Title: Lesson 5 Online Marketing Amazon Associates Program
1Lesson 5 Online Marketing Amazon Associates
- Dr. Ann Becker
- Florida Tech
- Amazon.com offers an affiliate program from which
you can generate income. - The program is
- Free to join
- Lets you display products on your blog
- Offers you a commission when people click on a
product link and buy from Amazon.com. - You need to sign up for an account on Amazons
Web site. - Your blog needs to already exist.
- You complete an application with name, email,
bank account, and address. - Once you are approved, then you can put links on
your blog.
3The link for an Associate is at the bottom of the
Amazon.com Web site. This link is used to become
an Associate and to monitor your online marketing
4The Join Associates page provides an overview of
how the marketing affiliation works. There is
more information available in the Explore
Associates Nav bar on the left side of the screen.
5The Apply Now feature establishes an account with
6The Finish button sets up the associates account.
7There are several fee structure options
available. The Performance Fee Structure is the
default. This feature provides for increased
income based on increased sales. The Classic Fee
Structure is fixed at 4.
8- Announcements is the main page after sign in.
- The page links to tools and other resources.
- The box on the right highlights earnings and
order information. - - New announcements are posted about sales
9The report feature is quite sophisticated. It
provides information about sales from each type
of link or widget on the associates Web page.
10The Link-Type Report provides detailed
information that can be used to revise a
marketing strategy. The click-through rate shows
how many individuals have clicked on an ad. The
conversion rate shows how many individuals placed
an order after the click-through.
11The Daily Trends report shows more information
about site visits. It shows unique visitors
viewing the associates site. It also provides
information on conversion rates.
12The Build Links/Widgets feature offers a wide
variety of marketing options. The Add to Your
Web Page starts the process of linking an
associates page to the Amazon Web site.
13The Product Cloud Widget is selected to be
displayed on the associate Web page. The Content
and Layout and Color and Design components are
used to design the widget. The Preview screen
shows design changes as they are made.
14The width and height have been modified and the
color scheme changed to rose.
15The widget can be modified repeatedly. The Add
to my Web Page button is clicked to initiate
object placement on the associates Web page.
16The widget is added to a Blogger.com Web page.
The associate logs into Blogger.com through the
Google interface.
17The associates blog is selected from the list.
The Add Widget places the object on the blog
template for design changes.
18The blog template is displayed to allow
customization of the widget design layout. The
Product Cloud widget is displayed along with
other widgets.
19The associates page can be previewed. Notice on
this page that the widget has not been properly
20The widget can be dragged to a different
location. The widget still doesnt fit. The Get
Widget button is clicked to edit the widget. The
Amazon Widget page is displayed.
21The widget is resized and the color scheme
22The design must be saved to be displayed on the
blog. The Add to my Web Page button is clicked to
initiate placement on the associates Web page.
23The widget design is acceptable for placement in
the left nav bar.
24The Edit button on the widget displays the script
25Any changes to the script must be saved. The
widget may also be deleted by clicking the Remove
Page Element button.
26The Product Cloud is deleted. The Deals widget
is still displayed on the associates blog.
27These are some examples of Amazon links that can
be displayed on the associates Web page.
28The associates widgets are made accessible by
clicking on My Widgets. In this example, there
are three widgets that can be edited, renamed,
deleted, or duplicated.
29The Slideshow Widget page is displayed after
clicking edit. The current list of items in the
slideshow are displayed.
30The slideshow can be made up of one or more
categories from which items are selected.
31A description can be added to the category (e.g.,
iphone) to display product options.
32Two product options are found that are related to
the search criterion.
33The LG Venus Black Phone has been added to the
slideshow for presentation on the blog. Comments
can be added to supplement the image and link.
34The slideshow can be customized using Content and
Layout and Color and Design components. Each of
the products is shown in the slideshow, as
displayed in the Preview box.
35The Widget is added to the associates blog. Add
to Blogger is selected from the list of Web sites.
36The associates blog is selected from the list.
The title of the widget is entered. The default
title for this example is Slideshow.
37The Widget is displayed at the top of the left
nav bar. It can be dragged to a different
location on the template.
38The slideshow doesnt fit in the nav bar space.
It is dragged to the bottom of the screen.
39The Preview feature on the blog template displays
the page as seen by a user. The slideshow
scrolls through the list of items that were
previously selected as part of the Widget.