Title: Psychological Defence In Different Age. Deviative Behavior.
1Psychological Defence In Different Age. Deviative
2Defense mechanisms
- Defense mechanisms are helpful and, if used in a
proper manner, are healthy. Some disorders, such
as personality disorders and psychosis, may in
fact be caused in part by inadequate use of
appropriate defensce mechanisms. However, if
misused, the defense mechanisms may also be
unhealthy. - The maladaptive use of defense mechanisms can
occur in a variety of cases, such as when they
become automatic and prevent individuals from
realizing their true feelings and thoughts or
when they put the person in actual danger. For
example, someone who is in denial about the
possibility that a new sexual partner could carry
an STD may not take appropriate precautions to
protect their own sexual health.
3Defense mechanisms
- Defense mechanisms can also be maladaptive when
they are continually used in a way that disrupts
reality-testing. Repeated denial and paranoid
projection use can cause people to lose touch
with the real world and their surroundings and
consequently isolate themselves from it and dwell
in a created world of their own design. For
example, people with addictive behaviour are
known to misuse such defense mechanisms as
denial. Defense mechanisms can also be harmful
if - There are too few defenses which can be employed
in coping with threats - There is too much superego activity, which causes
the use of too many defenses.
4List of defense mechanisms
- Sigmund Freud was the first person to develop the
concept of defense mechanisms, however it was his
daughter Anna Freud who clarified and
conceptualized it. - She has described various different defense
mechanisms. - The list of particular defense mechanisms is huge
and there is no theoretical consensus on the
amount of defense mechanisms. It has been
attempted to classify defense mechanisms
according some of their properties (ie.
underlying mechanisms, similarities or connexions
with personality).
- Compensation occurs when someone takes up one
behavior because one cannot accomplish another
- An ego defense mechanism that operates
unconsciously to resolve emotional conflict, and
to reduce anxiety by refusing to perceive the
more unpleasant aspects of external reality.
- An unconscious defense mechanism, whereby the
mind redirects emotion from a dangerous object
to a safe object. - In psychoanalytic theory, displacement is a
defense mechanism that shifts sexual or
aggressive impulses to a more acceptable or less
threatening target redirecting emotion to a
safer outlet.
- Concentrating on the intellectual components of
the situations as to distance oneself from the
anxiety provoking emotions associated with these
- Attributing to others, ones own unacceptable or
unwanted thoughts and/or emotions. - Projection reduces anxiety in the way that it
allows the expression of the impulse or desire
without letting the ego recognize it.
- The process of constructing a logical
justification for a decision that was originally
arrived at through a different mental process
11Reaction formation
- The converting of unconscious wishes or impulses
that are perceived to be dangerous into their
- The reversion to an earlier stage of development
in the face of unacceptable impulses
- The process of pulling thoughts into the
unconscious and preventing painful or dangerous
thoughts from entering consciousness.
- The refocusing of psychic energy (which Sigmund
Freud believed was limited) away from negative
outlets to more positive outlets. These drives
which cannot find an outlet are rechanneled. In
Freuds classic theory, erotic energy is only
allowed limited expression due to repression, and
much of the remainder of a given groups erotic
energy is used to develop its culture and
civilization. - Freud considered this defense mechanism the most
productive compared to the others that he
identified. Sublimation is the process of
transforming libido into social useful
achievements, mainly art. Psychoanalysts often
refer to sublimation as the only truly successful
defense mechanism.
- A person tries to 'undo' a negative or
threatening thought by their actions.
- The conscious process of pushing thoughts into
the preconscious.
- Separation or postponement of a feeling that
normally would accompany a situation or thought.
- Refocuses attention on the somewhat comical side
of the situation as to relieve negative tension
similar to comic relief.
- Form of denial in which the object of attention
is presented as "all good" masking true negative
feelings towards the other.
- The unconscious modeling of one's self upon
another person's behavior.
- Identifying with some idea or object so deeply
that it becomes a part of that person.
- Refocusing of aggression or emotions evoked from
an external force onto one's self.
- Manifestation of emotional anxiety into physical
- Primitive defense mechanism-when a person sees
external objects or people as either "all good"
or "all bad."
