Title: Basics of the Cosmic Microwave Background
1Basics of the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Eiichiro Komatsu (UT Austin)
- Lecture at Max Planck Institute
- August 14, 2007
2Night Sky in Optical (0.5nm)
3Night Sky in Microwave (1mm)
4A. Penzias R. Wilson, 1965
5R. Dicke and J. Peebles, 1965
6P. Roll and D. Wilkinson, 1966
D.Wilkinson The Father of CMB Experiment
7David Wilkinson (19352002)
- Science Team Meeting, July, 2002
Plotted the second point (3.2cm) on the CMB
spectrum The first confirmation of a black-body
spectrum (1966) Made COBE and MAP happen and be
successful The Father of CMB Experiment MAP has
become WMAP in 2003
8COBE/DMR, 1992
- Isotropic?
- CMB is anisotropic! (at the 1/100,000 level)
9(No Transcript)
COBE 1989
Press Release from the Nobel Foundation
COBEs measurements also marked the inception
of cosmology as a precise science. It was not
long before it was followed up, for instance by
the WMAP satellite, which yielded even clearer
images of the background radiation.
WMAP 2001
11CMB The Most Distant Light
CMB was emitted when the Universe was only
380,000 years old. WMAP has measured the distance
to this epoch. From (time)(distance)/c we
obtained 13.73 ? 0.16 billion years.
12WMAP 3-yr Power Spectrum
13What Temperature Tells Us
Distance to z1100
Baryon-to-Photon Ratio
Dark Energy/ New Physics?
Matter-Radiation Equality Epoch
14CMB to Cosmology
Low Multipoles (ISW)
Baryon/Photon Density Ratio
Constraints on Inflation Models
15Determining Baryon Density
16Determining Dark Matter Density
17Measuring Geometry
18Power Spectrum
Scalar T
Scalar E
Tensor E
Tensor B
19Jargon E-mode and B-mode
Seljak Zaldarriaga (1997) Kamionkowski,
Kosowsky, Stebbins (1997)
- Polarization is a rank-2 tensor field.
- One can decompose it into a divergence-like
E-mode and a vorticity-like B-mode.
20Primordial Gravity Waves
- Gravity waves create quadrupolar temperature
anisotropy -gt Polarization - Directly generate polarization without kV.
- Most importantly, GW creates B mode.
21Polarization From Reionization
- CMB was emitted at z1088.
- Some fraction of CMB was re-scattered in a
reionized universe. - The reionization redshift of 11 would correspond
to 365 million years after the Big-Bang.
z1088, t1
First-star formation
z11, t0.1
22Measuring Optical Depth
- Since polarization is generated by scattering,
the amplitude is given by the number of
scattering, or optical depth of Thomson
scattering - which is related to the electron column number
density as
23Polarization from Reioniazation
24WMAP Results
25Parameter Determination First Year vs Three
- The simplest LCDM model fits the data very well.
- A power-law primordial power spectrum
- Three relativistic neutrino species
- Flat universe with cosmological constant
- The maximum likelihood values very consistent
- Matter density and sigma8 went down slightly
26Constraints on GW
- Our ability to constrain the amplitude of gravity
waves is still coming mostly from the temperature
spectrum. - rlt0.55 (95)
- The B-mode spectrum adds very little.
- WMAP would have to integrate for at least 15
years to detect the B-mode spectrum from
27What Should WMAP Say About Inflation Models?
Hint for nslt1 Zero GW The 1-d marginalized
constraint from WMAP alone is ns0.95-0.02.
GWgt0 The 2-d joint constraint still allows for
ns1 (HZ).
28What Should WMAP Say About Flatness?
Flatness, or very low Hubbles constant? If
H30km/s/Mpc, a closed universe with Omega1.3
w/o cosmological constant still fits the WMAP
29What Should WMAP Say About Dark Energy?
Not much! The CMB data alone cannot constrain w
very well. Combining the large-scale structure
data or supernova data breaks degeneracy between
w and matter density.
30What Should WMAP Say About Neutrino Mass?
WMAP alone (95) - Total mass lt 2eV WMAPSDSS
(95) - Total mass lt 0.9eV WMAPall (95) -
Total mass lt 0.7eV