminent and severe risk to self or others
- E.g. delirium needing to be investigated
- Behaviors that can respond to medication listed
previously - Target appropriate symptom cluster depression,
anxiety (acute or chronic), difficulty falling
asleep, psychosis
30Pharmacological treatmentChoosing best drug
- Correct underlying cause, deficiency
- Optimize treatment of dementia, CEIs, memantine
- Target appropriate symptom cluster
- Depression Antidepressant
- Anxiety (longer term) antidepressant
- Difficulty falling asleep Trazodone
- Psychosis antipsychotic
- Aggression antipsychotic
- Choose least likely to worsen dementia and
medical problems - E.g. Least anticholinergic
- Choose drugs without problematic interaction
31Best choices antidepressants
- SSRI for depression or anxiety
- Citalopram (Celexa) and Escitalopram (Cipralex)
- Sertraline (Zoloft)
- When noradrenergic properties may be wanted
(pain, activation) - Venlafaxine (Effexor XR) not if unstable BP
- Bupropion (not if unstable BP)
- When sedation may be needed urgently
- Trazodone watch for hypotension
- Mirtazapine (some anticholinergic properties)
- When important to have a drug well tolerated
- Moclobemide (Manerix) drug interactions
32Best Choices - anxiety
- Cholinesterase inhibitor
- particularly for anxiety of early dementia.
- first line treatment for anxiety disorders
- will take a few weeks to work
- check drug interactions.
- Consider trazodone (watch for hypotension)
33Best choices anti-psychotics
- For acute delirium very short term (days)
- Haloperidol (0.5 mg that may be repeated)
- Loxapine (2.5 mg that may be repeated)
- For persistent psychosis/agitation
- Risperidone (Risperdal) start with 0.25-0.5 mg
daily and increase slowly as needed/tolerated
over weeks to max. 2 mg per day - Olanzapine (Zyprexa) start with 2.5 mg daily and
increase slowly as needed/tolerated over weeks,
to max 10 mg daily - Quetiapine (Seroquel) start with 12.5 mg daily
or BID and increase slowly over weeks to max 200
mg daily
34Meds for BPSD
35Meds for BPSD
36Risks present when there is no pharmacological Rx
- Risks of injury (self and others), exhaustion,
severe and prolonged suffering, increased risk of
death with depression, etc. - Need to present the risks of not treating with
medications to pt or SDM when obtaining informed
37Risks associated with pharmacological Rx
- Risks of antidepressants
- Hyponatremia
- Increased agitation/insomnia/suicide in first few
weeks - GI upset and bleed if previous ulcers
- Headaches
- Risks of anti-psychotics
- Increase risk of death (all antipsychotics),
increased QT, cerebrovascular accident - EPS and tardive dyskinesia
- Worsening of vascular risk factors (increased
weight, lipids, diabetes) - Risks of benzodiazepines
- Falls, ataxia, worsening dementia, memory,
38Using minimal effective dose, only for the
duration required
- Consider dose reduction for antipsychotic as soon
as there is clear therapeutic response to prevent
development of side effects - Review anti-psychotic medication for possible
discontinuation Q 6 months - Maintain full dose of antidepressant but review
if still needed after 1-2 years? Only if no prior
history of depression
39Family physicians are at the core of the
treatment team, working with
- Patients and substitute decision makers
- Other caregivers (home care, LTC staff)
- Community resources (Alzheimer Society, First
Link programs) - Consultants such as PRCs, Outreach teams,
Specialized geriatric medicine and mental health
40Questions and further readings
- Program for physicians should be available in the
coming months distribution strategies? - CCSMH guidelines on LTC issues, depression,
delirium and suicide - New Canadian Consensus guidelines on Dementia.