- When a person replaces one feeling or emotion for
26Introduction and History of Mental Illness
- Our earliest explanation of what we now refer to
as psychopathology involved the possession by
evil spirits and demons. Many believed, even as
late as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
that the bizarre behavior associated with mental
illness could only be an act of the devil
himself. To remedy this, many individuals
suffering from mental illness were tortured in an
attempt to drive out the demon. - Most people know of the witch trials where many
women were brutally murdered due to a false
belief of possession. When the torturous methods
failed to return the person to sanity, they were
typically deemed eternally possessed and were
27The medical model
- By the eighteenth century we began to look at
mental illness differently. It was during this
time period that "madness" began to be seen as an
illness beyond the control of the person rather
than the act of a demon. Because of this,
thousands of people confined to dungeons of daily
torture were released to asylums where medical
forms of treatment began to be investigated. - Today, the medical model continues to be a
driving force in the diagnosing and treatment of
psychopathology, although research has shown the
powerful effects that psychology has on a
person's behavior, emotion, and cognitions. This
chapter will discuss the various ways mental
illness is classified as well as the effects of
mental illness on the individual and society.
28Classifying Psychopathology
- Mental illness is classified today according to
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM IV), published by
the American Psychiatric Association (1994). - The DSM uses a multiaxial or multidimensional
approach to diagnosing because rarely do other
factors in a person's life not impact their
mental health. It assesses five dimensions as
described below
29The DSM
- Axis I Clinical Syndromes
- This is what we typically think of as the
diagnosis (e.g., depression, schizophrenia,
social phobia) - Axis II Developmental Disorders and Personality
Disorders - Developmental disorders include autism and mental
retardation, disorders which are typically first
evident in childhood - Personality disorders are clinical syndromes
which have a more long lasting symptoms and
encompass the individual's way of interacting
with the world. They include Paranoid,
Antisocial, and Borderline Personality Disorders.
30The DSM
- Axis III Physical Conditions which play a role
in the development, continuance, or exacerbation
of Axis I and II Disorders - Physical conditions such as brain injury or
HIV/AIDS that can result in symptoms of mental
illness are included here. - Axis IV Severity of Psychosocial Stressors
- Events in a persons life, such as death of a
loved one, starting a new job, college,
unemployment, and even marriage can impact the
disorders listed in Axis I and II. These events
are both listed and rated for this axis. - Axis V Highest Level of Functioning
- On the final axis, the clinician rates the
person's level of functioning both at the present
time and the highest level within the previous
year. This helps the clinician understand how
the above four axes are affecting the person and
what type of changes could be expected
31Psychiatric Disorders
- Let's discuss the first two axes in more detail
now as these are what we typically think of when
we think of mental illness or psychopathology. - The DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association,
1994) identifies 15 general areas of adult mental
illness. We'll discuss each one briefly. For
more information about a specific category, open
Psychiatric Disorders on the Main Menu and follow
the links provided.
321. Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, and Other
Cognitive Disorders
- The primary symptoms of these disorders include
significant negative changes in the way a person
thinks and/or remembers. - All of these disorders have either a medical or
substance related cause and are therefore not
discussed in detail in this chapter.
332. Mental Disorders Due to a Medical Condition
- Like those above, all disorders in this category
are directly related to a medical condition. - If symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc are a
direct result of a medical condition, this is the
classification used.
343. Substance Related Disorders
- There are two disorders listed in this category
Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence. Both
involve the ingestion of a substance (alcohol,
drug, chemical) which alters either cognitions,
emotions, or behavior. - Abuse refers to the use of the substance to the
point that it has a negative impact on the
person's life. This can mean receiving a DUI for
drinking and driving, being arrested for public
intoxication, missing work or school, getting
into fights, or struggling with relationships
because of the substance. - Dependence refers to what we typically think of
as 'addicted.' This occurs when (a) the use of
the substance is increased in order to get the
same effect because the person has developed a
tolerance, (b) the substance is taken more
frequently and in more dangerous situations such
as drinking and driving, or (c) the person
continues to take the substance despite negative
results and/or the desire to quit, or (d)
withdrawal symptoms are present when the
substance is stopped, such as delirium tremors
(DTs), amnesia, anxiety, headaches, etc.
354. Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
- The major symptom of these disorders is
psychosis, or delusions and hallucinations. The
major disorders include schizophrenia and
schizoaffective disorder. - Schizophrenia is probably the most recognized
term in the study of psychopathology, and it is
probably the most misunderstood. First of all,
it does not mean that the person has multiple
personalities. The prefix 'schiz' does mean
split, but it refers to a splitting from
reality. The predominant features of
schizophrenia include hallucinations and
delusions and disorganized speech and behavior,
inappropriate affect, and avolition. There is no
known cure for schizophrenia and is without doubt
the most debilitating of all the mental
illnesses. - Schizoaffective Disorder is characterized by a
combination of the psychotic symptoms such as in
Schizophrenia and the mood symptoms common in
Major Depression and/or Bipolar Disorder. The
symptoms are typically not as severe although
when combined together in this disorder, they can
be quite debilitating as well.
