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3Domestic abuse (as gender-based abuse), can be
perpetrated by partners or ex-partners and can
include physical abuse (assault and physical
attack involving a range of behaviour), sexual
abuse (acts which degrade and humiliate women and
are perpetrated against their will, including
rape) and mental and emotional abuse (such as
threats, verbal abuse, racial abuse, withholding
money and other types of controlling behaviour
such as isolation from family or friends).
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6- In cases of domestic abuse, 91 of those who
experience it - in police recorded incidents -
are female, and 91 of perpetrators are men. - Scottish Executive Website Domestic Abuse- Key
7It is estimated that at least one in five women
will experience domestic abuse at some point in
their lives. Scottish Executive Website
Domestic Abuse Key Facts
8It is difficult to know the number of women that
suffer domestic abuse due to a lack of cases
being reported to the police, however research
shows that the problem is widespread and that the
level of repeat victimisation is high.
9Domestic abuse is just part of the picture of
male violence against women and children which
includes rape and sexual assault, prostitution,
trafficking, forced marriage and child abuse
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11 Domestic Abuse occurs in all social groups and
all ages. Abuse is not the result of
unemployment, alcohol, or mental health. NOR IS
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13 In relationships where there is domestic
violence, children witness about three-quarters
of the abusive incidents. About half the children
in such families have themselves been badly hit
or beaten. Royal College of
Psychiatrists 2004
14The range of common effects of domestic abuse
includes physical injury, poor health and a range
of psychological difficulties. The effects on
children must also be recognised as including a
range of forms of stress or fear, as well as the
additional correlation between domestic abuse and
child sexual abuse.
15Since beginning in 1996 East Fife Womens Aid has
been contacted by 1254 women for refuge,
information, practical help and emotional
support. Since 2000, when EFWA childrens
Service began, approximately 235 children and
young people have been supported.
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17East Fife Womens Aid understands the importance
of being listened to , being believed and not
being judged. East Fife Womens Aid has a
philosophy of empowerment and promoting
independence rather than dependence.
18 East Fife Womens Aid Supporting Women, Children
and Young people since 1996 Free and
Confidential Find us at 8 Lady Wynd Cupar KY15
4DE Or on 01334 657460 (business) 01334 657537