Title: An Overview of Oiled Wildlife Response
1An Overview of Oiled Wildlife Response
- Sarah Tegtmeier
- Tri-State Bird Rescue Research, Inc.
2- Tri-State Bird Rescue Research
- Effects of oil on wildlife
- Oiled wildlife preparedness
3Tri-State Bird Rescue ResearchNewark, DE
4Oil Programs Mission
- Mission Statement
- To reduce the impact of oil and certain other
contaminants on wildlife and to provide rapid
response, effective treatment and humane care for
animals that become contaminated wherever needed,
practical and feasible on a global basis.
5Fresh and Open Water Spills
6Effects of Oil on Wildlife
- External
- Internal
- Environmental
7External Effects of Oil
- Disrupts Waterproofing
- Inhibits Thermoregulation
- Decreases Buoyancy
- Impairs Flight
8Internal Effects of Oil
- Routes of exposure
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Absorption through skin
- Medical concerns
- Dehydration
- Organ failure
- Irritation of skin, eyes, and mucosal surfaces
9Environmental Effects
10Why Rehabilitate Oiled Wildlife?
- OPA 90
- Protect populations of common species
- Refine techniques for species at risk
11Public Relations
12Initial Notification
- Calls to emergency numbers
- 302-363-5086
- 302-281-7371
- Calls to Delaware center
- 302-737-7241
- 24-hour pagers
- 800-710-0695
- 800-710-0696
- Once activated . . .
- TSBRR makes notifications
- 2 hour call out time
13Levels of Activation
- Alert
- Assessment
- Response
14Integration into the Incident
15Integration into the Incident
- Coordinating with Joint Information Center
- Work closely with Environmental Unit
- Consulting Safety Officer
- Addressing concerns of local community
16Number One IssueHuman Safety
17Field Considerations
- Species at risk
- Deterrent options
- Field operations
18Field Considerations
- Field safety plan
- Retrieval and transport
- Carcasses
Jeff Vendsel
19Wildlife Response Facilities
- Water supply
- Electrical supply
- Lighting
- Controlled access
- Communication
- SPACE!!!!!!
20The Rehabilitation ProcessAddressing Internal
- Medical concerns
- Stabilize
- Rest
21Evidence Collection
John A. Frink
23The Rehabilitation Process Addressing External
24Components of a Successful Cleaning
- Water
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Hardness
- Detergent
- Economical
- Readily available
- People
- 3-4 member teams
25The Rehabilitation ProcessHusbandry
- Waterproof
- Acclimation
- Continuing medical care
26The Rehabilitation ProcessRelease
- Pre-release medical exam
- Consult with UC and agencies
- Banding
- Monitoring
27Oiled Wildlife PreparednessRecent Tri-State
- Training
- Planning
- Exercising
28Recent Tri-State ActivitiesTraining
- Workshops
- New Hampshire Department of Environmental
Services, 2008 - Rhode Island Department of Emergency Management,
2008 - North East Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Conference, RI 2008
29Recent Tri-State ActivitiesPlanning
- Contingency planning
- Wildlife Response Plans
- Drills
- On Scene
- Phone
30Wildlife Non-Perishable Stockpiles
- State of New Hampshire
- State of Maine
- State of Rhode Island
- Bird Emergency Response Trailer
31Recent Tri-State ActivitiesSpills
- Buzzards Bay, MA 2003
- Everett, MA 2006
- Brookline, MA 2008
32Sarah Tegtmeier Senior Coordinator, Oil
Programs 302-737-7241 x 113 stegtmeier_at_tristatebir
d.org 110 Possum Hollow Rd. Newark, DE
19711 USA 24-Hour Emergency Numbers 800-710-0695
800-710-0696 www.tristatebird.org
34(No Transcript)
35Wildlife Response Plan
- Provides guidance
- Assist HOVENSA personnel working with
- Natural resource managers
- Local responders
- Permitted, experienced oiled wildlife responder
- Draft
- Out for review
36Wildlife Response Plan
- Outlines detailed information
- Notification procedures
- Integration into ICS
- Wildlife response facility
- Data / evidence collection
- Rehabilitation elements
37Wildlife Non-Perishable Stockpile
- Goals
- Non-perishable supplies equipment
- Outline perishable items to purchase
- Container
- Secure storage location
- Moveable
38Exercising Plans
- Protection Strategies
- Agency and Industry
- Ruth Cay
- Krauss Lagoon
- Sandy Point NWR
- Drills
- Updating plans
Photo credit Dang