Title: Intriguing and True
1Intriguing and True
- An Opportunity to Sponsor
- A New Radio Show
- for
- Henry Ford Museum
- entitled
2- Founded by automobile magnate Henry Ford in
1929, The Henry Ford is the history destination
that brings the American experience to life. The
Henry Ford celebrates authentic traditions as
well as today's innovations--and gives visitors a
unique opportunity to explore the richness of
America past, present, and future. The Henry
Ford includes Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield
Village, Benson Ford Research Center, IMAX
Theatre, Ford Rouge Factory Tour, and Henry Ford
Academy. The Henry Ford is America's Greatest
History Attraction!
3- The Henry Ford provides unique educational
experiences based on authentic objects, stories
and lives from America's traditions of ingenuity,
resourcefulness and innovation. Our purpose is
to inspire people to learn from these traditions
to help shape a better future.
4Intriguing and True
The Program
Historical vignettes airing on NPR Up to 400
radio stations potential Each vignette climaxes
with a true and thoroughly intriguing fact that
made fascinating history
5Sample Story Line
Intriguing and True
presents Rosa Parks
Everyone , young and old, is aware of the
impact that Rosa Parks has on American
history. Few know the intriguing events
surrounding her life that changed the course of
history. IT presents an introduction of the
highlights of her life leading up to
the incredible climax. Highly interesting and
accurate vignettes.
6NPRNational Public RadioNPR reaches a desirable
demographic- NPR is highly respectedfor
integrity and programming content - NPR reaches
all major U.S. markets- NPR listeners influence
the market - NPR is known to be a very loyal
Intriguing and True
NPR is a great home for
7The Henry Ford Program
brings American audiences
Intriguing and True
- The Henry Ford National Museum (HFNM) and
- Historical Village is located in Dearborn,
Michigan - The HFNM is nationally known and respected
- Research and factual documentation by the HFNM
- A team of professionally trained and
thoroughly - experienced experts guarantee a qualitative,
- accurate, stimulating and historically
correct - presentation of material for every NPR show.
8Our Production Team
Intriguing and True
Vision Works A national production company
specializing in video and audio
presentations Major client list includes The
Ford Motor Company Vision Works maintains total
turnkey capabilities including production,
editing, approval fulfillment
9Our Announcer
Intriguing and True
Program announcer is Shawne Duperon Nationally
syndicated reporter for The International Auto
Show, Newman's Own and "World Business Review"
with Alexander Haig. Shawne has produced
programs for various museums including The
Science Museum of London, The Smithsonian, El
Museo del Barrio and The Henry Ford.
10Our Project Leader
Jim Zanotti, president of Con-Temp, Inc. Jim has
a proven track record of implementing nationally
sponsored programs for over 20 years His most
recent projects include creative development,
marketing, and distribution for JCPenney and
SONY. Currently representing St Jude National
Medical Center on a 2005 retail program with
Target Stores
11Your Entitlements
Intriguing and True
- Multiple national daily feature spots
- on up to 400 NPR carriage stations
- Sponsor recognition at outset and
- closing of programs in accordance
- with NPR regulations
- Sponsor recognition on all news
- releases and print
- Right of automatic renewal
- Category exclusivity
12Sponsorship Opportunities
- Two Presenting Sponsors
- 500,000 each per year
- Guarantee of 200 station carriage
- Launch in Fall 2005
- 150 vignettes per year
Intriguing and True
Jim Zanotti (248) 656-9097