365. Mood Disorders
- The disorders in this category include those
where the primary symptom is a disturbance in
mood. The disorders include Major Depression,
Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and
Cyclothymia. - Major Depression (also known as depression or
clinical depression) is characterized by
depressed mood, diminished interest in activities
previously enjoyed, weight disturbance, sleep
disturbance, loss of energy, difficulty
concentrating, and often includes feelings of
hopelessness and thoughts of suicide.
375. Mood Disorders
- Dysthymia is often considered a lesser, but more
persistent form of depression. Many of the
symptoms are similar except to a lesser degree.
Also, dysthymia, as opposed to Major Depression
is more steady rather than periods of normal
feelings and extreme lows. - Bipolar Disorder (previously known as
Manic-Depression) is characterized by periods of
extreme highs (called mania) and extreme lows as
in Major Depression. Bipolar Disorder is
subtyped either I (extreme or hypermanic
episodes) or II (moderate or hypomanic episodes). - Like Dysthymia and Major Depression, Cyclothymia
is considered a lesser form of Bipolar Disorder.
386. Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders categorize a large number of
disorders where the primary feature is abnormal
or inappropriate anxiety. The disorders in this
category include Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia,
Specific Phobias, Social Phobia,
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety
Disorder. - Panic Disorder is characterized by a series of
panic attacks. A panic attack is an
inappropriate intense feeling of fear or
discomfort including many of the following
symptoms heart palpitations, trembling,
shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness.
These symptoms are so severe that the person may
actually believe he or she is having a heart
attack. In fact, many, if not most of the
diagnoses of Panic Disorder are made by a
physician in a hospital emergency room.
396. Anxiety Disorders
- Agoraphobia literally means fear of the
marketplace. It refers to a series of symptoms
where the person fears, and often avoids,
situations where escape or help might not be
available, such as shopping centers, grocery
stores, or other public place. Agoraphobia is
often a part of panic disorder if the panic
attacks are severe enough to result in an
avoidance of these types of places. - Specific or Simple Phobia and Social Phobia
represents an intense fear and often an avoidance
of a specific situation, person, place, or
thing. To be diagnosed with a phobia, the person
must have suffered significant negative
consequences because of this fear and it must be
disruptive to their everyday life.
406. Anxiety Disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is characterized by
obsessions (thoughts which seem uncontrollable)
and compulsions (behaviors which act to reduce
the obsession). Most people think of compulsive
hand washers or people with an intense fear of
dirt or of being infected. - These obsessions and compulsions are disruptive
to the person's everyday life, with sometimes
hours being spent each day repeating things which
were completed successfully already such as
checking, counting, cleaning, or bathing.
416. Anxiety Disorders
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs only
after a person is exposed to a traumatic event
where their life or someone else's life is
threatened. The most common examples are war,
natural disasters, major accidents, and severe
child abuse. - Once exposed to an incident such as this, the
disorder develops into an intense fear of related
situations, avoidance of these situations,
reoccurring nightmares, flashbacks, and
heightened anxiety to the point that it
significantly disrupts their everyday life.
426. Anxiety Disorders
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder is diagnosed when a
person has extreme anxiety in nearly every part
of their life. It is not associated with just
open places (as in agoraphobia), specific
situations (as in specific phobia), or a
traumatic event (as in PTSD). - The anxiety must be significant enough to disrupt
the person's everyday life for a diagnosis to be
437. Somatoform Disorders
- Disorders in this category include those where
the symptoms suggest a medical condition but
where no medical condition can be found by a
physician. Major disorders in this category
include Somatization Disorder, Pain Disorder,
Hypochondriasis. - Somatization Disorder refers to generalized or
vague symptoms such as stomach aches, sexual
pain, gastrointestinal problems, and neurological
symptoms which have no found medical cause. - Pain Disorder refers to significant pain over an
extended period of time without medical support. - Hypochondriasis is a disorder characterized by
significant and persistent fear that one has a
serious or life-threatening illness despite
medical reassurance that this is not true.
