Title: Andy Feig
1- Andy Feig
- Sonia Khaira
- Adam Lusin
Liz Urish Jim Weiland Brad Young
Business Partners Michael Zanan and Rob Kameen
2Final Prototype
- A wooden box was used to create a housing for a
mold - Silicon rubber was used to create a mold to make
the pewter metal prototype - Several attempts were needed to create a
prototype of acceptable quality
3Final CAD Models
4Final Manufacturing Plan
- Each piece will be prototyped once using
stereolithography - The prototypes will then be used to create a
rubber silicon mold - Pewter is then poured into the mold to create the
piece - The final product is then subjected to finishing
machining and polishing
5Final Manufacturing Plan
- Board and Box were cut to size specifications
- Board trim and box notches were then cut for
assembly - Box and board assembled, glued, and secured with
a box frame - After drying, joints were secured with brads
- Wood putty was used to fill holes and final
product was sanded to desired smoothness - Fake paper board was produced to give the feel of
a chess board
6Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates
Queen Piece Prototype
- Queen SLA Prototype 294. (market price)
- Wood for mold housing 2.94
- Contact paper 0.39
- Silicon Rubber 3.12
- Pewter 8.40
- Miscellaneous 2.00
- Total 310.85
7Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates
Chess Board Prototype
- Wood 21.00
- Wood Putty and Nails 4.00
- Total 25.00
8Future Considerations
- Mold investigate use of vulcanized rubber molds
instead of silicon rubber.
9Future Considerations
- Use common casting techniques to reduce cost of
production - Cores
- Risers
- Multiple patterns per mold
- Dr. Voigt
10Future Considerations
- Ceramic tile is too heavy and problematic
- We need to find an adequate material for
checkerboard design - Aluminum
- Mosaic Tile
- Wood
- Any suggestions?
11What have we learned?
- The challenges of bringing a product from design
to manufacture - How to compromise to reach agreements on design,
manufacturing, and responsibilities - How to use Pro-Engineer, MasterCAM, Microsoft
Project, and have come more familiar with CNC
Machining and Casting - Liz can use a bandsaw
12Gathering Information
- We learned the benefits of having a backer
(College of IE) to support design costs and
difficulties - Use all human resources available
- IME Faculty
- Dr. Voigt
- Lowes Tile Guy
- Local Business
- Business Partners
- The Internet is our friend.
- How the design process was changed by
manufacturing requirements - The complexity in both machining and casting
- The wide range of manufacturing processes
14What business students taught us
- How the business aspects of a project can
influence the design and manufacturing processes. - Made us aware how the entire cost of production
to distribution affects the total revenue gained - Without a market, a product cannot survive.
15What are they saying about the Chess Set?
Those kids are Pro-Excellent!
16What are they saying about the Chess Set?
Yo, Simpson! Give them kids an SLA !
17What are they saying about the Chess Set?
This chess set is at MMC Maximum Memorabilia
18What are they saying about the Chess Set?
Ill follow these winners all the way to Café 210!
19What are they saying about the Chess Set?
Someday, these kids will earn enough money to
dress as sharp as I do!