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- The next step towards a green revolution?
Timo Makela Director, Directorate G, DG
2EU 2.5 Earths
US 5 Earths
3Climate change
- Greenhouse gas emissions from 2.5 to 3-fold
increase by 2050 - Reduction need more than 50
4Biodiversity and natural resources
- Natural resource extraction up to 5 times by
2050. - Ecological footprint in developed world 2.5 5.0
earths - Extinction of species from 50 to 1000 times
faster than natural processes.
5The challenge
- Towards an energy and resource
- efficient economy
- Reduce environmental stress in growing economy
- Transfer environmental challenges into economic
6Global opportunities
- 2 million new jobs in EU in the renewable energy
sector alone by 2020 - EU global market share above 30 in environmental
goods and services - Positive trade balance
- Cleantech VC climbed from 8 (2003) of all VC
investment to 15 (2006) in Europe
7Is the pace of green innovation sufficient?
Total no. of patents
Source OECD Environmental Outlook 2030, 2008
8Emerging technologies Opportunities
- Micro-organisms used in waste wastewater
treatment - Nanotechnology in solar panels
- In Japan 20 of biotechnology applications sold
are industrial-environmental applications - Extensive use of ICT in environmental management
9Opportunities in practice
- Cut heating cooling costs 80
10Opportunities in practice
- Wolseley Sustainable Building Center
11Opportunities in practice
- Ertex-solar 2008 Ebae winner in product category
12Opportunities in practice
- Bio-degradable bottles already available
(Belu UK)
13ETAP for emerging technologies
- Improving market conditions
- Getting from research to market
- Acting globally
- Promoting innovation in promising areas
- Lead Market in Waste Recycling
- Lead Market for Bio-based products
- Funding for RD and technology commercialization
14Emerging technologies Risks
- Overall effects in many areas uncertain,
- Moral and ethical dillemas
- Insufficient knowledge base
15EU approach Safe, integrated and responsible
16Precautionary principle
17Dialogue with citizens and stakeholders
- Trust and transparency
- Platforms for dialogue
18Key issues for this forum
- Participatory process
- Flexibility and robustness
- Confidence
- Identification of roles
- Avoid drawing quick conclusions
But first and foremost
19European Commission DG Environment
Thank you