Title: Parent Internet Viewer Tutorial
1Parent Internet Viewer Tutorial
This Powerpoint presentation is a guide to help
you successfully access the Parent Internet
Viewer. Once logged in, you will have access to
your students grades and attendance information
and you will be able set up email notifications.
2To access the PIV website, type in the address
here https//pgs.csisd.org/Pinnacle/piv/logon.asp
x Or click on the link from the PIV webpage
3Enter your students 9 digit student ID .
Enter the password that you received from your
students school
From the drop down menu, choose your students
4Click on the logon button
5PIV defaults to the Grade Summary Page
A list of classes as well as grades for each six
weeks in each class available.
To access more detailed information about a class
grade, click on the students grade.
6Attendance information can be accessed by
clicking on the Attendance Summary link.
The Attendance Summary Table will show your
students attendance by class period.
7To see a listing of the Attendance Codes, click
on Attendance Code Legend.
8Teacher Email may be accessed by clicking on the
Teacher Email link
To create an email to a teacher, click on the
teachers name in the Email column.
9Class Reports
Class reports are available for each of your
students classes
10Choose a class by clicking on the drop down menu
Choose a six weeks marking period by clicking on
the drop down menu
Choose the type of report, by clicking on the
drop down menu
Click on Get Report button
The first option is Print. Any information that
on the PIV site may be printed.
The next option is Email Notification. Set up
automatic notifications to be sent to your email
from this link.
Passwords may be changed at any time by clicking
on the Change Password link.
Educational Resources will link to many
educational websites, by gradelevel, subject and
12Email Notification
To set up automatic email notifications, click on
the Email Notification link in the Options menu.
Then enter your email address.
13Email Notification
Enter your name
Click on the paper to see what the notification
will look like.
14Email Notification
Place a check mark in any or all of the
notifications that you would like sent to your
Several notifications allow you to set a time and
how frequently a notification will be sent to
your email.
After selecting the notifications that you would
like to receive, click on Submit Notification
15Change Password
A password may be changed at any time. Click on
the change password link.
Enter old password, a new password and re-enter
new password.
Click Change
16Educational Resources
Click on Educational Resources to link to
educational websites.
17Logout To log out of PIV click on the logout
button located on the far right of the screen.