Title: Introduction%20to%20Heegaard%20Floer%20Homology
1Introduction to Heegaard Floer Homology
- Eaman Eftekhary
- Harvard University
2General Construction
- Suppose that Y is a compact oriented
three-manifold equipped with a self-indexing
Morse function with a unique minimum, a unique
maximum, g critical points of index 1 and g
critical points of index 2.
3General Construction
- Suppose that Y is a compact oriented
three-manifold equipped with a self-indexing
Morse function h with a unique minimum, a unique
maximum, g critical points of index 1 and g
critical points of index 2. - The pre-image of 1.5 under h will be a surface of
genus g which we denote by S.
5Index 3 critical point
Index 0 critical point
6Index 3 critical point
Each critical point of Index 1 or 2
will determine a curve on S
Index 0 critical point
7Heegaard diagrams for three-manifolds
- Each critical point of index 1 or 2 determines a
simple closed curve on the surface S. Denote the
curves corresponding to the index 1 critical
points by ?i, i1,,g and denote the curves
corresponding to the index 2 critical points by
?i, i1,,g.
8Heegaard diagrams for three-manifolds
- Each critical point of index 1 or 2 determines a
simple closed curve on the surface S. Denote the
curves corresponding to the index 1 critical
points by ?i, i1,,g and denote the curves
corresponding to the index 2 critical points by
?i, i1,,g. - The curves ?i, i1,,g are (homologically)
linearly independent. The same is true for ?i,
9- We add a marked point z to the diagram, placed in
the complement of these curves. Think of it as a
flow line for the Morse function h, which
connects the index 3 critical point to the index
0 critical point. -
10The marked point z determines a flow
line connecting index-0 critical point to the
index-3 critical point
11- We add a marked point z to the diagram, placed in
the complement of these curves. Think of it as a
flow line for the Morse function h, which
connects the index 3 critical point to the index
0 critical point. - The set of data
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z)
- is called a pointed Heegaard diagram for the
three-manifold Y.
12- We add a marked point z to the diagram, placed in
the complement of these curves. Think of it as a
flow line for the Morse function h, which
connects the index 3 critical point to the index
0 critical point. - The set of data
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z)
- is called a pointed Heegaard diagram for the
three-manifold Y. - H uniquely determines the three-manifold Y but
not vice-versa
13A Heegaard Diagram for S1?S2
Green curves are ??curves and the red ones
are ???curves
14A different way of presenting this Heegaard
Each pair of circles of the same color
determines a handle
15A different way of presenting this Heegaard
These arcs are completed to closed curves using
the handles
16Knots in three-dimensional manifolds
- Any map embedding S1 in a three-manifold Y
determines a homology class ??H1(Y,Z).
17Knots in three-dimensional manifolds
- Any map embedding S1 to a three-manifold Y
determines a homology class ??H1(Y,Z). - Any such map which represents the trivial
homology class is called a knot.
18Knots in three-dimensional manifolds
- Any map embedding S1 to a three-manifold Y
determines a homology class ??H1(Y,Z). - Any such map which represents the trivial
homology class is called a knot. - In particular, if YS3, any embedding of S1 in S3
will be a knot, since the first homology of S3 is
19Trefoil in S3
A projection diagram for the trefoil in the
standard sphere
20Heegaard diagrams for knots
- A pair of marked points on the surface S of a
Heegaard diagram H for a three-manifold Y
determine a pair of paths between the critical
points of indices 0 and 3. These two arcs
together determine an image of S1 embedded in Y.
21Heegaard diagrams for knots
- A pair of marked points on the surface S of a
Heegaard diagram H for a three-manifold Y
determine a pair of paths between the critical
points of indices 0 and 3. These two arcs
together determine an image of S1 embedded in Y. - Any knot in Y may be realized in this way using
some Morse function and the corresponding
Heegaard diagram.
22Two points on the surface S determine a knot in Y
23Heegaard diagrams for knots
- A Heegaard diagram for a knot K is a set
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z,w)
- where z,w are two marked points in the
complement of the curves ?1,?2,,?g, and
?1,?2,,?g on the surface S.
