Title: Working with Census 2000 data
1Working with Census 2000 data
- John Q. Murray
- Murray Information Services, Inc.
2Why do we conduct a census?
- U.S. Constitution requires it
- Representation in the House depends on
population, so we recount every 10 years - Article I, Section 2 Representatives shall be
apportioned The actual Enumeration shall be made
within three years after the first meeting of the
Congress of the United States, and within every
subsequent term of ten years
3Census geography
- County
- Division
- Place
- Tract
- Block group
- Block
Already oriented to location useful for many
types of other data
4FIPS code
- Census codes often used as geocodes in GIS
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
- State code for Montana - 2 chars 30
- County code - 3 characters
- 061 Mineral, 063 Missoula
- Place code - 5 chars
- Class code - 2 chars
- Identifies place type
5TIGER line data
- Street and road data for entire U.S.
- Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing System - http//www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/tiger2k/tgr200
0.html - Missoula County tgr30063.zip
- Mineral County tgr30061.zip
6Get Tiger data for Missoula Co.
- See list.htm, pictured here
- Missoula County zip file tgr30063.zip
- Roads line file tgr30063lkA.shp
- Census blocks file tgr30063blk00.shp
7Add the Tiger roads
- Roads have the name lkA.shp
- For Missoula Co., tgr30063lkA.shp
8Label Frenchtown roads
From the Theme menu, select Auto-label
9Select Fename as the label
Uncheck Scale Labels
10View the underlying data
- Click on the Open Theme Table button
- Each segment includes addresses along that road
segment From and To addresses on left and right
11Add census blocks blk00.shp
The census block file for Missoula County is
- After adding the census block data, click the
Theme menu Auto-label command
12Frenchtown census blocks
13Geocode value from FIPS code
- State 2 digits (30)
- County 3 (063)
- Tract 4.2 (001600)
- Block group 1 (2)
- Block 3 (152)
- Geocode present in the Tiger files is the
combination 300630016002152
14Missoula County census map
- Missoula County map Frenchtown area appears in
grids 24 and 25
15Frenchtown area tract map
- Division 91302
- Frenchtown CDP (census-designated place) 29350
16Frenchtown census blocks (1 of 2)
17Frenchtown census blocks (2 of 2)
18Huson area census blocks
- State 30, county 063, tract 001600
- Block group 2, census blocks 155-160
19Population of the fire district
- Create a version of the fire district theme that
has only one polygon - Spatial join of the census block theme and the
fire district theme
20Get the population data
- Tables from www.census.gov website
- Join population data with the spatial data
21Look up your census block
- http//factfinder.census.gov
- Click on the link Enter a street address to
find Census 2000 data
- Enter the street address, city, state, and zip
code, then click Go
22Census blocks interesting
- Marketing companies crunch the U.S. Census data
- Though people move from place to place, they are
likely to seek out a "cluster" similar to the
onethey lived in before You Are Where You
Live - Within a cluster, people have similarincomes,
tastes, purchase similar items, etc. - Claritas identifies 62 neighborhood types at
23Five clusters in Frenchtown
- Click and read about each of the 5 groups
- Is this a good way to characterize our community?