Title: J.G. Mexal
1Soil Properties Nutrients
- J.G. Mexal
- New Mexico State University
- Las Cruces, NM
2Soils NutrientsLiebigs Law of the Minimum
- Growth and Yield are limited by the nutrient in
least supply - Envision a barrel with staves of different
3Soils NutrientsEssential Elements/macronutrient
4Soils NutrientsEssential Elements/
5Tree Nutrition
- Rules of Thumb
- After water, N is the factor that most limits
tree growth. - N 2 of foliage DW
- Foliar fertilization works
- Fall fertilization is not bad!
6Tree Nutrition
- Nitrogen
- mobile, resulting in general chlorosis, shorter
growth, fewer lateral breaks - available as ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (NO3-)
- apply 1-2 kg N/100 m2 to soil surface
- apply 1 kg N/100 L to foliage (wet to runoff)
7Soils NutrientsNitrogen Content vs Ps
Net Ps rate (nmol CO2/g/s)
Death Valley annuals
Old field annuals
Deciduous chaparral shrubs
Evergreen shrubs trees
Southern African shrubs
Leaf N (mmol/g)
8Soils NutrientsNitrogen Fertilizer vs Corn
Yield (kg/ha)
Nitrogen (kg/ha)
9Soils NutrientsNitrogen Fertilizer vs Corn
Yield (kg/ha)
Added Return (/ha)
Nitrogen Applied (kg/ha)
10Soils and FertilizersRules of Thumb
- Nitrogen 2 of dry weight
- Phosphorus 10 of N content
- 0.2 of dry weight
11Tree Nutrition
- Phosphorus
- leaves turn purple
- P 10 of N content
- available as HPO4 or H2PO4-
- incorporate 1-4 kg P/100 m2 into soil
12Tree Nutrition/ nutrient stress vs
Winter Injury ()
N /P
Pecan Yield (kg/tree)
13Tree Nutrition
- Potassium
- interveinal chlorosis and margin scorching
- available as K
- rarely limiting
- incorporate 2-15 kg/100 m2 into soil
14Tree Nutrition
- Iron
- immobile in plants, new leaves become chlorotic
often with green veins - incorporating iron in calcareous soils is
ineffective - spray iron citrate or
- Sequestrene 138 for alkaline soils or
- Sequestrene 330 for acid soils (0.2 g/100L)
15Soil PropertiesSoil pH Estimate/ Lime use (1000
16Fertilizer Content
- Complete fertilizer contains NPK
- Incomplete fertilizer is missing one of three
- Reading a fertilizer bag
- 101010 contains 10 N, 10 P, 10 K
- 4600 contains 45 N alone
- Mixing 100 45 0 0
- 100 045 0
- 100 0 060
- 300 151520
17Fertilizer Content
18Soils NutrientsSources of Nitrogen
- Inorganic N
- Anhydrous NH3 82
- Urea 46
- NH4NO3 33
- (NH4)2SO4 20
- (NH4)2HPO4 20
- KNO3 14
- Organic N
- Dried blood 12
- Bat guano 12
- Fish meal 10
- Cottonseed meal 7
- Sludge 6
- Cow manure 2
19Soils NutrientsSources of Phosphorus
- Phosphorus P1
- (NH4)2HPO4 54
- TSP 45
- Cottonseed meal 3
- 1 P as P2O5
- Potassium K2
- KCl 50-60
- KNO3 46
- Wood ashes 4-10
- Seaweed 4- 5
- 2 K as K2O
20Fertilizer Rules!/ adapted from Vir.Tech
- Virginia pine maintain soil pH between 5.0 and
6.0 - Eldarica pine maintain soil pH between 6.5 and
7.5 - Dont waste on expensive fertilizers unless
soil or tissue analysis shows a need. - Band fertilize in Years 1 and 2
- Broadcast fertilizer beginning Year 3
- Apply P in the spring
- Apply Ca in the fall
- Maintain soil test calcium at 50-60 saturation
and Mg at 10-15 saturation. Use lime or gypsum. - If more than 100 lb K/a is needed, apply muriate
of potash in two applications or only in fall
because of potential fertilizer burn.
21Interpreting Soil Test Results--NM
Flynn 2002
22Tree Nutrition/ Hartman et al.2000
23Put the Fertilizer where the Roots Are!
RoT The radius of root extension height of tree
24Nitrogen Rates for Virginia pine- NCSU
Tree age Application Spring Fall (years)
Type -------oz/tree------- 1 Band 0.5
- 2 Band 0.5 - 3
Broadcast 0.5 0.5 4 Broadcast
0.5 0.5
25Nitrogen rates for Virginia pine- NCSU
Tree age Application Spring Fall (years)
Type -------oz/tree------- 1 Band 0.5
- 2 Band 0.5 - 3
Broadcast 0.5 0.5 4 Broadcast
0.5 0.5
26Fertilizer Recommendations/ Vir.Tech
- Preplant or at planting 1 oz/tree
- Year 1 0-46-0 _at_ 500 lb/ac
- Year 2 10-10-10 _at_ 2-3 oz/tree
- Year 3 10-10-10 _at_ 3-4 oz/tree
- Year 4 10-10-10 _at_ 4-5 oz/tree
27Fertilizer Recommendations/ Vir.Tech
- Preplant or at planting 1 oz/tree
- Year 1 0-46-0 _at_ 500 lb/ac
- Year 2 10-10-10 _at_ 2-3 oz/tree
- Year 3 10-10-10 _at_ 3-4 oz/tree
- Year 4 10-10-10 _at_ 4-5 oz/tree
28Fertilizer Recommendations
- NCSU and Virginia Tech recommend 2.2 to 2.5 oz
N/tree over 4 years - Is that enough?
29Biomass Growth of Eldarica Pine /Sammis et al.
30Nitrogen Uptake of Eldarica Pine /Sammis et al.
4 g N/tree
31Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations/
- Yr-1
- 2-3 applications (late)
- Total N 0.5 oz/tree (15 g)uptake 4 g/tree
- Yr-2
- 3-4 applications (Spring-Fall)
- Total N 2.0 oz/tree (60 g)uptake 20 g/tree
- Yr-34
- 3-4 applications (Spring-Fall)
- Total N 3.0 oz/tree (90 g)uptake 90 g/tree
32Fertilizer Uptake Estimates- Eldarica pine-23 mo
96 g N
72 g N
48 g N
24 g N
33Fertilizer Recommendations/-GroBag
Where do you fertilize Gro-Bag trees?
- Root exploration is restricted
- Fertilize more like a container-grown tree
- You do not want much root development outside the
34Foliar Sampling
- Collect
- in September
- 5-8 needles of current- season growth
- 15 locations on tree
- 20-30 trees
- analyze for N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Mo, B, S
Sample current- year needles in this area.
Bondi, et al. OSU CES 2000
35Foliar Nutrient Content/ Hartman et al.2000
36Why is foliar testing important?
Bondi, et al. OSU CES 2000
37Fertilizer Recommendations
Bondi, et al. OSU CES 2000