24Heegaard diagrams for knots
- A Heegaard diagram for a knot K is a set
H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z,w) - where z,w are two marked points in the
complement of the curves ?1,?2,,?g, and
?1,?2,,?g on the surface S. - There is an arc connecting z to w in the
complement of (?1,?2,,?g), and another arc
connecting them in the complement of
(?1,?2,,?g). Denote them by ?? and ??.
25Heegaard diagrams for knots
- The two marked points z,w determine the trivial
homology class if and only if the closed curve
??-?? can be written as a linear combination of
the curves (?1,?2,,?g), and (?1,?2,,?g)
in the first homology of S.
26Heegaard diagrams for knots
- The two marked points z,w determine the trivial
homology class if and only if the closed curve
??-?? can be written as a linear combination of
the curves (?1,?2,,?g), and (?1,?2,,?g)
in the first homology of S. - The first homology group of Y may be determined
from the Heegaard diagram H - H1(Y,Z)H1(S,Z)/?1 ?g ?1 ?g0
27A Heegaard diagram for the trefoil
28Constructing Heegaard diagrams for knots in S3
- Consider a plane projection of a knot K in S3.
29Constructing Heegaard diagrams for knots in S3
- Consider a plane projection of a knot K in S3.
- Construct a surface S by thickening this
30Constructing Heegaard diagrams for knots in S3
- Consider a plane projection of a knot K in S3.
- Construct a surface S by thickening this
projection. - Construct a union of simple closed curves of two
different colors, red and green, using the
following procedure
31The local construction of a Heegaard diagram from
a knot projection
32The local construction of a Heegaard diagram from
a knot projection
33The Heegaard diagram for trefoil after 2nd step
34Delete the outer green curve
35Add a new red curve and a pair of marked points
on its two sides so that the red curve
corresponds to the meridian of K.
36The green curves denote 1st collection of simple
closed curves
The red curves denote 2nd collection of simple
closed curves
37From topology to Heegaard diagrams
- Using this process we successfully extract a
topological structure (a three-manifold, or a
knot inside a three-manifold) from a set of
combinatorial data a marked Heegaard diagram - H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z1,,zn)
- where n is the number of marked points on
38From Heegaard diagrams to Floer homology
- Heegaard Floer homology associates a homology
theory to any Heegaard diagram with marked points.
39From Heegaard diagrams to Floer homology
- Heegaard Floer homology associates a homology
theory to any Heegaard diagram with marked
points. - In order to obtain an invariant of the
topological structure, we should show that if two
Heegaard diagrams describe the same topological
structure (i.e. 3-manifold or knot), the
associated homology groups are isomorphic.
40Main construction of HFH
- Fix a Heegaard diagram
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z1,,zn)
41Main construction of HFH
- Fix a Heegaard diagram
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z1,,zn)
- Construct the complex 2g-dimensional smooth
manifold - XSymg(S)(S?S??S)/S(g)
- where S(g) is the permutation group on g
letters acting on the g-tuples of points from S.
42Main construction of HFH
- Fix a Heegaard diagram
- H(S, (?1,?2,,?g),(?1,?2,,?g),z1,,zn)
- Construct the complex 2g-dimensional smooth
manifold - XSymg(S)(S?S??S)/S(g)
- where S(g) is the permutation group on g
letters acting on the g-tuples of points from S. - Every complex structure on S determines a complex
structure on X.
43Main construction of HFH
- Consider the two g-dimensional tori
- T??1??2 ???g and T??1??2 ???g
- in ZS?S??S. The projection map from Z to X
embeds these two tori in X.
44Main construction of HFH
- Consider the two g-dimensional tori
- T??1??2 ???g and T??1??2 ???g
- in ZS?S??S. The projection map from Z to X
embeds these two tori in X. - These tori are totally real sub-manifolds of the
complex manifold X.
45Main construction of HFH
- Consider the two g-dimensional tori
- T??1??2 ???g and T??1??2 ???g
- in ZS?S??S. The projection map from Z to X
embeds these two tori in X. - These tori are totally real sub-manifolds of the
complex manifold X. - If the curves ?1,?2,,?g meet the curves
?1,?2,,?g transversally on S, T? will meet T?
transversally in X.
46Intersection points of T? and T?
- A point of intersection between T? and T?
consists of a g-tuple of points (x1,x2,,xg) such
that for some element ??S(g) we have xi??i???(i)
for i1,2,,g.
47Intersection points of T? and T?
