Title: Transportation Sources
1Transportation Sources
- Greg Smith
- LIBR 530
- 9 March 2007
2Major Headings
3Automobiles / Driving
Websites British Columbia Licensed Vehicles htt
f British Columbia Traffic Collision Statistics h
/index.asp CanadianDriver http//www.canadiandriv
er.com/ Edmunds.com www.edmunds.com ICBC Online
Practice Knowledge Test http//www.icbc.com/licen
sing/opkt.asp Motor Base www.motorbase.com Natu
ral Resources Canada - Transportation
Personal http//oee.nrcan.gc.ca/transportation/pe
rsonal/index.cfm?attr0 Business http//oee.nrca
Personal Vehicle Program http//oee.nrcan.gc.ca/ve
hicles/home.cfm Richmond Public Library B.C. Pra
ctice Driving Test http//www.rpl.richmond.bc.ca/c
ommunity/driving/ Road Safety Information http//
The United States Council for Automotive Research
www.uscar.org Vehicle Inspection Centre http//w
sp Wards Auto http//wardsauto.com/
4Automobiles / Driving
Databases Auto Repair Reference Center fee-
based, EBSCO and Point 5 Technologies.
An electronic file aimed both at professional
automobile mechanics and do-it-yourself auto
repair enthusiasts. The file features auto repair
information for the major manufacturers of both
domestic and imported vehicles from 1954-2003,
and contains information on 25,000 vehicles.
Wards AutoInfoBank fee-based http//wardsauto
.com/about/waib/ An online gateway to the most c
omprehensive, up-to-the-minute data available in
the automotive industry. Provides access to the
same Wards database used to compile reports for
many publications -- in many cases, more detailed
data than published. Includes a powerful querying
and report-generating tool to easily extract
5Automobiles / Driving
Print Reference These titles are the most co
mprehensive annotated bibliographic tools that
cover the widest range of current reference
materials by subject. Automotive A-Z Lanes c
omplete dictionary of automotive terms. Lane, K.
Veloce Publishing 2002. 13,000 entries English
-American definitions of 350 terms. Several
appendices. Automotive Handbook, 6th ed. Robert
Bosch GmbH, 2004. Considered the most indispens
able reference for automotive engineers,
mechanics, students and others. Over 225
subjects. The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Aut
omobile. Georgano, Nick, ed. London Stationery
Office, 2000. Encyclopedia of Cars. Philadelphi
a Chelsea House Publishers, 1998.
Includes two hundred international car companies
and models.
Air Safe Aircraft Accidents Register
A register of fatal airline accidents accident
rates throughout the world, by region and airline
since 1970. British Columbia Hang Gliding and P
aragliding Association http//www.bchpa.org/
Contains the latest news, current weather
reports, upcoming events, a listing of flight
services and a monthly newsletter.
Canadian Women in Aviation http//www.cwia.ca/va
ncouver.htm Networking, scholarship and career op
portunities for women in the aviation industry.
Covers general, corporate, commercial and
military aviation. FlightSafety International h
ttp//flightsafety.com/ U.S. and Canadian flight
training centers, sorted by airplane type.
Includes full-text airplane publications.
Transport Canada - Civil Aviation http//www.tc.
gc.ca/CivilAviation/menu.htm Includes the Canadia
n Aviation Regulations (CARs), Canadian Civil
Aircraft Register, full text flight test guides
and standards and more.
Bike Sense http//bikesense.bc.ca/
This is the online version of the British
Columbia Operator's Manual. British Columbia Cy
cling Coalition http//www.bccc.bc.ca/
Links to many cycling websites. Includes B.C.
Transportation links (ie. bus routes with bike
racks traveling on B.C. Ferries), B.C. Bicycle
Helmet Study, Bicycling Magazine (they have a
Bike-Finder section), and a library with bicycle
related reports. Cycling Information http//www
From the Ministry of Transportation, find out
about cycling restrictions on B.C. roads, the law
about helmets, and the rights and duties of the
bicycle rider.
Canadian Coast Guard Pacific Region
Includes marine safety information, legislation
and information on their vessels.
