Title: 19992000 Kindergarten vision tests, proportion of referrals
11999-2000 Kindergarten vision tests, proportion
of referrals
2Average birthweight of babies born to clients of
Healthiest Babies Possible and number of clients
per neighborhood, 1995-1999
3Average birthweight of babies born to clients of
Healthiest Babies Possible and number of clients
per neighborhood, 1999
4Average birthweight of babies born to clients of
Healthiest Babies Possible and number of clients
per neighborhood,1998
5Average birthweight of babies born to clients of
Healthiest Babies Possible and number of clients
per neighborhood,1997
6Average number of days spent in hospital by
children in their first year of life,1996
7Average number of Medical Services Plan dollars
spent on children in the first year of life,1996
8Cost of a nutritious food basket as a proportion
of mean household income and children (0-6)
served by food banks
9Cost of nutritious food basket as a proportion
of neighborhood mean household income
10Kindergarten dental screening, average proportion
of children found to have visual decay
11Kindergarten dental screening, proportion of
children found to have evidence of nursing bottle
tooth decay,1998/99
12Kindergarten hearing screening, proportion of
students with conductive (middle ear) hearing
loss, 1995-1996
13Number of children in the 1991 birth cohort with
an injury requiring admission to
14Number of children per neighborhood that are
active IDP clients, as a percentage of all
active clients
15Number of children per neighborhood that are on
the IDP waitlist, as a percentage of all clients
on the waitlist
16Proportion of newborns in 1996, low birth weight
17Proportion of newborns of 1996, small for
gestational age
18Rate of hospital admissions for injuries per
1,000 children born in 1991, years 1991-1997
19Rate of referrals per 1,000 children 0-5 to VRHB
Speech and Language Services, 1997-2000
20Ratio of active Infant Development Program
clients to clients on the waiting list
21Ratio of observed number of low birth weight
babies born to clients of Healthiest Babies
Possible, to expected number of low birth weight
22Ratio of the average birthweight of babies born
to clients of Healthiest Babies Possible, to
average neighborhood birthweight
23Vancouver Food Banks Client age groups as a
proportion of all recipients
24Vancouver Food Banks Number of children 0-6
25VRHB Speech and Language Services Referrals by
source and neighborhood,1994-2001