- A point of intersection between T? and T?
consists of a g-tuple of points (x1,x2,,xg) such
that for some element ??S(g) we have xi??i???(i)
for i1,2,,g. - The complex CF(H), associated with the Heegaard
diagram H, is generated by the intersection
points x (x1,x2,,xg) as above. - The coefficient ring will be denoted by A,
- which is a Zu1,u2,,un-module.
48Differential of the complex
- The differential of this complex should have the
following form -
- The values b(x,y)?A should be determined. Then
d may be linearly extended to CF(H).
49Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- For x,y?????? consider the space ???x,y? of the
homotopy types of the disks satisfying the
following properties - u0,1?R?C?X
- u(0,t)??? , u(1,t)???
- u(s,?)x , u(s,-?)y
50Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- For x,y?????? consider the space ???x,y? of the
homotopy types of the disks satisfying the
following properties - u0,1?R?C?X
- u(0,t)??? , u(1,t)???
- u(s,?)x , u(s,-?)y
- For each ?????x,y? let M(?) denote the moduli
space of holomorphic maps u as above representing
the class ?.
51Differential of the complex b(x,y)
52Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- There is an action of R on the moduli space M(?)
by translation of the second component by a
constant factor If u(s,t) is holomorphic, then
u(s,tc) is also holomorphic.
53Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- There is an action of R on the moduli space M(?)
by translation of the second component by a
constant factor If u(s,t) is holomorphic, then
u(s,tc) is also holomorphic. - If ???? denotes the formal dimension or expected
dimension of M(?), then the quotient moduli space
is expected to be of dimension ????-1. We may
manage to achieve the correct dimension.
54Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- Let n(?? denote the number of points in the
quotient moduli space (counted with a sign) if
????1. Otherwise define n(??0.
55Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- Let n(?? denote the number of points in the
quotient moduli space (counted with a sign) if
????1. Otherwise define n(??0. - Let n(j,?? denote the intersection number
- of L(zj)zj?Symg-1(S)? Symg(S)X
- with ?.
56Differential of the complex b(x,y)
- Let n(?? denote the number of points in the
quotient moduli space (counted with a sign) if
????1. Otherwise define n(??0. - Let n(j,?? denote the intersection number
- of L(zj)zj?Symg-1(S)? Symg(S)X
- with ?.
- Define b(x,y)?? n(??.?j uj n(j,??
- where the sum is over all ?????x,y?.
57Two examples in dimension two
Example 1.
58Two examples in dimension two
Example 1.
There is a unique holomorphic Disk, up to
reparametrization of the domain, by
Riemann Mapping theorem
59Two examples in dimension two
Example 1.
60Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
61Two examples in dimension two
There is a unique holomorphic disk from x to y,
up to reparametrization of the domain, by
Riemann Mapping theorem
Example 2.
62Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
63Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
The disk connecting x to z
64Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
The disk connecting z to w
65Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
The disk connecting y to w
66Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
67Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
There is a one parameter family of disks
connecting x to y parameterized by the length of
the cut
68Two examples in dimension two
Example 2.
69Basic properties
- The first observation is that d20.
70Basic properties
- The first observation is that d20.
- This may be checked easily in the two examples
discussed here.
71Basic properties
- The first observation is that d20.
- This may be checked easily in the two examples
discussed here. - In general the proof uses a description of the
boundary of M???/ when ??????. Here denotes
the equivalence relation obtained by
R-translation. Gromov compactness theorem and a
gluing lemma should be used.
72Basic properties
- Theorem (Ozsváth-Szabó) The homology groups
HF(H,A) of the complex (CF(H),d) are invariants
of the pointed Heegaard diagram H. For a
three-manifold Y, or a knot (K?Y), the homology
group is in fact independent of the specific
Heegaard diagram used for constructing the chain
complex and gives homology groups HF(Y,A) and
HFK(K,A) respectively.
73Refinements of these homology groups
- Consider the space Spinc(Y) of Spinc-structures
on Y. This is the space of homology classes of
nowhere vanishing vector fields on Y. Two
non-vanishing vector fields on Y are called
homologous if they are isotopic in the complement
of a ball in Y.
