Title: Pauli and the Elements
1Lecture 17
2Periodic Table by Mendeleev
Properties of the elements repeat periodically
as the atomic number is increased, but why?
3Zeeman Effect (1894)
- Spectral lines are split in a magnetic field
(e.g., in a sunspot) - Could be explained in terms of angular momentum
of electron around the nucleus - This is related to the existence of the quantum
numberm. Recall when l 1, m can take the
values -1, 0, 1
4Anomalous Zeeman Effect (1897)
- Too many lines were observed in some cases
- Explanation by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck electron
is also spinning on its axis
5Stern-Gerlach Experiment (1922)
- A beam of silver atoms split into two directions
when passed through a magnetic field - Shows that electrons can spin in only two
directions in space (since silver is made up of
an odd number of electrons)
6What We Know About Electron Spin Today
- Can only spin in two directions either spin
up or spin down - Spin quantum number takes value 1/2
- Takes a rotation of 720 to complete one round!
7Bosons and Fermions
- Bosons are particles with integer spins
- e.g., photons (spin 1)
- Fermions are particles with half-integer spins
- e.g., electrons, protons, neutrons, neutrinos ...
- Ordinary matter are made out of fermions, while
radiation is made out of bosons
8The Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP)
- Two or more fermions cannot be in the same
quantum state (i.e., have the same quantum
numbers) - Does not apply to bosons
Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958)
9The Difference Between Bosons and Fermions
10Consequences of the PEP
- Existence of atoms and molecules
- Existence of white dwarfs and neutron stars
It is the fact that electrons cannot all get
on top of each other that makes tables and
everything else solid. Richard
11Quantum Numbers of an electron in an atom
12Energy Levels of an Atom
13Hydrogen Atom
14Hydrogen Atom (contd)
- Electron can either be spin up or down
- Two hydrogen atoms can combine to give a hydrogen
molecule H2 the two electrons have opposite
spins - By PEP, three hydrogen atoms cannotcombine
together to give H3
15Hydrogen Molecule Orbital Diagram
16Helium Atom
- The two electrons fill the 1s state, with
opposite spins - By PEP, there is no more room for other
electrons in the 1s state forms a closed shell - Makes helium chemically inert
- Similar situation for the other inert noble gases
17Lithium Atom
- First two electrons fill the 1s state, and form
a closed shell - Third electron must go to the next level 2s
- Thus, similar chemical properties as hydrogen
18Oxygen Atom (Z8)
- 1s and 2s shells are closed four remaining
electrons in 2p state - There is room for two more electrons in 2p state,
e.g., from two hydrogen atoms - That is why we have water H2O
19Water Molecule Orbital Diagram
Hydrogen atoms join up with the 2px and 2py states
20Sodium Atoms Orbital Diagram
- A sodium atom in the groundstate has a partially
filled 3s state and an empty 3p state - A collection of sodium atomswould have
overlapping 3p states - Electrons in the 3s state canjump to the 3p
state andhence move between atoms
21Band Theory QM explains properties of
conductors, semiconductors and insulators
22Band Theory (contd)
- In a metal, there are many unfilled energy
levels in the valence band (c.f. partially full
LT). Electrons can easily move between the
valence and conduction bands - In a semiconductor, the valence band is full
(c.f. completely full LT). Only a few electrons
can jump to the conduction band - In an insulator, the energy gap between the bands
is too large for electrons to jump the gap