Title: Second Timothy part 2
1Second Timothy (part 2)Passing the Torch
(115-219)Jeff KobesAugust 15, 2004
2The Background
- You know that everyone in the province of Asia
has deserted me, including Phygelus and
Hermogenes. - May the Lord show mercy to the household of
Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and
was not ashamed of my chains. On the contrary,
when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me
until he found me. May the Lord grant that he
will find mercy from the Lord on that day! You
know very well in how many ways he helped me in
Ephesus. - 2 Timothy 115-18 (NIV)
3Be Strong in Grace
- You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is
in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 21 (NIV)
4Work Hard
- And the things you have heard me say in the
presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable
men who will also be qualified to teach others. - 2 Timothy 22 (NIV)
5Expect Hardship
- Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of
Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 23 (NIV)
6How to Handle the Hardship
- No one serving as a soldier gets involved in
civilian affairs--he wants to please his
commanding officer. Similarly, if anyone competes
as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's
crown unless he competes according to the rules.
The hardworking farmer should be the first to
receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I
am saying, for the Lord will give you insight
into all this. - 2 Timothy 24-7 (NIV)
7How to Handle the Hardship
- Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead,
descended from David. This is my gospel, for
which I am suffering even to the point of being
chained like a criminal. But God's word is not
chained. Therefore I endure everything for the
sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the
salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal
glory. - 2 Timothy 28-10 (NIV)
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set
before him endured the cross, scorning its shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of
God. Consider him who endured such opposition
from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary
and lose heart. Hebrews 122-3 (NIV)
8How to Handle the Hardship
- Here is a trustworthy saying
- If we died with him,
- we will also live with him
- if we endure,
- we will also reign with him.
- If we disown him,
- he will also disown us
- if we are faithless,
- he will remain faithful,
- for he cannot disown himself.
- 2 Timothy 211-13 (NIV)
9Stick to the Truth
- Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them
before God against quarreling about words it is
of no value, and only ruins those who listen. Do
your best to present yourself to God as one
approved, a workman who does not need to be
ashamed and who correctly handles the word of
truth. Avoid godless chatter, because those who
indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among
them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have
wandered away from the truth. They say that the
resurrection has already taken place, and they
destroy the faith of some. - 2 Timothy 214-18 (NIV)
10Stick to the Truth
- Ezra had devoted himself to the study and
observance of the Law of the LORD, and to
teaching its decrees and laws in Israel - Ezra 710 (NIV)
- all who follow his precepts have good
understanding. - Psalms 11110 (NIV)
11Keep the Balance
- Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm,
sealed with this inscription The Lord knows
those who are his, and, Everyone who confesses
the name of the Lord must turn away from
wickedness. - 2 Timothy 219 (NIV)