Title: Snorre B: Use of Measurements
1Snorre B Use of Measurements
Snorre reservoir 2,5 km below sealevel
- Snorre B background information
- How we use the data/measurements on Snorre B
- Examples of benefit
4Snorre B
5Snorre B Status
- 7 producers, 4 smart and 3 conventional
completions - 5 injectors, all 5 are smart completions
- Real time data per sleeve PT on annulus and
tubing side, sleeve opening
- 34 sleeves with 5 sensors per sleeve
- 12 wells, but monitoring challenge equal to that
of 37 wells
6Outcrop, Escanilla Fm. Spain
7Snorre B Reservoir Management Challenges
- Several reservoir zones
- varying reservoir quality
- WAG injection
- Production/sweep Optimization
- Early gas, water breakthrough in some layers
Based on SNB experience so far, all future wells
on SNB will have DIACS as primary completion.
8Well D-6H
Isolation packers
SN 5
SN 4
SN 3
SN 2
SN 2
SN 3
SN 4
SN 1
9Slide 1/9
Snorre Production Monitoring DP Technique on D-6
10DT Monitoring
- DT monitoring provides indications of free gas
breakthrough - gas leads to lower specific heat
- higher turbulance
- more temperature loss
- lower pressure loss
- DT response on sleeve level not easy to interpret
11Gas Breakthrough D-4
Free gas breakthrough in sleeve 2.
DT monitoring indicative of changes in reservoir,
and sensitive to gas.
12Zonal Rates Estimation
- Can we estimate individual zone rates given dp
values and total liquid or gas rate in single
phase producers and injectors - External program which modifies rates from each
sink/source term until all pressures and rate
data from tests matched
13Zonal Rates Estimation
14Snorre DIACS Producer Wells Follow-Up
- Production/Injection at well level allocated to
sleeve level based on zonal rates estimation
technique - Sleeve level production allocated to reservoir
level based on Kh product
15Snorre DIACS Injectors follow-up
Imagine the case if only total wellrate was known
..Ignorance is bliss!!
- Voidage is the balance on reservoir volume
(injection, production in Rm3) - On SNB voidage can be done on reservoir level
17Analysis to Action
- Extra 600 Sm3/d in D-4 for 103 days
- Extra 1000 Sm3/d in C-5 and 800 Sm3/d in C-6 for
119 days
- The downhole measurements are key to the advanced
reservoir management on Snorre B - DIACS together with the measurements allow
- Zonal rate estimation
- Voidage follow-up at reservoir level
- Voidage follow-up at reservoir level is the basis
for DIACS sleeve operations and improved recovary
on Snorre B