Title: Quantum Electronics in Semiconductors
1Quantum Electronics in Semiconductors
Dr C. H. W. Barnes
Mott Seminar Room Monday 12.00pm Friday
9.00am E-mail chwb101_at_cam.ac.uk
2Phys.Rev.Lett 91 226804-1 (2003).
3GaAs Crystal Structure
Face-centred cubic lattice.
GaAs -- Zincblend lattice structure a
4Si qbit
E. G. Emiroglu, D. G. Hasko and D. A. Williams.
Phys. Rev. Lett
5Si Crystal Structure
Face-centred cubic lattice.
Si -- diamond lattice structure a 5.4Angstrom
6Hamiltonian - Blochs Theorem
The crystals symmetry causes its Hamiltonian to
be invariant under real-space transformations
H(r )H( r R(i,j,k))
This in turn results in the invariance of the
wavefunctions and eigenenergies under Reciprocal
lattice transformations k -gt kG
Fn,k(r) Fn,kG (r)
En,k En,k G(k,l,m)
7Reciprocal lattice of a face-centred cubic lattice
Brillouin boundaries for a face-centred cubic
Body-centred cubic lattice.
Fn,k(r) Fn,kG (r)
En,k En,k G(k,l,m)
8Band structure of Si and GaAs
Fn,k(r) Fn,kG (r)
En,k En,k G(k,l,m)
9Fermi surfaces of conduction electrons in Si and
10Free-electron-like behaviour
11Dopants in Si and GaAs
12Band engineering
1. Modification of the chemical potential and
carrier density of a semiconductor. 2. Band
bending with unbalanced charge.
13Modification of carrier density and chemical
14Modification of carrier density and chemical
Charge neutrality
Occupied impurity sites
Occupied conduction and valance-band states
15Modification of carrier density and chemical
p - type
n - type
16Band bending with unbalanced charge
Poissons eqn.
17Band bending with unbalanced charge
EC -ef
18Example the n p junction
The n-p junction
19Example the n p junction
20The general case
Poissons equation
Semiconductor properties
21The Si metal-oxide-semiconductor junction
22The Si metal-oxide-semiconductor junction
23The Si metal-oxide-semiconductor junction
24The Si metal-oxide-semiconductor junction
25The Si metal-oxide-semiconductor junction
26GaAs AlGaAs heterostructure
27Modulation doping
29Two-dimensional electron systems in GaAs-AlGaAs
GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure
CB edge
VB edge
Conduction band edge after equilibration
CB edge
30The two-dimensional electron system
31The capacitor model
32The capacitor model
33The capacitor model
34The capacitor model
35Bi-layer heterostructures
36Carrier density dependence on gate voltage
37Carrier density dependence on gate voltage
38Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
39Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
Landau Gauge
40Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
41Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
42Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
43Magneto-tunnelling spectroscopy
44Weak tunnelling
45Weak tunnelling
46Phys.Rev.Lett 91 226804-1 (2003).
The free-electron gas Si and GaAs crystal
properties and band structure. Effective-mass
theory. Doping. Band engineering The
creation of three-dimensional, two-dimensional
and multi-layer electron gases in semiconductor
materials. Semi-classical electron transport
A semi-classical approach to understanding the
effect of Fermi statistics and impurity
scattering on the transport properties of a
two-dimensional electron gas.
48 Particle-like motion of electrons The
observation of particle-like motion of electrons
in clean two-dimensional electron systems. The
Ohmic contact, the point source, cyclotron
motion, collimation, skipping orbits, chaotic
motion, classical refraction, the ballistic
lens. The quantum Hall and Shubnikov de Haas
effects The predictions of semi-classical
transport theory for finite magnetic field and
their breakdown at high field. Eigenstates in
a magnetic field, disorder effects, screening
effects, and the quantum Hall and Shubnikov de
Haas effects.
49Quantum transport in one dimension the
one-dimensional electron gas.
Magnetotunnelling as a means to observe the
eigenstates of these systems. The effective
potential, density of states, quantum capacitance
and conductance of one-dimensional systems.
The Landauer quantum transport
formalism. General quantum transport theory
one-dimensional electron systems in finite
perpendicular magnetic field. The multi-probe
Landauer-Büttiker formalism, edge states and
disorder, the quantum Hall effect and edge-state
50Quasi-particles Landaus theory of
quasi-particles. Experimental proof of the
existence of quasi-particles in strongly
interacting systems. The formation of novel
quasi-particles at high magnetic field, the
composite-fermion picture of the fractional
quantum Hall effect, the composite-fermion
edge-state model. The Luttinger
liquid. Quantum dots and artificial atoms
Zero-dimensional electron systems. Eigenenergie
s and eigenstates. Single-particle conductance,
classical Coulomb blockade, quantum Coulomb
blockade, quantum dots as artificial atoms, the
Kondo effect, the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
51Semiconductor Quantum Computation Electrons and
quasi-electrons in quantum dots as qubits, The
DiVincenzo criteria. State preparation,
manipulation, entanglement and measurement.
Experiments that show Rabi oscillations and
single-spin detection in quantum dots.
52The Free-Electron Gas
Si and GaAs crystal properties. Effective-mass
theory. Doping. Band engineering The Si
metal-oxide-semicondutor junction. The
GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure. Bi-layer
53Blochs Theorem
The crystal symmetry in a lattice
r r R(i,j,k)
causes Schrodingers equation to have solutions
of the form
F(r) U(r) .exp(i k.r)
where U is a periodic function in r and k is a
wave vector with the symmetry of the reciprocal
k k G(k,l,m)