Title: Capenhurst
1Capenhurst Progress Future Opportunities
- Introduction to Capenhurst
- Vision, aspirations and our approach
- Highlight the background to Capenhurst
- Describe our history
- Site Programme
- Current scope
- The opportunities open to the site
- Site wide achievements
- Lifetime Plan
- Summary of LTP
- Performance forecast 08/09
- Procurement Activity
- Update on previously communicated procurements
- Overview of future opportunities
- 1 2 years
- 3 5 years
- Summary Questions
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
3(No Transcript)
4Our Approach
- People
- Proud to put Safety 1st
- Experienced, committed, enthusiastic workforce
- A place where people love to work
- Partnering
- Excellent stakeholder relations
- Best-value engagement of supply chain
- Culture of workforce-led innovation Workout
- Performance
- Track record of delivery of operations and
accelerated hazard reduction - Well located, flexible asset base
- A vision for the future Opportunities
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
5Capenhurst overview
- DVD (12 mins)
- Highlight the background to Capenhurst
- Describe our history
- Put in to context our future vision and
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
- Clean-up of diffusion plant and associated
facilities - Scope is 95 complete remaining work is on
waste disposals and residue transfers - Next 12 months will see all waste consignments
(LLWR and Clifton Marsh) completed - Residue recovery work remains last significant
element. Interface between National Nuclear
Laboratory (NNL) and Springields Fuels Ltd (SFL)
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
7Uranic storage
- Refurbishment and reuse of the 50-year-old
diffusion plant structure for the UKs long term
uranic storage facility - 60,000 m2 floor area
- 9,500 uranium hexafluoride cylinders refurbished
and transferred to internal storage, 1,450
external storage - 45,000 drums of Magnox depleted uranium stored
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
8Site services
- Transition of multiple individual facilities
management contracts to a single over-arching
facilities management contract - Carry out all scheduled and statutory maintenance
for the site - Mechanical
- Electrical and instrument
- Civil
- Engineering support for Project Delivery Group
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
- Cylinder handling facility (CHF)
- Characterisation and transfer of UF6 into
transportable containers. - Opens opportunity for a make/buy decision
- Commitment to reduce hazard starting 2020.
Scheduled on line in 2017. - Cost c75m (feasibility stage /-50)
- Export Capability Project (ECP)
- Capability to import/export and move around site
UF6 and MDU material. - Meets stakeholder expectation to remove the need
for road transportation. - Cost c10m (feasibility stage /-50)
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
10Potential opportunities
- Low Level Waste (LLW)
- Achieve size reduction on raw LLW prior to
disposal elsewhere. - Landfill space savings, packing efficiencies and
disposal cost saving. - Waiting LLW strategy decision from NDA April 2010
- Cost c20m (feasibility stage /-50)
- Uranics Management
- Potential storage of uranic material in site for
third parties.
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
11Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
12Our successes this year
- Safety 1st programme
- 1280 days without an LTA on site
- Scope delivery forecast for 2008/09 100
completion - Cost efficiency savings 3m forecast for
2008/09 against an NDA target of 1.7m - Acceleration of the South Cable Bridge demolition
project - Acceleration of the I Bay waste materials being
transferred to Clifton Marsh.
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
13Lifetime Plan
The graph demonstrates the spend profile of the
site for the current year and two subsequent
years. It also demonstrates the savings target in
line with NDA guidelines
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
14Commercial Performance forecast 08/09
- CPI 1.18 SPI 1.00
- 100 Site Specific PBIs achieved
- gt3.0M trended efficiency
- Procurement savings in excess of 2m projected
- Competition gt 93
- Increased consolidation
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
15Procurement Plan 07/08 Update Pg 1
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
16Procurement Plan 07/08 Update Pg 2
In summary to date we have let 70 of the
procurements detailed in the April Supplier Forum.
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
17Procurement Plan 08/09 Pg 1
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
18Procurement Plan 08/09 Pg 2
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
19Procurement Plan 08/09 Pg 3
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
20Procurement Plan 08/09 Pg 4
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
21Procurement Plan 08/09 Pg 5
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
22Procurement Key Contacts
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
23In Summary
- Capenhurst site, although one of the smaller
sites in the NDA portfolio has - A new vision for the future of the site, its
people and its stakeholders - A reputation for success (scope, schedule cost)
- First site to complete decommissioning
- World class safety performance
- Competition 93
- Introduction of new suppliers onto site this
financial year - Opportunities for future growth and shared
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business
Maximising Assets, Growing our Business