Title: An IsabelleHOL Framework for Proof Carrying Code
1An Isabelle/HOL Frameworkfor Proof Carrying Code
- Martin Wildmoser
- 16.4.2003
- Proof Carrying Code (PCC)
- PCC Framework
- Live Demo
- Conclusion
- Problem Untrusted Code
- Solution Certification
A Proof Carrying Code (PCC) system checks and
assists the construction of certificates (proofs)
that guarantee a program's safety at runtime.
4Proof Carrying Code Overview
serves as certificate
- receives a program and a proof object
- generates vc
- checks whether the
- proof fits vc.
- produces annotated programs
- generates verification condition (vc)
- proves vc
5Common factors in PCC Systems
- A PCC System depends on
- The Programming Language(syntax and semantics of
annotated programs) - The Safety Policy(conditions programs must
satisfy) - The Safety Logic(formal notation and derivation
calculus for formulas characterising machine
6A Framework for PCC
- takes Programming Language, Safety Policy and
Safety Logic as parameters. - provides skeletons for PCC components
- states assumptions that guarantee soundness.
7Our PCC Framework ...
requires a Safety Policy in form of a predicate
on states
declares functions and states assumptions for a
Safety Logic.
declares functions for an Interpreter
defines and verifies a verification condition
8Interpreter Framework
- interprets programs as state machines (I,S,T).
- I predicate describing initial states
- S predicate describing safe states
- T small step execution relation
9Safety of Programs
Started on a safe initial state a safe state
machine only reaches safe states.
A program is safe iff its state machine is safe.
A PCC system helps answering and checks the
answer for this question
10Example MicroAssembler (MA)
Syntax of MA programs.
A program that eventually sets X to the maximum
of X and Y.
11MA Semantics and Safety Policy
All initial values are bounded by the maximum
value MX.
Safety Policy The INC instruction at position 1
in our example program must not overflow.
The execution relation for our example program
12Safety Logic Framework
- A Safety Logic needs ...
- constants for truth values
- conjunction and implication
- judgements for provability and validity of
If a Safety Logic provides these functions and
satisfies these assumptions we can guarantee
soundness later on.
13Example MA Safety Logic
We instantiate Isabelle/HOL as a Safety Logic for
expresses that s lies on a trace of length n
starting at some initial state s0 and all
states on this trace satisfy the precondition
preF prg(which we define later on)
14VC Generator Framework
- The Verification Condition Generator (VCG) ...
- takes an annotated program as input
- returns a Safety Logic formula as verification
Soundness Theorem for the VCG
expresses that each loop in prg has at least
oneannotated position
15VCG Framework (2)
- The VCG ...
- views programs as directed graphs (positions,
edges to successors) - expects annotations at each exit position and
once per loop. - respects branch conditions, which specify what
successors are accessible from a particular
our exampleprogram in anabstract view
edges branch conditions
16VCG Framework (3)
- For the verification condition we need
- Annotations anF
- Safety Policy appF (appI encoded as SL formula)
- Weakest Precondition Operator wpF (semantics
encoded as SL formula)
Annotations of our example program.
Overflow Safety as a Safety Logic formula..
To express the effect of a program prg at a
position pc with successor pc in the Safety
Logic, we have to construct a (weakest)
wpF prg pc pc Q , which
post condition Q at pc.
17VCG Assumptions
- To guarantee soundness our VCG assumes
- succsF returns all successor positions that
are accessible at runtime - A provable formula holds for any state on trace
of safe states. - the logical Safety Policy appF implies the
dynamic one appI. - the wpF Operator computes the a valid
18Constructing Preconditions
At least one position in each loop must be
annotated in order to guarantee termination of
preF. The partialAnnotationConstraints express
this condition formally.
19Example Constructed Preconditions
Here are the constructed preconditions for
positions 0 and 2 of our example program.
20 Constructed Preconditions (2)
This is the preconditon for position 1 in our
example program.
21 Verification Condition Generation
VC For every annotated position the pre- and
branch condition must imply the precondition for
each successor after executing the current
22Example Verification Condition
The VC Pattern for our example program.
In the real VC the branch conditionsand the
terms for wpF and preF would be expanded.
In this demo we will ...
- write a MA program in Isabelle
- generate code for the vcg
- compute the vc for the example
- verify the vc
- check the vc against its proof object
- Features of our PCC Framework
- Programming Language, Safety Policy and Safety
Logic as parameters. - Executable VCG (generated from Isabelle)
- Machine Checked VCG
26Summary (2)
- Problems and their reasons
- Huge verification conditionsReasons - missing
annotations (-gt more paths) - - delay of simplifications
due to shallow embedding
(structure of HOL formulas
cannot be exploited) - Huge proof objectsReasons - Huge verification
conditions - unnecessary
simplifications - Problems in Code GenerationReason Shallow
Embedding complicates distinction
between HOL and Safety Logic.Solution Use
quotations and antiquotations (term, toterm)
27Future Work
- Increasingly powerful platforms
- - procedures (done by now)
- - computed jumps (idea interval types)
- - real world machine (DLX, x86, Java Bytecode,
.net) - Compression of verification conditions.
(Sharing?) - Assist the code producer
- - Automatic annotations (as compiler output)
- - Automatic proofs for Runtime and Space