74Refinements of these homology groups
- Consider the space Spinc(Y) of Spinc-structures
on Y. This is the space of homology classes of
nowhere vanishing vector fields on Y. Two
non-vanishing vector fields on Y are called
homologous if they are isotopic in the complement
of a ball in Y. - The marked point z defines a map sz from the set
of generators of CF(H) to Spinc(Y) - sz??????Spinc(Y)
- defined as follows
75Refinements of these homology groups
- If x(x1,x2,,xg)?????? is an intersection
point, then each of xj determines a flow line for
the Morse function h connecting one of the
index-1 critical points to an index-2 critical
point. The marked point z determines a flow line
connecting the index-0 critical point to the
index-3 critical point.
76Refinements of these homology groups
- If x(x1,x2,,xg)?????? is an intersection
point, then each of xj determines a flow line for
the Morse function h connecting one of the
index-1 critical points to an index-2 critical
point. The marked point z determines a flow line
connecting the index-0 critical point to the
index-3 critical point. - All together we obtain a union of flow lines
joining pairs of critical points of indices of
different parity.
77Refinements of these homology groups
- The gradient vector field may be modified in a
neighborhood of these paths to obtain a nowhere
vanishing vector field on Y.
78Refinements of these homology groups
- The gradient vector field may be modified in a
neighborhood of these paths to obtain a nowhere
vanishing vector field on Y. - The class of this vector field in Spinc(Y) is
independent of this modification and is denoted
by sz(x).
79Refinements of these homology groups
- The gradient vector field may be modified in a
neighborhood of these paths to obtain a nowhere
vanishing vector field on Y. - The class of this vector field in Spinc(Y) is
independent of this modification and is denoted
by sz(x). - If x,y?????? are intersection points with
- ???x,y???, then sz(x) sz(y).
80Refinements of these homology groups
- This implies that the homology groups HF(Y,A)
decompose according to the Spinc structures over
Y - HF(Y,A)?s?Spin(Y)HF(Y,As)
81Refinements of these homology groups
- This implies that the homology groups HF(Y,A)
decompose according to the Spinc structures over
Y - HF(Y,A)?s?Spin(Y)HF(Y,As)
- For each s?Spinc(Y) the group HF(Y,As) is also
an invariant of the three-manifold Y and the
Spinc structure s.
82Some examples
- For S3, Spinc(S3)s0 and HF(Y,As0)A
83Some examples
- For S3, Spinc(S3)s0 and HF(Y,As0)A
- For S1?S2, Spinc(S1?S2)Z. Let s0 be the Spinc
structure such that c1(s0)0, then for s?s0,
HF(Y,As)0. Furthermore we have HF(Y,As0)A?A,
where the homological gradings of the two copies
of A differ by 1.
84Heegaard diagram for S3
The opposite sides of the rectangle should be
identified to obtain a torus (surface of genus1)
85Heegaard diagram for S3
Only one generator x, and no differentials so
the homology will be A
86Heegaard diagram for S1?S2
Only two generators x,y and two homotopy classes
of disks of index 1.
87Heegaard diagram for S1?S2
The first disk connecting x to y, with Maslov
index one.
88Heegaard diagram for S1?S2
The second disk connecting x to y, with Maslov
index one. The sign will be different from the
first one.
89Heegaard diagram for S1?S2
d(x)d(y)0 sz(x)sz(y)s0 ?(x)?(y)11 HF(S1?S2,
A,s0) A?x??A?y?
90Some other simple cases
91Some other simple cases
- Lens spaces L(p,q)
- S3n(K) the result of n-surgery on alternating
knots in S3. The result may be understood in
terms of the Alexander polynomial of the knot.
92Some other simple cases
- Lens spaces L(p,q)
- S3n(K) the result of n-surgery on alternating
knots in S3. The result may be understood in
terms of the Alexander polynomial of the knot. - Connected sums of pieces of the above type There
is a connected sum formula.
93Connected sum formula
- Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)?Spinc(Y2) Maybe the
better notation is Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)Spinc(Y2
94Connected sum formula
- Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)?Spinc(Y2) Maybe the
better notation is Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)Spinc(Y2
) - HF(Y1Y2,As1s2)
- HF(Y1,As1)?AHF(Y2,As2)
95Connected sum formula
- Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)?Spinc(Y2) Maybe the
better notation is Spinc(Y1Y2)Spinc(Y1)Spinc(Y2
) - HF(Y1Y2,As1s2)
- HF(Y1,As1)?AHF(Y2,As2)
- In particular for AZ, as a trivial Zu1-module,
the connected sum formula is usually simple (in
96Refinements for knots
- Consider the space of relative Spinc structures
Spinc(Y,K) for a knot (Y,K)
97Refinements for knots
- Consider the space of relative Spinc structures
Spinc(Y,K) for a knot (Y,K) - Spinc(Y,K) is by definition the space of homology
classes of non-vanishing vector fields in the
complement of K which converge to the orientation
of K.