Canadian Heritage http//daryl.chin.gc.ca8000/b
asisbwdocs/sid/e_main.html Contains information a
bout ships that were registered in Canadian ports
or sailed in Canadian waters. Canadian Marine A
cts and Regulations http//www.tc.gc.ca/acts-reg
ulations/marine/menu.htm Canadian Tide Tables h
Times of High and Low Tides for selected Canadian
stations. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Safe Boa
ting Guide http//www.tc.gc.ca/BoatingSafety/menu.
htm Up to date information on current regulations
governing recreational boating.
Ships and Shipping http//www.tpl.lib.wa.us/v2/N
WROOM/ships.htm This database from Tacoma Public
Library in Washington contains a searchable
database of more than 13,000 ships. It provides
full-text information on 1000 ships built on the
Pacific Coast and ships with a connection to the
Northwest. The database includes the names (and
former names ) of vessels, their builders,
careers and disposition. Tide Predictions at U.
S. Reference Stations http//co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/t
p4days.html Six months of predictions from the US
NOAA National Ocean Service.
9Shipping, Logistics Statistics
BC Shipping Directory http//www.shipnet.com/Shipp
html Bureau of Transportation Statistics (US) h
ttp//www.bts.gov/ City of Vancouver, Engineeri
ng Services, Transportation Branch.
Logistics Management Logistics Services Buyers
Guide http//www.logistics-buyers-guide.com/
MassTransit Magazine (US) http//www.masstransitm
ag.com/ Online Logistics Directory http//www.c
tl.ca/esource/default.asp Port and Terminal Inf
ormation for BC ports http//www.shipnet.com/launc
Province of British Columbia, The Ministry of Tr
ansportation http//www.gov.bc.ca/bvprd/bc/channel
rovince Transportation Research Board (US) http
10Travel Trip Planning
LOCAL BC Lower Mainland BC Ferries http//www
.bcferries.bc.ca/ TransLink public transporta
tion services for the Greater Vancouver area.
/default.asp Vancouver International Airport (Y
VR) http//www.yvr.ca/ VIA Rail Canada http//w
ww.viarail.ca/ Website in eight languages.
Washington State Ferries http//www.wsdot.wa.gov
11Travel Trip Planning
CANADA British Columbia Travel and Tourism Guid
e http//travel.bc.ca/ Canada Travel - Tips, Gu
ides Reviews on Travel Library
A Tour of Canada Tour Canada without leaving
your desk http//www.cs.cmu.edu/Unofficial/Canad
iana/Travelogue.html Text only links in both Engl
ish and French. Travel.org The Directory of T
ravel http//travel.org/na.html
Has separate pages for all 12 Canadian provinces
as well as global resources.
12Travel Trip Planning
GLOBAL Lonely Planet the worlds best guideboo
ks, travel advice and information
http//www.lonelyplanet.com/ OAG http//oag.com
/ Site in English, Chinese, or Japanese.
OAG is a global travel and transport information
company with three core activities managing and
distributing information within the passenger and
cargo aviation sectors providing travel
information to business travelers and providing
advertising and promotion opportunities for the
aviation and travel communities.
RailEurope http//www.raileurope.ca/canada/index
.htm Rail Europe is the leading authority of Euro
pean rail and related travel products in North
America representing more than 35 European
railroads. Subway Navigator http//www.subwayna
vigator.com/ Subway Navigator gives you a direct
access to the world's subways Toronto and
Montreal make the Top10. Tourism Offices World
wide Directory http//towd.com/
13General Indexes Databases
Business Source Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
Articles from business magazines, journals and
trade publications. Over 1,050 business journals
and peer-reviewed titles provide articles.
Updated daily and covers 1990 - present
(full-text) 1984 - present (indexes
abstracts). CQ Researcher (CQ Press) Provides
in-depth reports on important issues of the day.
Covers social trends, criminal justice,
international affairs, education, the
environment, technology, and the economy.
Full-text, 1991-current. LexisNexis Academic (L
exis/Nexis) One of the world's premier full-text
news, government, legal, finance and business
information services. Updated daily, indexing
newspapers, journals, company and financial
information, legal resources, medical resources,
reference works, and US patents coverage
varies. Readers Guide Abstract (HW Wilson) Da
tabase containing comprehensive indexing and
abstracting of 240 popular and general-interest
periodicals published in the United States and
Canada. Updated monthly coverage 1983-present.
TRIS http//ntlsearch.bts.gov/tris/index.do TRI
S is a bibliographic database hosted by the
National Transportation Library under a
cooperative agreement between the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics and TRB.