Title: A Willow Springs Middle School Mathematics WebQuest
1A Willow Springs Middle School Mathematics
Shopping Spree
- Created by Coach Sabrina Lee on August 24, 2006
- lees_at_wspgs.k12.mo.us
Ever thought of owning your own mall? What about
having money you could spend on anything you
want? Now the time is yours. You have just won
a 2500.00 shopping spree at the Battlefield Mall
in Springfield Missouri. The mall will be shut
down to the public, but open for teams lucky
individuals in a special midnight madness
shopping spree. One of those lucky individuals .
. . IS YOU!!
The doors of the mall will open at midnight and
you will have 60 minutes to make your selections,
but be careful, there are certain terms that you
must follow in order to spend your money. If you
do not meet these terms you will not be given
your purchases. You will have to be organized,
use problem solving skills, and certain
mathematical calculations in order to make it out
of the mall with 2500.00 worth of prizes. If
you do not spend the total amount that is ok, as
long as you have met the terms and conditions.
Time Has Begun!!
Task 1 You will be put into teams of three in
order to accomplish your tasks. There is a 3
item minimum purchase, since there are three of
you. For example if you find a pair of shoes
that you would like to buy, you must buy 3 pairs
of that specific shoe. Task 2 One person
needs to be your bookkeeper and fill out the
required documentation of your shopping spree.
One person needs to be your shopper, and one
person needs to be your auditor, to make sure the
team is successfully keeping on track. This
person will also help in checking calculations.
Task 3 Shopping will be done at the
website http//www.simon.com/mall/directory.aspx?
ID174. The mall manager (the teacher) will give
you a copy of the record sheet to keep track of
your purchases. The winner of the shopping spree
will be the team that spent nearly all of its
money but not a penny more, kept clear and
accurate records, completed the game on time, and
had good behavior. So with that in mind LETS GO
Congratulations!!! You have completed the
midnight madness shopping spree. Hopefully your
team will be awarded the outstanding items you
have purchased at the Mall. Mathematicians use
the same process as you do. They also collaborate
and help each other with especially difficult
problems and they check each other's work before
it is published. Problem solving is meant to be
challenging. You will find that if you become a
good problem solver in math, you will become a
good problem solver in other subjects.