98Refinements for knots
- The pair of marked points (z,w) on a Heegaard
diagram H for K determine a map from the set of
generators x?????? to Spinc(Y,K),
denoted by sK(x) ?Spinc(Y,K).
99Refinements for knots
- The pair of marked points (z,w) on a Heegaard
diagram H for K determine a map from the set of
generators x?????? to Spinc(Y,K),
denoted by sK(x) ?Spinc(Y,K). - In the simplest case where AZ, the coefficient
of any y?????? in d(x) is zero, unless
100Refinements for knots
- This is a better refinement in comparison with
the previous one for three-manifolds - Spinc(Y,K)Z?Spinc(Y)
101Refinements for knots
- This is a better refinement in comparison with
the previous one for three-manifolds - Spinc(Y,K)Z?Spinc(Y)
- In particular for YS3 and standard knots we have
- Spinc(K)Spinc(S3,K)Z
- We restrict ourselves to this case, with AZ!
102Some results for knots in S3
- For each s?Z, we obtain a homology group HF(K,s)
which is an invariant for K.
103Some results for knots in S3
- For each s?Z, we obtain a homology group HF(K,s)
which is an invariant for K. - There is a homological grading induced on
HF(K,s). As a result - HF(K,s)?i?Z HFi(K,s)
104Some results for knots in S3
- For each s?Z, we obtain a homology group HF(K,s)
which is an invariant for K. - There is a homological grading induced on
HF(K,s). As a result - HF(K,s)?i?Z HFi(K,s)
- So each HF(K,s) has a well-defined Euler
characteristic ?(K,s)
105Some results for knots in S3
- The polynomial
- PK(t)?s?Z ?(K,s).ts
- will be the symmetrized Alexander polynomial
of K.
106Some results for knots in S3
- The polynomial
- PK(t)?s?Z ?(K,s).ts
- will be the symmetrized Alexander polynomial
of K. - There is a symmetry as follows
- HFi(K,s)HFi-2s(K,-s)
107Some results for knots in S3
- The polynomial
- PK(t)?s?Z ?(K,s).ts
- will be the symmetrized Alexander polynomial
of K. - There is a symmetry as follows
- HFi(K,s)HFi-2s(K,-s)
- HF(K) determines the genus of K as follows
108Genus of a knot
- Suppose that K is a knot in S3.
109Genus of a knot
- Suppose that K is a knot in S3.
- Consider all the oriented surfaces C with one
boundary component in S3\K such that the boundary
of C is K.
110Genus of a knot
- Suppose that K is a knot in S3.
- Consider all the oriented surfaces C with one
boundary component in S3\K such that the boundary
of C is K. - Such a surface is called a Seifert surface for K.
111Genus of a knot
- Suppose that K is a knot in S3.
- Consider all the oriented surfaces C with one
boundary component in S3\K such that the boundary
of C is K. - Such a surface is called a Seifert surface for K.
- The genus g(K) of K is the minimum genus for a
Seifert surface for K.
112HFH determines the genus
- Let d(K) be the largest integer s such that
HF(K,s) is non-trivial.
113HFH determines the genus
- Let d(K) be the largest integer s such that
HF(K,s) is non-trivial. - Theorem (Ozsváth-Szabó) For any knot K in S3,
114HFH and the 4-ball genus
- In fact there is a slightly more interesting
invariant ?(K) defined from HF(K,A), where
AZu1-1,u2-1, which gives a lower bound for the
4-ball genus g4(K) of K.
115HFH and the 4-ball genus
- In fact there is a slightly more interesting
invariant ?(K) defined from HF(K,A), where
AZu1-1,u2-1, which gives a lower bound for the
4-ball genus g4(K) of K. - The 4-ball genus in the smallest genus of a
surface in the 4-ball with boundary K in S3,
which is the boundary of the 4-ball.
