Title: A Technical Review of Proper Masonry Detailing
1A Technical Review of Proper Masonry Detailing
- Water Penetration Resistance
- Wall Systems
- Flashing and Weep holes
- Coatings
- Differential Movement
- Cracking
- Movement Joints
3Problems related to water penetration
- Water entry into interior
- Efflorescence
- Spalling
- Corrosion
- Reduced insulating capacity
- Staining / Mold / Mildew
4Keys to Providing Water Penetration Resistance
- Quality Materials
- Good Construction
- Proper detailing
- Maintenance
5Keys to Providing Water Penetration Resistance
- Quality Materials
- Good Construction
- Proper detailing
- Maintenance
6Three Basic Wall Types
- Drainage Wall
- Barrier Wall
- Single Wythe Wall
7Drainage Wall
8Drainage Wall
- Water travels down back side of outer wythe,
collected on flashing, and channeled to exterior
through weep holes - Examples
- Cavity walls
- Masonry veneer walls
- Rain screen walls
9Drainage Walls Requirements
- 2 to 4 ½ inch clear cavity
- Flashing and weep holes to channel out excessive
10Rain Screen Wall
- Equalizes pressure within cavity
- Vents at top and bottom of wall or panel
- Flashing and weep holes
- Compartmentalized
- Allows for ventilation and evaporation
11Barrier Wall
- Collar joint between wythes acts a barrier to
moisture along with the thickness of the wall - Examples
- Brick and Block Composite Wall
12Barrier Wall
- Voids allow water penetration
- Must be filled solid with mortar or grout
13Single Wythe Walls
14Single Wythe
- Masonry units with coating or integral water
repellent - Mortar with integral water repellent
- Through-wall flashing
- Weep Holes
- Vents
15Flashing Details
16Flashing Locations
- base of wall
- sills
- heads of windows
- at shelf angles
- copings
- lower wall/ higher roof intersection
- other discontinuities in air space
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21Good Flashing Detail
22Poor Detail
23Drip Edge
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25SS Drip Edge
26Shelf Angles
27Flashing Single Wythe Walls
28Flashing with Shear Transfer
29Flashing Reinforced Wall
30End Dams
31Flashing Laps
32Drainage Materials
33Weep Holes
34Weep Tubes
35Vent Weep Holes
36Rope Wicks
37Flashing Materials
- Sheet Metal
- Composites
- Plastic and Rubber
- Compounds
38Sheet Metals
Hard to solder and form Damaged by excessive
flexing and can stain Difficult to solder,
corrodes early in acidic and salty air
Durable, non staining Durable Easy to paint
and durable
Stainless Steel Cold-Rolled Copper Galvanize
d Steel
Difficult to solder, damaged by excessive
flexing, metal drip edge suggested Degrades in
UV light, more easily torn than metal
Flexible, durable, non-staining Easy to form
Lead-coated copper Copper laminates
40Plastics and Rubber Compounds
Flexible, easy to form, non-staining Fully
adhered, separate lap adhesive not needed, self
healing, flexible, easy to form and join Easy to
form and join, non-staining, low cost
Aesthetics if not used with a metal drip edge,
full support recommended Full support required,
degrades in UV light, metal drip edge
required Easily damaged, full support required,
metal drip edge required, questionable durability
EPDM Rubberized asphalt PVC
41Bldg felt and poly sheeting
42Colorless Coatings
- Used for a variety of reasons
- Recommended for Concrete Masonry
- Questionable for Clay Masonry
43Possible Dangers
- Water can still penetrate
- Could cause spalling
- If efflorescence occurs under coating, it may be
impossible to remove - Recoating will be necessary
44Coating Types
- Colorless Coatings
- Paints
45Colorless Coatings
- Penetrating
- Silanes
- Siloxanes
- Film-forming
- Acrylics
- Stearates
46Coating Types
- Paints
- Cement based
- Latex
- Alkyd
- Oil-based Paints
47Differential Movement
- Movements
- Temperature Movement
- Moisture Movement
- Elastic Deformation
- Movement Joints
- Design
- Placement
48Causes of Cracking
- Differential Movement
- Restraint
- Settlement
- Elastic Deformations
- Creep
49Types of Movement
50Temperature Movement
- Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
- Brick 3.6 x 10-6
- Concrete Masonry 4.3 x 10-6
- Aluminum 12.8 x 10-6
- Steel 6.5 x 10-6
51Moisture Movement
- Brick - irreversible expansion
- Concrete masonry drying shrinkage and
52Types of Movement Joints
- Expansion Joint - Brick Masonry
- Control Joint - Concrete Masonry
- Building Joint - Structures
53Expansion Joint
- Used in Clay Masonry
- Used to separate brick into sections so cracking
will not occur - Horizontal / Vertical
- Entire joint is unobstructed and formed from a
highly elastic, continuous material
54Types of Expansion Joints(Details)
55Expansion Joint
56Typical Spacing and Locations of Expansion Joints
- Long Walls
- Corners
- Setbacks Offsets
- Parapet walls
- Beneath shelf angles
57Expansion Joints at Corners
58Horizontal Expansion Joint
59False Horizontal EJ
60Hiding Expansion Joints
61Control Joint
- Used in Concrete Masonry
- Relieve horizontal tensile stresses
- Reduce restraint and permit longitudinal movement
- Separate dissimilar materials
62Types of Control Joints
- Pre-formed gasket
- Formed paper
- Special shape units
63Pre-formed Gasket
64Formed Paper (also known as Michigan Joint)
65Special Shape Unit
66Joint Reinforcement at CJ
67Bond Beams
- Do not cut bond beam reinforcement unless
specifically indicated on the plans
68Control Joint Locations
69Control Joint Spacing
- Two methods
- Empirical
- based on historical performance
- Engineered
- based on a crack control coefficient
70Empirical Control Joint Criteria
- Spacing for above grade exposed concrete masonry
walls - Distance between joints is the lesser of
- Length to height ratio or
- 1 ½ 25 feet
- Notes
- Based on horizontal reinforcement of 0.025
in.2/ft - Applies to both Type I and Type II units
- Can be modified based on local experience
71Engineered Crack Control Criteria
Criteria for Controlling Cracking in Reinforced
Concrete Masonry Walls
Crack Control Coefficient in./in.
(mm/mm) ________________ __________
__________0.0010 ___ 0.0015 Maximum wall
_length, ft (m)_________25 (7.62)__20 (6.10)
panel dimensions_ length/height ratio_
_____2 ½ ______2___ Min. horizontal reinf. ratio
As/An 0.0007
0.0007 Notes As cross-sectional area of
steel, in2/ft (mm2/m) An net cross-sectional
area of masonry, in2/ft (mm2/m)
72Engineered Crack Control Criteria (cont.)
- Notes
- Need not apply if As/An 0.002 - see Table 4.
- See Table 3 for As/An 0.0007 minimum
requirement. - Minimum reinforcement ratio need not apply if
length is - CCCs less than 0.0010 may be available in some
areas and spacing should be adjusted accordingly. - Control joint spacing may be adjusted up or down
based on local experience.
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74Brick and Block Together
- Align Expansion Joints and Control Joints
75Bond Breaks
- Use to separate bands of different masonry types
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