Title: WirelessMAN UK Position BWA 11GHz
1WirelessMANUK Position BWA gt11GHz
Andy Gowanson behalf of Stephen TalbotPrincipal
EngineerBroadband Fixed Wireless Access28 40
GHzUK Radiocommunications Agency
2Broadband FWA gt 11GHz
- 26 GHz
- Not available - Used for Mobile Infrastructure
- Point to Point links only
- 28 GHz (UKs 26 GHz Band)
- 2nd Award just closed (Oct 14th, 2002)
- Spectrum block, area assigned
- 16 of the 42 Licenses Awarded
- 32 GHz (31.8 - 33.4 GHz)
- Top third for P-P links, assigned by RA
- Decision pending on remaining two thirds
3Broadband FWA gt 11GHz
- 38 GHz
- Point to Point links, RA assigned
- Any service delivery, backhaul or access
- Some used for BWA delivery
- Assigned on a per link basis by RA
- 58 GHz
- 57.1 - 58.9 GHz
- Point to Point links, licence exempt
- Licence exemption order 12th February 2003
4Spectrum Detail 28 GHz
- 28 GHz (UK/CEPT)
- 28.0525 - 28.4445 29.0606 - 29.4525 GHz
- Drawn from CEPT decision ECC/DEC(00)09
- Aligned through CEPT, 17 States YES
- UK 3 licences in 14 Regions (2 x 112 MHz each)
- 28 GHz (US)
- 27.5-28.35 GHz paired with
- 29.1-29.25 GHz, 31.075-31.225 GHz
- US and UK/CEPT allocations do not align
- Teledesic band overlaps UK/CEPT plan
5Spectrum Detail 28 GHz
- Architecture
- Technology neutral
- FDD or TDD
- Point to Point, P-MP and Mesh
- Service delivery
- Originally only Access, no 3rd party backhaul
- Licence changes recently, to allow backhaul
- Spectrum Trading
- 28 GHz licensees maybe one of first
- First stages of trading 2004, much work to
6(No Transcript)
7Licence Detail 28 GHz
Auction Reserve Prices 2,000,000 Region
D Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Berks and Oxon - 3
available Region E Essex, Herts and Bucks - 3
available Region F Suffolk, Norfolk, Beds, Cambs
and Northants - 3 available Region G Derbyshire,
Lincolnshire (part), Leics, Notts, and Rutland -
3 available Region H Kent, Surrey, East and West
Sussex - 3 available Region I Yorkshire and
North and North-East Lincolnshire - 1
available 1,000,000 Region J Cumbria,
Lancashire and NE England - 2 available Region
K Wiltshire and Gloucestershire and SW England -
3 available Region L Scotland - 2
available Region M Wales - 3
available 100,000 Region N Northern
Ireland - 1 available
828 GHz Consultation on Next Steps
- Remaining licence packages (26 of 42)
- Smaller areas, on UK Counties, Operator defines
area and Individual planning and licensing of
base stations? - Industry Views so far
- Retain technology neutrality
- Retain, inter-operator co-operation
- Reserve prices?
- consultation closes 21st March
- Next award towards Q3 of 2003
9Spectrum Detail 28 GHz
10Spectrum Detail 42 GHz
- 42 GHz (40.5 - 43.5 GHz)
- Originally Broadcasting - MVDS
- Originally Extension for Cable operators
- Originally One way, analogue limited digital
- Changes In Focus
- Data Access - Two-Way
- Internet, Data, Video on Demand?
- All 3GHz up for grabs
- Award plans being formed over next 18 months
11Spectrum Detail 42 GHz
- Considerations for award
- CEPT ECC/DEC(99)15 - MWS Defined
- CEPT ECC/REC(01)04 - Allocation Style
- CEPT ECC/DEC(02)04 - FSS Terminals
- EU Licensing Directive Fair and Open
- Technology Neutral
- Larger market for Vendors and Operators
- RA committed to all factors
12UK Position on 40.5 - 43.5 GHzThe History
- 2002
- Discussions with industry initiated by the RA,
regarding the use of 40.5 - 43.5 GHz
13UK Discussions - 42 GHz
- Industry invited to Give view
- Potential Operators
- Vendors
- Content Providers
- Current 28 GHz licensees
- Questions Asked
- What is your interests in BFWA at 42 GHz?
- Equipment costs and availability?
- Licensing arrangements?
- License conditions?
14Industry Told Us
- Licenses
- Should be for 15 - 20 years
- Renewable and payable by instalments
- Be a mix of National and Regional
- No restrictions on traffic carried (backhaul)
- Pioneer licenses?
- Technology
- All types allowed
- None to be proscribed
15Industry Told Us
- Spectrum
- Packages 250MHz minimum(500MHz ideal)
- Some support for contiguous blocks(TDD vendors)
- No coverage obligationsbut
- Safeguards against Spectrum Hoarding
- Services
- Bundled services, to maximise revenue
16Industry Told Us
- Market
- SMEs and Medium size businesses, first
- Then, in time, residential but this is key
- Time-scales
- Some (not all) felt too early for award
- Market not ready for more spectrum
- Consultation should be published in 2003
- Agency then to publish time-table
- Market then ready, around 2005
17IEEE 802 view ?
18Spectrum Issues at 42 GHz
- Global Considerations
- CEPT/European position clear for band
- World Radio Conference 2003 (June)
- US proposal for 40 - 42 GHzGlobal Satellite
HDFSSONLY?HDFSS High Density Fixed Satellite
Service - Radio Astronomy Service
- UK has strong interest
- Two UK RAS sites require protection
- Two ITU-Recommendations (UK inputs)considered by
RAS ITU-R Study Groups
19Spectrum Allocations - UK
- Professor CaveIndependent Spectrum Review 2002
- Auctions encouraged
- Spectrum Trading
- No roll out obligations, No service restrictions
- Technology Neutral
- Competition Issues - Monitored
- RA agreed with majority of recommendations
20Further questions on 28/42GHz in the UK
.gov.uk/Thank you for your timeDocs from
http//www.ero.dkSections Decisions