Title: Image Generation
1State of the Art and Evolution of Weather
Simulation Technology
December 6, 2006 Robert Reynolds Principal
Simulation Engineer Northrop Grumman Corporation
2The Uniform Atmosphere Model
- Formulated by STOW-97
- Not entirely uniform
- Vertical variation
- Horizontally uniform
- Implemented for ModSAF
- Environmental Editor GUI
- Only 16 values, but
- They are highly correlated
- Too easy to create non-physical conditions
- What about time variation?
- Look to the Physics!
3Numerical Weather Prediction
- Real weather models implement these ?
- Direct implementation for simulation is beyond
state-of-the-art - Too much SME required
- Boundary conditions?
- Since STOW-97
- Leverage operational METOC data centers
- NWP models are being run 24x7
- Throw no NWP model output away!
4Master Environmental Library
Operational Weather Forecast Centers
mission planning
Gridded Digital Forecasts
- MM5
- WaveWatch
Numerical Weather Models
5Environmental Scenario Generator
NCEP/NCAR 2.5 x 2.5 deg Global Archive
Fuzzy-Logic Search Engine
- Region of Interest
- Desired conditions
- High winds
- Light precipitation
- (correlated clouds,
- waves, acoustics)
ACMES 10 and 40 km Regional Archive
Regional NWP Models
Gridded Digital Forecasts
6Defining a Uniform Atmosphere
Gridded Digital Forecast
Simulation Object Model
7Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Environment Simulation
HLA Federation
persistent object DB
8Example Hurricane Katrina Impact on Keesler
9The Gridded Weather Model
- Ocean
- Vertical Profiles (1D)
- Wave Spectra (2D)
- Acoustics (3D)
- Atmosphere
- Vertical Profiles (1D)
- Surface Weather (2D)
- Cloud / Fog Layers (2D)
- Radar Ducts (2D)
- Sun / Moon Position (2D)
- Illumination (2D)
- Precipitation (2D 3D)
- EM Propagation (3D)
- Haze / Aerosols (3D)
- Ambient Weather (3D)
Space Terrain
10Looking Forward
- Distribution of environmental Features via
Publish/Subscribe has received most attention - But approach does not scale well (see paper)
- Pre-distribution offers scalable solution
- But doesnt support use of live environments
- And simulated weather cannot be modified at
run-time - Distributed modeling of environmental Effects has
received comparatively little attention - AFCCCs HyperCube offers one strategy
- OASES Query Server an effects model framework?
11Thank You for Your Interest!Questions?