Title: What Candidates for Confirmation must know
1What Candidates for Confirmation must know
Review of Part Six The Seven Sacraments
2Part Six The Seven Sacraments
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- What is the definition of a sacrament?
- Name the Seven Sacraments and list them in their
proper categories as Sacraments of Initiation,
Healing, or Service. - Who instituted the Mass and when?
- What sacrifice is re-presented at each Mass?
A sacrament is a visible sign, instituted by
Christ, to give grace.
- The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism,
Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist - The Sacraments of Healing are Penance
Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick - The Sacraments of Service are Matrimony and Holy
Jesus Christ at the Last Supper
Christs sacrifice on the Cross is made
3Part Six The Seven Sacraments
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- What are we actually receiving in the Holy
Eucharist? - Why do Catholics believe this?
- What three (3) conditions must be met to receive
Communion worthily?
The Body and Blood of Christ
Because this is what Jesus taught in the Gospels
- A person must be a member of the Catholic
Church - Be living in a state of grace that is free
from mortal sin - Must fast for one hour before receiving the
4Part Six The Seven SacramentsHow Did You Do?
- I got all of them correct!
- I got 6 out of 7 of the questions correct!
- I got 5 out of 7 of the questions correct!
- If you answered 4 or less correctly
Congratulations! You are ready to move on to Part
Six Holiness and Sin.
Very good! Review the answers to the questions
you missed and then to move on to Part Six
Holiness and Sin.
Good. Study the answers to the questions you
missed and then move on to Part Six Holiness
and Sin.
Study and try again!