Title: ERD TWG Emerging Research Devices Telecon Meeting No. 6
1ERD TWG Emerging Research Devices Telecon
Meeting No. 6
- Jim Hutchby - Facilitating
- Thursday, February 26, 2009
- 900 am 1030 Eastern US Time
ERD WG Telecon January 15, 2009 Pacific US
Central US Eastern US Europe
Taiwan Japan/Korea 6am
8am 9am 3pm
10pm 11pm
2Feb. 26, 2009 ERD Telecon Meeting Objectives
- Complete discussion of the Logic Tables
- Discuss possibility that ERD/ERM Working Groups
will conduct a process to select consensus
Emerging Memory Technology Entries to highlight
(similar to the process conducted last summer for
Emerging Logic) - Goal
- Scope
- Timeline
- Benchmarking
3February26, 2009 ERD Telecon Meeting Agenda
- 900pm Check in review meeting
Hutchby Objectives/Agenda - 905 Complete Logic Table Discussion
Hiramoto-san - proposed 3 Logic Tables decide
Bourianoff - 920 Review request to highlight
consensus Garner - selected Emerging Memory Technology
- Entries
- 930 Discuss the process and timeline
for Hutchby - benchmarking and selecting consensus
Garner - Emerging Memory Technology Entries
- to highlight
- Goal
- Scope
- Timeline
- Benchmarking
- 1030 Adjourn Meeting
4Japan ERD-WG Feedback on Logic Tables
- Japan ERD WG made discussions on the Table 2 and
Table 3 which were proposed in the teleconference
on January 22. - Table 2 Non-Conventional FET, Charge-based
Extended CMOS Devices - Table 3 Non-FET, Non Charge-based Beyond CMOS
Devices - Our question was what "charge-based" means. In
this definition, "charge-based" means that "the
state variable is the charge" or "the information
carrier is the charge"? If this is the
"information carrier", we think this
classification is very reasonable.
5ERD ITWG Emerging Research Devices Working
Group Proposal for Highlighting Promising
Technology Options for Emerging Research Memory
- Jim Hutchby Mike Garner
- Wednesday March 18, 2009
6Assessment of Promising Emerging Memory Devices
- Samsung, Hynix , and Micron proposed that the
ERD/ERM identify memory technologies needing more
focused support - Proposal ERD ERM hold a workshop in October,
09 to review and assess emerging research memory
devices - Goal Identify those emerging research memory
technologies that need more focused research and
resources - Process Same Process as the Logic Assessment in
2008 - White paper prepared by Champions on each
emerging research memory technology and
circulated prior to the technology review and
selection meetings - Champions present Pros, Cons and research needed
for technology - Friendly critic presents balanced assessment
- ERD member summarizes inputs for ERD/ERM WGs
- Face to Face Presentations Discussion
- Voting on Promising Technologies leading to
consensus selection - Identify Critical Research Needed
7Straw Candidate Emerging Research Memory
- FeFET Memory
- Nanoelectromechanical Memory
- Fuse/Anti-fuse Memory
- Ionic Memory
- Atomic Switch / Electrochemical Metal Memory
- Molecular Memory
- Mott Transition Memory
- Ferroelectric Barrier Effects Memory
Replace this list with following DRAFT No. 3
8Straw Candidate Emerging Research Memory
- Capacitive Memory
- FeFET Memory
- Resistive Memory
- Nanoelectromechanical
- Thermal PCM
- Nanowire PCM
- Electrochemical Memory
- Cation migration
- Anion migration
- Electronic Effects Memory
- Charge trapping
- Mott Transition
- FE barrier effects
- Macromolecular Memory
- Molecular Memory
- With the goal of providing input to resource
allocation decisions, ERD/ERM WGs will conduct an
in-depth review and evaluation of specific
pre-competitive emerging research memory devices
to highlight the most promising device
technologies for detailed roadmapping and
accelerated research and development.
(Pre-competitive meaning those technologies
capable of being scaled beyond the 15nm node.)
