Title: The New Deal
1The New Deal
Chapter 25
Active Response to the Depression
2FDR as President
- Background
- Polio
- New Attitude
- Psychological Therapy
- Fireside Chats
- Under Consumption
- Possible Solutions????
4FDRs 1st actions
- Bank holiday March 6, 1933
- Emergency Banking Act (only
sound and healthy banks would re-open)
- Relief
- Recovery
- Reform
- Relied on the advice of very intelligent group of
advisors (Brain Trust)
6Relief Programs(designed to relieve suffering of
the needy)
7Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- (FERA)
- Harry Hopkins
- Congress gives 500 million to states, cities,
and towns - used money to repair roads / improve parks, etc.
8Civil Works Administration
- (CWA) build roads, parks, airports, and other
facilities - gave jobs to 4 million previously unemployed
Americans - tremendous morale booster
9Civilian Conservation Corps
- CCC provided help for males (18-25 yrs.) most
worked on projects to conserve the nations
natural resources
1 a day Sent 25 / mo. To Family
2.5 million men
10Recovery Programs(designed to lay foundation for
economic growth)
11Public Works Administration
- Harold Ickes
- funded large scale engineering projects bridges,
dams, etc. - spent 6 billion in 6 years
- Hoover Dam
12Tennessee Valley Authority
- created jobs and helped farmers in countrys
least modernized region - TVA provided cheap electrial power, flood
control, and recreational opportunities - criticism government owned industry
13Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Henry Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture
- Paid farmers NOT to raise certain crops and
animals - Lower production more
- Voluntary
14National Industrial Recovery Act
- NIRA creates NRA
- sought to bolster industrial prices
- trade industry codes
- management-labor relations (Sect 7A)
15Reform ProgramsDesigned to help prevent future
economic crises
16Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1933)
created the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance
17Securities Act (1933)
- honest disclosure of stocks, bonds
- eventually led to the SEC (Securities Exchange
18Gold Reserve Act (1933)
- took America off the Gold Standard (1 paper 1
gold) - created inflation because the U.S. could print
more money
19Evaluation of the first 100 days
- big change in attitude of the American public
- If it failed, then you try something else
20New Deal (1934- )
More Alphabet Soup
21Works Progress Administration
- Harry Hopkins
- put people to work in their communities all
types of projects - Fed. govt paid 45
- most expensive New Deal program 11 billion
22National Youth Administration
- NYA - Part of the WPA
- found jobs for kids so they could stay at school
- mowing grass, painting schools, etc.
23Federal Housing Admin.
- easier to get housing loans lower down payments,
etc. - attempt to boost construction of new homes
ripple effect
24Social Security Act (1935)
- designed to provide old-age retirement pensions
- collect share of the tax upon retirement
- Included Unemployment Insurance, Old Age Medical
Health Insurance and Grants in Aid to the
25National Labor Relations Act
- aka Wagner Act (1935)
- NIRA had been a failure, but Wagner Act was
tougher - act stipulated specific activities that
management could not get involved in. - Huge boost for labor unions
26Critics of the New Deal
27Conservative Critics
28Radical critics
- Father Charles Coughlin
- Dr. Francis Townsend
- Senator Huey Long (Louisiana) Share the Wealth
Program - National Union Party
29Election of 1936
- (D) FDR
- (R) Alfred Landon (Kansas)
- (NUP) Liberty Bill Lemke
30The Supreme Court Battle
- Background
- Court Packing Scheme
31End of the New Deal
32Lasting Outcomes