Title: Academic Credit for Continuous Professional Development
1 Academic Credit for Continuous Professional
Development Individually negotiated programmes
for Health Care Professionals in the U.K.
Ann Minton, Learning Through Work, University of
Derby, United Kingdom
2The Problem for the Learner
- Alignment of
- Professional Body /or Development requirements
- Frameworks for progression ( NHS KSF)
- Employer and service development requirements
- With Higher Education provision
3Key Issues for Alignment
- Curriculum and Assessment activity
- Timing and method of Delivery
- Valuing Prior learning
4Curriculum Assessment
- Ideally
- Curriculum negotiated to match individual
development needs - Assessment is based within the working practice
of the learner - Learning and assessment activity mapped directly
against promotion requirements
- Issues
- Tightly defined curriculae generic modules
limited specialist availability - Theoretical approach to assessment related to
practice - Learners need to produce additional evidence of
application to their work for promotion
5Timing and Method of Delivery
- Ideally
- Flexibility in delivery method
- Flexibility and negotiation of timescales
- Issues
- Accessibility
- Timescales may not meet work/ family commitments
- Ethics committees
6 Valuing Prior Learning
- Issues
- Tightly defined core curriculum
- Transferring credit between institutions
- Valuing experiential learning
- Ideally
- Flexibility to negotiate elements of curriculum
- Other HEI credit recognised
- Mechanism for valuing and accrediting
experiential learning
7Learning Through Work at Derby
- Based on a broadly constructivist perspective of
valid knowledge - Socially situated individuals relate the familiar
contexts of their work environments to the
requirements of an academic award. - Individual programmes are aligned with Quality
Assurance Agency (QAA) level descriptors for
awards at various levels in the HE sector. - (Bosley and Young, 2005)
- Blended learning
- On-line learning contract negotiation platform
- Combined with events self-paced learning and
telephone/ face to face tutorials - Utilises Bouds (2001) principles of work based
9Learning contract development
- Personal reflection on learning to date
- Self audit / SWOT analysis of opportunities for
learning and development - Component development
- - learning outcomes
- - curricular content/ learning activities
- - evidence for assessment
- (QAA subject benchmarks)
10Quality Assurance
- Marked by tutor (s)
- Internal moderation across module
- Reviewed by external examiner(s)
- Approved at assessment board
- Title ratified
11Chris B.Sc. (Hons.) Professional Development
(Continence Nursing)
- Component Level Credits Type
- Learning Contract 6 15
- Promotion of Continence 6 20 APCL
- Promoting Better Health 5 10
- Research Methods 6 15 LTW
- Published article 6 30
Negotiated - Independent Study 6 30 LTW
12DeniseB.Sc. (Hons) Professional Development
(Specialist Continence Nursing)
- Component Level Credits Type
- Learning Contract 6 5
- Service management 6 30 Negotiated
- Evidence Based Prac. 6 15 UoD named
- Intro. to Research 5 10 APCL
- Spirituality and Health 6 10 APCL
- Ethics 6 15 APCL
- Independent study 6 30 LTW
13LindaM.Sc Health and Social Care
- Level Credits Type
- Learning Contract 7 15 LTW
- Counselling 7 30 APCL
- Intro to Research 7
15 UoD -
- Research Methods 7 15 LTW
- CPD 7 15 Self-
Negotiated - Reflective Practice 7 15 UoD
- Annotated Book Review 7 15
Self-Negotiated - Independent Study 7 60 LTW
- LTW Programme Profile Level Credits Type
- Learning contract 7 15 LTW
- PG Cert. Osteoporosis 7 60 APCL
- Professional Development 7 15
Self-Negotiated - Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
- Research Methods 7 15 LTW
- Exercise and Osteoporosis 7 15 Self-Negotiated
- Independent Study 7 60 LTW
15 Do we meet the ideal?
- Ideal
- Curricular flexibility
- Work based assessment
- Matched to key drivers
- Flexibility of delivery and timescale
- Ability to build in prior learning 7 credit from
other Heis
- LtW Derby
- Learning contract to personalise curriculum
- Work based assessment
- Within learning contract
- Negotiated within contract
- Negotiated within contract
- Flexibility within a QA assured framework
facilitates individual negotiation - Develops concepts of lifelong learning, in terms
of identification of opportunity, assimilation of
concepts and self-assessment of progress. - Improves evidence base upon which health care is
practiced, thereby enhancing the quality of
service to the patients/clients