- The scope of the review/evaluation of emerging
research memory technologies will include only
those device technologies which are in the
pre-competitive research stage, meaning they are
scalable beyond the 15nm node. DELETE and are
not in manufacturing development within any
commercial organization. (Those technologies in
manufacturing development by one or more
companies are candidates for inclusion in
11(No Transcript)
12Draft Timetable
1. Develop/decide process, milestones, timeline July 12, 2009
2. Develop invitation to advocates/proponents friendly critics Introduction Potential of technology fundamental limits Barriers Fundamental vs. technological/engineering Evaluation Criteria Definition of specific emerging research memory devices for roadmapping Readiness in 10 - 15 years July 31
3. Identify Major emerging research memory device candidates Strong technical proponent and friendly critic teams and their leaders Knowledgeable ERD/ERM mentor for each proponent team Key questions to be addressed by the teams Background materials for each technical candidate July 31
4. Issue invitations to team leaders, friendly critics, and ERD/ERM mentors and obtain their commitments Sept. 15
5. Obtain a white per background materials from each candidate technology proponent team for ERD/ERM WG review Jan. 15, 2010
6. ERD/ERM WG review candidate emerging research memory devices candidates based on white papers identify key questions using a formal process prior to Spring Europe FxF meeting. Mar. 15, 2010
7. Conduct a FxF review of categories with each proponent friendly critic making a presentation April yy, 2010 Spring FXF Mtg.
8. On second day of ERD FxF meeting, discuss/decide ERD/ERM WGs prioritized recommendation of narrowed emerging research memory devices options. This will include selection of specific devices for roadmapping within the recommended option April yy1,2010 Spring FXF Mtg.
9. Write submit report on ERD/ERM WGs recommendations May 31, 2010
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
16Proposed ERD WG Process for Highlighting
Candidate Technology Options for Emerging Memory
- Develop/decide process, milestones, timeline
- Identify
- Major memory technology candidates
- Strong technical proponent and friendly critic
teams and their leaders - Knowledgeable ERD/ERM mentor for each proponent
team - Key questions to be addressed by the teams
- Background materials for each technical candidate
- Develop invitation to proponents friendly
critics - Introduction
- Potential of technology fundamental limits
- Barriers Fundamental vs. technological/engineeri
ng - Evaluation Criteria
- Definition of specific devices for roadmapping
- Readiness in 10-15 years
17Proposed ERD WG Process for Highlighting
Candidate Technology Options for Emerging Memory
- Issue invitations to proponent and friendly
critic team leaders and obtain their commitments - Identify ERD/ERM Mentors 1 per candidate memory
technology - Obtain a white paper background materials from
each candidate technology proponent team for ERD
review - ERD WG review candidate memory technologies using
a formal process prior to FxF meeting to identify
questions to be addressed in FxF meeting.
18Proposed ERD WG Process for Highlighting
Candidate Technology Options for Emerging Memory
- Conduct a FxF review of categories with each
proponent friendly critic team making a
presentation - On second day of ERD FxF meeting, discuss/decide
ERDs prioritized recommendation of narrowed
memory technology options. Mentors will lead the
discussion of their candidate technology - Write submit report to the IRC on ERD WGs
19Decision Making Majority Voting Scheme
- Each member of ERD WG will be given a maximum of
X votes to use in voting for their top X choices
among the candidate technologies (Majority Voting
scheme) - ERD/ERM WG members present in the FIRST DAY
Workshop the SECOND DAY meeting will be
eligible to vote at SECOND DAY meeting, based on
their personal technical judgment, independent of
their corporate affiliation or regional
representation, - Only 0 or 1 vote can be cast for any candidate
technology - Member does not have to use all X votes, but
cannot use more than X votes. - All members can participate in the straw vote.
- The Candidate Technologies will be ordered
according to which received the largest number of
votes. - Consensus approval will be our goal, but a 75
affirmative vote will be required as a minimum.
This is what is meant by the term approximate
20ERD Beyond CMOS Technology Selection MtgAgenda
- 920 Review Process for selecting beyond CMOS
- emerging technologies
- 945 Discuss Technologies
- 945 NEMS Switch Technology
- 1005 Spin Torque Transfer Technology
- 1025 Carbon-based Nanoelectronics
- 1045 Break
- 1100 Atomic Switch / Electrochemical Metal
Switch - 1120 Collective Spin Devices (including
M-QCA) - 1140 Single Electron Transistors
- 1200 CMOL and FPNI
21ERD Beyond CMOS Technology Selection Mtg
Agenda SECOND DAY (Contd)
- 1250 Preliminary vote on technologies
Majority voting process - 100 Discuss preliminary results
- 145 Second vote on technologies
- 200 Discuss the leading technologies
resulting from vote - 230 Final vote on the leading technology(ies)
to determine if we have approximate consensus
(75 of those voting) to recommend one or more
for roadmapping and enhanced engineering
development - 245 Decide next steps in roadmapping the
chosen technologies -