Title: MMECC
Criminal Justice System Costs Debora Moolenaar -
Milan, 5th December 2008
MMECC is funded by the European Commission under
the Sixth Framework Programme
2Goal CJS Costs per offence
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
3Purpose Preferred Method
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
- Annual costs
- Top-down approach
- Prevalence costs
- Total expenses/budget
- Cost effectiveness/benefit analysis
- Bottom-up approach
- Incidence costs
- Small effects marginal costs per product
- Large effects price per product
4Top-down ? Bottom-up
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Crime type 1
Cost product 1
Crime type 2
Total costs
Cost share
Crime type 1
Cost product 2
Crime type 2
Crime type 1
Cost product 1
Crime type 2
Price x volume
Total costs
Crime type 1
Cost product 2
Crime type 2
5Incidence ? Prevalence
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
- Incidence costs
- Total costs of all incidents in one particular
period - Prevalence costs
- Periodical costs of all incidents
6Required Data
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
- Volumes of all products by crime type
- Costs
- Total costs (top-down)
- Price per product (bottom-up)
- Marginal costs per product (bottom-up)
- Weights, indicating the difference in workload
and/or capital investments between the identified
products by crime type - Discount rate
- Volumes of actual crime (and not just recorded
crime!) by crime type - Deflator
7Data Sources
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
- Volumes of all products
- CJS organisation
- European Sourcebook
- National Statistical Office
- Eurostat
- Costs
- Government budget
- CJS organisation
- Weights
- CJS organisation
- Literature on other countries
- Discount rate
- Ministry of Finance
- Central Bank
- Volumes of actual crime
- (Inter)national Victim Surveys
- National Statistical Office
- Deflator
8Example 1 Bottom-up
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
First level court cases in the Netherlands Aggreva
ted theft and handling stolen goods
9Example 2 Top-Down
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Third level court cases in the Netherlands Aggreva
ted theft and handling stolen goods
10Example 3 Transferibility (1)
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Police time in Sweden
11Example 3 Transferibility (2)
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Police in the Netherlands criminal damage
12Example 4 Incidence ? Prevalence
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Prisons in the Netherlands Robbery
13Example 5 Calculating cost shares
Goal CJS Costs per offence Purpose Preferred
Method Top-down ? Bottom-up Incidence ?
Prevalence Required Data Data
Sources Examples
Prosecution in the Netherlands