448. Factitious Disorder
- Factitious Disorder is characterized by the
intentionally produced or feigned symptoms in
order to assume the 'sick role.' - These people will often ingest medication and/or
toxins to produce symptoms and there is often a
great secondary gain in being placed in the sick
role and being either supported, taken care of,
or otherwise shown pity and given special rights.
459. Dissociative Disorders
- The main symptom cluster for dissociative
disorders include a disruption in consciousness,
memory, identity, or perception. In other words,
one of these areas is not working correctly
causing significant distress within the
individual. The major diagnoses in this category
include Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue,
Depersonalization Disorder, and Dissociative
Identity Disorder. - Dissociative Amnesia is characterized by memory
gaps related to traumatic or stressful events
which are too extreme to be accounted for by
normal forgetting. A traumatic event is
typically a precursor to this disorder and memory
is often restored.
469. Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Fugue represents an illness where an
individual, after an extremely traumatic event,
abruptly moves to a new location and assumes a
new identity. This disorder is very rare and
typically runs its course within a month. - Depersonalization Disorder, occurring after an
extreme stressor, includes feelings of unreality,
that your body does not belong to you, or that
you are constantly in a dreamlike state. - Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is most
widely known as Multiple Personality Disorder or
MPD. DID is the presence of two or more distinct
personalities within an individual. These
personalities must each take control of the
individual at varying times and there is
typically a gap in memory between personalities
or "alters." This disorder is quite rare and a
significant trauma such as extended sexual abuse
is usually the precursor.
4710. Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilias, and Gender
Identity Disorders
- These disorders are all related to sexuality,
either in terms of functioning (Sexual
Dysfunctions), distressing and often irresistible
sexual urges (Paraphilias), and gender confusion
or identity (Gender Identity Disorder. - It should be noted that for these, as well as
many other categories, a medical reason should
always be ruled out before making a psychological
4810. Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilias, and Gender
Identity Disorders
- Sexual Dysfunctions include Hypoactive Sexual
Desire Disorder (deficiency or absence of sexual
fantasies and desire for sexual activity), Sexual
Aversion Disorder (persistent or recurring
aversion to or avoidance of sexual activity),
Sexual Arousal and Male Erectile Disorder
(Inability to attain or maintain until completion
of sexual activity adequate lubrication (in
women) or erection (in men) in response to sexual
excitement), - Orgasmic Disorder male female (delay or
absence of orgasm following normal excitement and
sexual activity), and Premature Ejaculation
(ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation
before or shortly after penetration and before
the person wishes it).
4910. Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilias, and Gender
Identity Disorders
- Paraphilias include Exhibitionism (the intense
urge to expose oneself to an unsuspecting
stranger), Voyeurism (the intense urge to watch
an unsuspecting person in various states of
undress or sexual activity), Fetishism (intense
sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors involving
an inanimate object), Pedophilia (sexually
arousing fantasies. urges, and behavior involving
a prepubescent child), Sexual Masochism (intense
sexual fantasies, urges, and behavior involving
the act of being beaten, humiliated, and/or
bound), and Sexual Sadism (intense sexual
fantasies, urges, and behavior involving the
infliction of pain and/or humiliation on another
person). - The final category, Gender Identity Disorder, is
characterized by a strong and persistent
identification with the opposite sex and the
belief that one is actually the opposite sex due
to an extreme discomfort in one's present sexual
5011. Eating Disorders
- Eating disorders are characterized by
disturbances in eating behavior. There are two
types Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. - Anorexia is characterized by failure to maintain
body weight of at least 85 of what is expected,
fear of losing control over your weight or of
becoming 'fat.' There is typically a distorted
body image, where the individual sees themselves
as overweight despite overwhelming evidence to
the contrary. - The key characteristics of Bulimia include
bingeing (the intake of large quantities of food)
and purging (elimination of the food through
artificial means such as forced vomiting,
excessive use of laxatives, periods of fasting,
or excessive exercise).
5112. Sleep Disorders
- All sleep disorders involve abnormalities in
sleep in one of two categories, dysomnias and
parasomnias. - Dysomnias are related to the amount, quality
and/or timing of sleep. Examples of sleep
disorders include insomnia (inability or reduced
ability to sleep), hypersomnia (excessive
sleepiness and prolonged sleep without physical
justification), and narcolepsy (irresistible
attacks of sleep). - Parasomnias refer to sleep disturbances related
to behavioral or physiological events related to
sleep. Disorders in this subcategory include
nightmare disorder (occurance of extremely
frightening dreams which result in awakening and
resulting distress), sleep terror disorder
(similar to nightmare disorder but the fear is
more intense and the person is often unresponsive
during the episode), and sleepwalking disorder
(walking or performing tasks during sleep without
recollection once awakened).