116HFH and the 4-ball genus
- The 4-ball genus gives a lower bound for the
un-knotting number u(K) of K.
117HFH and the 4-ball genus
- The 4-ball genus gives a lower bound for the
un-knotting number u(K) of K. - Theorem(Ozsváth-Szabó)
- ?(K) g4(K)u(K)
118HFH and the 4-ball genus
- The 4-ball genus gives a lower bound for the
un-knotting number u(K) of K. - Theorem(Ozsváth-Szabó)
- ?(K) g4(K)u(K)
- Corollary(Milnor conjecture, 1st proved by
Kronheimer-Mrowka using gauge theory) - If T(p,q) denotes the (p,q) torus knot, then
119T(p,q) p strands, q twists
- HF(K) is completely determined from the
symmetrized Alexander polynomial and the
signature s(K), if K is an alternating knot.
- HF(K) is completely determined from the
symmetrized Alexander polynomial and the
signature s(K), if K is an alternating knot. - Torus knots, three-strand pretzel knots, etc.
- HF(K) is completely determined from the
symmetrized Alexander polynomial and the
signature s(K), if K is an alternating knot. - Torus knots, three-strand pretzel knots, etc.
- Small knots We know the answer for all knots up
to 14 crossings.
123Why is it possible to compute?
- There is an easy way to understand the homotopy
classes of disks in ???x,y) when the associated
relative Spinc structures associated with x,y in
Spinc(K) are the same.
124Why is it possible to compute?
- There is an easy way to understand the homotopy
classes of disks in ???x,y) when the associated
relative Spinc structures associated with x,y in
Spinc(K) are the same. - Let ? be an element in ???x,y), and let
z1,z2,,zm be marked points on S, one in each
connected component of the complement of the
curves in S.
125Why is it possible to compute?
- Consider the subspaces L(zj)zj?Symg-1(S) and
let n(j,?) be the intersection number of ? with
126Why is it possible to compute?
- Consider the subspaces L(zj)zj?Symg-1(S) and
let n(j,?) be the intersection number of ? with
L(zj). - The collection of integers n(j,?), j1,,m
determine the homotopy class ?.
127Why is it possible to compute?
- Consider the subspaces L(zj)zj?Symg-1(S) and
let n(j,?) be the intersection number of ? with
L(zj). - The collection of integers n(j,?), j1,,m
determine the homotopy class ?. - There is a simple combinatorial way to check if
such a collection determines a homotopy class in
???x,y) or not.
128Why is it possible to compute?
- There is a combinatorial formula for the expected
dimension of ???? of M(?) in terms of n(j,?) and
the geometry of the curves on S.
129Why is it possible to compute?
- There is a combinatorial formula for the expected
dimension of ???? of M(?) in terms of n(j,?) and
the geometry of the curves on S. - We know that if n(?) is not zero, then ????1,
and all n(j,?) are non-negative. Furthermore, if
zz1 and wz2, then n(1,?) n(2,?)0.
130Why is it possible to compute?
- These are strong restrictions. For example these
restrictions are enough for a complete
computation for alternating knots.
131Why is it possible to compute?
- These are strong restrictions. For example these
restrictions are enough for a complete
computation for alternating knots. - In other cases, these are still pretty strong,
and help a lot with the computations.
132Why is it possible to compute?
- These are strong restrictions. For example these
restrictions are enough for a complete
computation for alternating knots. - In other cases, these are still pretty strong,
and help a lot with the computations. - There are computer programs (e.g. by Monalescue)
which provide all the simplifications of the
above type in the computations.
133Some domains for which the moduli space is known
Any 2n-gone as shown here with alternating red
and green edges corresponds to as moduli space
contributing 1 to the differential
134Some domains for which the moduli space is known
The same is true for the same type of polygons
with a number of circles excluded as shown in
the picture.
135Relation to the three-manifold invariants
- Theorem (Ozsváth-Szabó) Heegaard Floer complex
for a knot K determines the Heegaard Floer
homology for three-manifolds obtained by surgery
on K.
136Relation to the three-manifold invariants
- Theorem (E.) More generally if a 3-manifold is
obtained from two knot-complements by identifying
them on the boundary, then the Heegaard Floer
complexs of the two knots, determine the Heegaard
Floer homology of the resulting three-manifold