Title: Chicken Pox
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2Chicken Pox (Varicella-Zoster)
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4Did You Know That .. .
Scary Isnt It.. .
5 Classification
Chicken Pox is a part of the Herpes Virus
family caused by the Varicella- Zoster virus.
6Structure and Size
The virus has an envelope which is slightly able
to assume different forms. It is spherical and is
between 120-200 (nm) nanometers in diameter. The
surface of the envelope appears rough and has
small spikes. This is spread evenly throughout
the surface.
7Life Cycle
The virus lasts for about 3-5 days. A person
usually only has one attack of Chicken Pox in
his/her lifetime. The virus that causes the
disease can stay dormant in the body and can
cause a different type of skin eruption, called
Common Hosts
8Effects On Hosts
The disease is a blister like rash on the
surface of the skin. There about 1/5 inch to 2/5
of an inch wide. It has a reddish base and
appears in crops over a 2-4 day period.
Afterwards, the blisters itch and break, to
become scabs.