5213. Impulse Control Disorders
- Disorders in this category include the failure
or extreme difficulty in controlling impulses
despite the negative consequences. - Specific disorders include Intermittent Explosive
Disorder (failure to resist aggressive impulses
resulting in serious assaults or destruction of
property), Kleptomania (stealing objects which
are not needed), Pyromania (fire starting for
pleasure or relief of tension), Pathological
Gambling (maladaptive gambling behavior), and
trichotillomania (pulling out of one's own hair).
5314. Adjustment Disorders
- This category consists of an inappropriate or
inadequate adjustment to a life stressor. - Adjustment disorders can include depressive
symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and/or conduct or
behavioral symptoms.
5415. Personality Disorders
- Personality Disorders are characterized by an
enduring pattern of thinking, feeling, and
behaving which is significantly different from
the person's culture and results in negative
consequences. - This pattern must be longstanding and inflexible
for a diagnosis to be made.
5515. Personality Disorders
- There are ten types of personality disorders, all
of which result in significant distress and/or
negative consequences within the individual
Paranoid (includes a pattern of distrust and
suspiciousness, Schizoid (pattern of detachment
from social norms and a restriction of emotions),
Schizotypal (pattern of discomfort in close
relationships and eccentric thoughts and
behaviors), Antisocial (pattern of disregard for
the rights of others, including violation of
these rights and the failure to feel empathy),
Borderline (pattern of instability in personal
relationships, including frequent bouts of
clinginess and affection and anger and
resentment, often cycling between these two
extremes rapidly), Histrionic (pattern of
excessive emotional behavior and attention
seeking), Narcissistic (pattern of grandiosity,
exaggerated self-worth, and need for admiration),
Avoidant (pattern of feelings of social
inadequacies, low self-esteem, and
hypersensitivity to criticism), and
Obsessive-Compulsive (pattern of obsessive
cleanliness, perfection, and control).
56Stigma, Stereotyping, and the Mentally Ill
- Mental illness can have a devastating effect on
an individual, his or her family and friend, and
on the community in many ways. How it affects
the individual is obvious, reduced ability to
care for oneself, strong negative emotions,
distorted thoughts, inappropriate behavior, and
reduced ability to maintain a relationship are
only a few possible outcomes. - On friends and family, it can be a major
responsibility to care for someone suffering from
a mental illness, the emotional and behavioral
components of some illnesses can be very
difficult at times to understand and to deal
with. Mental illness also effects the community
due to the high incidence of homelessness and
unemployment in some serious disorders such as
57Obvious effects of mental illness
- These are the obvious effects of mental illness,
but there are less obvious effects due to the
misperception of the mentally ill. Not too long
ago when people heard the term mentally ill, many
thought of severe cases and associated these
individuals with bizarre behavior, violence, and
a lack of caring about themselves and the world.
In this sense, people with mental illness were
almost dehumanized. They were avoided and
feared. - This is changing now as people understand that
mental illness effects many people in many
different ways. We as a society are starting to
see that depression doesn't mean weakness, that
anxiety doesn't mean fear, and that schizophrenia
doesn't mean violence. We are finally
understanding that needing help for mental or
emotional reasons does not represent a character
58The early stages
- We are in the early stages of this enlightenment,
however, and many people continue to stereotype
the mentally ill population. The effects of this
are twofold. First, imagine being labeled as
weak, fearful, violent, or flawed. What would
this do to your self-esteem? Certainly nothing
positive. - These misguided beliefs can eventually reach the
individual suffering from a mental illness and
cause a drastic shift in their belief system.
They may begin saying to themselves "Everyone
can't be wrong, I must be a terrible person to
let this happen." The results are a deeper
depression, increased anxiety, lower self-esteem,
and isolation, to name only a few.
59The groundwork for the cycle of many mental
- Second, due to the stigma associated with mental
illness, many people do not seek out help. This
is especially true for mood and anxiety disorders
which, ironically, have very well researched and
successful treatments available. - These two factors lay the groundwork for the
cycle of many mental illnesses to continue and to
strengthen. I'm a weak person, I feel worse
about myself and can not possibly seek help
because I would be ridiculed, humiliated, and