Title: British Columbia Regional Office Library
1- British Columbia Regional Office Library
- Digitizing Paper Documents
August 2006
2Digitizing Paper Documents
- The purpose of this presentation is to demystify
the process of digitizing a document. - The procedure is very straightforward and
requires only that you follow each step exactly. - Lets begin with how to create a digital version
of your paper document.
3Digitizing Paper Documents
- Digitizing a document requires that the document
be converted into PDF format. - If your document is in paper form, you will need
to come down to the BUSINESS CENTRE in the
4Digitizing Paper Documents
You will need to scan the document using either
convert your document into a PDF document.
Any of the library staff will be happy to show
you how to do this.
5Digitizing Paper Documents
- The digital scanner and the photocopier each send
the scanned documents to your mailbox - Now you need to log on to one of the computers
and go to your MAILBOX.
6Digitizing Paper Documents
- Now that you have converted your document into a
PDF, you can digitize it using one of the
7Digitizing Paper Documents
If you used the PHOTOCOPIER, you will find an
email that looks like this.
8Digitizing Paper Documents
If you used the DIGITAL SCANNER, you will find
an email that looks like this. The process for
saving either attachment is the same.
9Digitizing Paper Documents
Go to FILE and
choose SAVE ATTACHMENTS from the drop down
menu. Click on the ATTACHMENT.
10Digitizing Paper Documents
A dialogue box will open up. Choose which drive
you wish to keep this new file in.
11Digitizing Paper Documents
Once you are there, you can rename the
document. Hit SAVE. CLOSE the mailbox
window. You are now ready to digitize this
12Digitizing Paper Documents
Go the START menu. Scroll up to
13Digitizing Paper Documents
Once the program opens, check the settings on the
buttons. They should read 1-2-3,
SAVE TO FILE. Click the 1-2-3
14Digitizing Paper Documents
A dialogue box will open. You will need to
navigate to the drive where you stored your
document. Choose the document and click on OK.
15Digitizing Paper Documents
Once the document is loaded the OCR PROOFREADER
box will open up automatically. This is the
spell check function which allows you to make any
corrections to the document as a result of being
read by the OCR software.
16Digitizing Paper Documents
When the spell check is complete, the following
dialogue box will pop up. Click OK.
17Digitizing Paper Documents
This dialogue box will pop up. Choose where you
would like to save the document. You do not need
to rename the document. When you are done, click
18Digitizing Paper Documents
Even though you have saved the document in
another drive, Omni Page retains
a working version of the document, which you now
see on your screen. To close off the program go
to FILE and
choose CLOSE.
19Digitizing Paper Documents
OmniPage will ask if you want to save the
document. Choose NO. Exit the program.
20Digitizing Paper Documents
Congratulations! You have now successfully
digitized a paper document. It has been saved on
your computer at your workstation. Pretty
simple, eh!