Title: Case Study:
1Case Study
- Can a Nutrition Message Increase Meat Consumption
by Light Users?
3Main Goals Long Term
Or, move them from light to medium and heavy user
4Main Goals Long Term
Increase positive attitudes about healthfulness
Influence consumers / Influence influencers
5Campaign Metrics
- Attitude Purchase Intent Tracking
- Pre-Campaign Feb 2009
- Post-Campaign June 2009
- Short Term Market Impact
- Measure change in consumer demand for beef
before, during and after in test market - Dollars VL per buy, trips per buyer
6Consumer claims about eating with an eye toward
agreeing completely agreeing
mostly Consumers/How Light Beef Eaters
Changing? Actively trying to consume less
fat 56/p 59 Checking labels 59/p
58 Eating more fiber 57/q 58 Eating
more Omega 3 fatty acids
32/p 30 Eating more foods with anti-oxidants
33/0 31 Taking vitamins regularly
50/p 50
2008 Nutrition Survey, The NPD Group Inc. 12 M/E
7are reflected in Beefs declining market share
8And in The Media
9Key Market Opportunity - Light Beef Eater
- 69 of beef eaters
- Up 5 over 07
- Eats beef 1-2x/wk
- Spans all ages
10Most light eaters still families with kids
Lifestage - of Eating Occasions In home - 12
M/E March 08
57 of beef eating occasions come from
Nest-Builder households
11Meet Mom, LBE, Key Customer
- Mother
- No time
- Vague unease about eating beef
- Nutrition and healthfulness is key
- Taste and convenience food/meals a given
- Family meals are usually at home
- Cooking tends towards assembly less than 30
12Are there enough? Do the Math
Total Canadian Population
33,000,000 (Stats Canada
2007) Beef Eating Population (76)
24,750,000 (NPD estimate, March 2007
eating beef 1/weeks) Frequency of eating beef?
1-2 times/week Actual
number of light eaters?
15,840,000 20 of light/med/heavy
eaters? 3,168,000 Increased servings
by a focused strategy 20
of light eaters
inc. 1 serving/week Additional beef volume
_at_ each serving .20kg 3,168,000 X
(1X52) X .20 32,947,000
kg 32,947 metric tons Incremental Value
Growth (Canfax Deflated Retail
Price 2007P/kg _at_ 9.05/kg)
13Digging Deeper into Beefs Characteristics
- Usage Attitude Study
- Understand strengths weaknesses vs. other
proteins - Is it different for different target populations?
- 1000 consumers
- 600 women 400 men
- Meat eaters
14Research results Quantitative Study
- Taste and satisfaction indistinguishable from
healthfulness, nutrition - Enjoyment requires nutritional goodness - not
purely sensual or social - Traditional positives wont overcome negatives
- Communicate the healthfulness of beef- support
with taste and convenience
15Research results Qualitative Study
- Consumer Focus Groups
- Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, Toronto
- 88 consumers in total provided feedback
- Industry Feedback
- About 30 stakeholders retailers, foodservice,
packers participated
16Focus Groups Tested Seven Concepts
- Most persuasive
- Lean message
- Superior nutrition message
- Nutrition, leanness insufficient alone should
be paired - A health reason to eat beef
17The Marketing Gamble
- Nutrition messages are not new.
- Is there a difference this time?
- What will we do differently?
18The New Campaign
19Communication Objectives
- Communicate unique benefits, achieve
differentiation - One consistent, unified voice
20Campaign Positioning
- To the light beef eater, Canadian beef is the
healthful, nutritious choice because bite for
bite, it is naturally nutrient rich and lean.
21Launch Overview
- March - May 2009
- Multiple media vehicles
- Multiple touch points
22Campaign Impact
- Target Audience
- Reach 93
- Frequency 28 X over 3 months
23Media Linkage Where we can best impact behavior
TV, Radio, Magazine, Newspaper, online, Posters,
CRM, DR, Incentives
In store support, Online, Word of Mouth,
Magazine, Newspaper, DR
24Nutrition Messages Multiple Touch Points
25Print Ads
27Beef Recipe Booklet
- Motivate light beef eater purchase
- Reach of 1.2 million
- Consumer magazine insert
- In-store
- Health professionals
- Build Make It Beef Club
28Naturally Nutrient Rich - Health Professionals
and Clients
- Beef is a nutritious and lean choice
- Increase awareness - beef is naturally nutrient
rich - 8,500 dietitians
29New Consumer Website - www.beefinfo.org
30Trade Sell Kit
- Leverage nutrition message and Canadian Beef
31Lessons LearnedHas to be targeted understand
the hearts andminds of the audience
32Lessons Learned
- Key Consumer Insight
- Nutrition is inclusive of enjoyment of beef not
33Lessons Learned
- Communication that cuts the clutter clear
34Lessons Learned
35Lessons Learned
- Take a brand approach build the nutrition
message to sell your brand idea not a separate
36Lessons Learned
- Nutrition message is supported by taste and
convenience not separate from
37Lessons Learned
- Message appeals to LBE but also relevant to
medium and heavy
38Lessons Learned
LBE 69 to 65 target
Phase II
39Lessons Learned
- Clearly define the metrics
- Increase positive attitudes about healthfulness
- Increase awareness, comprehension of brand mark
40Thank You